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/lit/ - Literature

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15430901 No.15430901[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

nooooo bros, I thought Kantbot was one of us??!

>> No.15430906

He is seething so hard lol

>> No.15430908

he is, he just accurately describes the experience of being a reactionary on a left-wing college campus
t. Evolafag, can confirm this is how it looks

>> No.15430912


Why people keep pushing those bad memes? If they were good you wouldn't need to push them.

>> No.15430949

red scare turned him into a berniebro simp

>> No.15430953

>was one of us
fuck off, this is a marxist board

>> No.15430981

If you genuinely are a conversative and aren't memeing, you're a retarded faggot. Simple as

>> No.15431074

Not anymore

>> No.15431086

Ever notice him and logo get jealous of the success of others
Then their only responses are wojak memes, “you mad”, “you triggered”, saying something doesn’t exist.
The final tide turning against them will be glorious.

>> No.15431087

fuck off this is a post-modern board.

>> No.15431095

>this is a marxist board
Marxism doesn't make you appear any smarter. It's not even smart. Marxism is a dead horse having died of the tons of logical contradictions it embodies. It's stupid clinging to an ideology that has been proven to fail in practice simply because the originally scientific point has been turned into a moral one. That communism is not the next stage of capitalism (which was Marx's actual point) but that communism is somehow morally superior to capitalism.

>> No.15431109


Imagine getting triggered by communism in 2020.

>> No.15431129

>one of us
/lit/ is and gas been a left-wing board for a long time
Can you larpers fuck off back to /pol/ or /r9k/ and let the grown ups discuss literature in peace

>> No.15431152

No, it fucking isn't you retard.

>> No.15431160

>Marxism doesn't make you appear any smarter.
never claimed so. are you really implying that smart people browse this board?

>> No.15431164

>Marxism doesn't make you appear any smarter.
Ah yes, the most important part of any philosophy.

>> No.15431169

The influx of /pol/tard brainlets is the reason why /lit/ is garbage these days

>> No.15431178


>> No.15431184

not an argument silly teen. marxism has been proven objectively incorrect to a similar degree as creationism or freudianism.

>> No.15431196

That's not very boogeyman of you to appear like that. A boogeyman isn't manifest, that's part of what makes him a boogeyman.

>> No.15431221

I just don't want degenerates and retards like you clogging up the board with memes and low-effort posting
/lit/ used to be better years ago, you would know if you weren't a fucking tourist

>> No.15431244

Maybe you are just depressed and retarded

>> No.15431267

Who is he calling marginal? I mean who some pseud tween on Twitter calls a marginal 3rd rate philosopher doesn't hold much weight t b h. I imagine the people he is referring too make him look illiterate

>> No.15431276
File: 418 KB, 220x268, animu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a marxist board

>> No.15431296

He probably saw that thread dissing him yesterday. Also stop making threads about him. Not literature.

>> No.15431303

Check out the material dialectic on this guy

>> No.15431310

Evola and Guenon are definitely marginal and irrelevant to actual academics. He's right

>> No.15431315

>It's stupid clinging to an ideology that has been proven to fail in practice simply because the originally scientific point has been turned into a moral one.
Actually, Marx was all in favour of the moral point but after reading The Unique and Its Property he had to find a way to cope and invented Historical Materialism.

>> No.15431339
File: 126 KB, 1040x331, EvolaInitiate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROFL hence why they are esoteric because morons don't have the knowledge or intellect or understand their work. When in the fuck have esoteric writers ever part of academia?

>> No.15431340

I know you're trying an irony here but yes that is the implicit goal of every "philosophy", so called

>> No.15431348
File: 123 KB, 824x188, EvolaOnDonks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*been part of academia
No he isn't right he is a dumbass and so are you. Guenon isn't "right wing" btw you wet brained donkey

>> No.15431356

I'm not a Guenon/Evola fan (never have read them, either), I'm a "start with the Greeks and finish with the Romans" guy.
Isn't this kind of argument he is making kind of dishonest? Implying that the people who read authors you dislike do so because they want to look cool instead of honestly wanting to find the truth?

And instead of criticizing their ideas trying to reduce their status by calling them uncool and saying their favorite writers are 3rd rate?

>> No.15431361

>All the retarded /pol/cels seething to this FACT
Kek, this is hilarious.
Better deal with the reality that your intellectual ruin of an ideology is an embarrassment you little faggots.

>> No.15431367

>but yes that is the implicit goal of every "philosophy"
Not so, start with the Greeks plebe scum.

>> No.15431368

Academia has actively hidden real occult science knowledge and history pushing (((Einsteinian))) relativity quackery instead as a red herring. You are a stone cold retard why ar you even in this thread? I will bet both my nuts you have never read any of these authors and if you did you would have no clue wtf you were even reading.

>> No.15431370 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 1693x2048, EYMKSwnXsAExuPy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe it is in reference to this.

>> No.15431375

Those guys are 3rd rate no matter how much the people who read them (or claim to) seethe.

>> No.15431378

Followed by this

>> No.15431380

makes sense, ty anon

>> No.15431385

Yes, that is why no one gives a shit about Evola. It's a conspiracy.

>> No.15431392

You are a fucking moron kys you fucking retard

>> No.15431403


>> No.15431407


>> No.15431419
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x2448, 46E9D429-F673-44D6-B851-31348E16337F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“The post socratics were decadent moralists, they were anti-hellenics. Dare I say Jews even”

t. Nietzsche

>> No.15431440

He is literally mad because BAP and people like him call him a fat incel
As if anyone couldn't see that he's a fat incel lmao

>> No.15431476
File: 196 KB, 750x450, 1569895860020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes seething because the wacky-post-german-romanticism-shitposter schtick he pulls on milquetoast blue checkmarks falls short against one simple "post physique"

>> No.15431496
File: 76 KB, 1000x565, kantbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15431543

wow he's so ironic and fat and jewish. very cool.

>> No.15431545

Pretty easy to mock other's weight when BAP remains anonymous.

>> No.15431556

>this is a marxist board
No, that's /mlp/

>> No.15431559

frank yang said he met BAP and that he was ripped and about 6'2

>> No.15431613

/lit/ is a board far above Jewish ideologies driven by feelings of inferiority, resentment and envy. And beyond all of this, it fails when put into practice. Fuck off, Bunkerchan

>> No.15431623

what's his real name anyway ?

>> No.15431625

i wish /pol/ was at least consistent in their beliefs

>> No.15431668

Imagine not knowing /lit/ is a Georgist board. Capital and labor must both be given their due, and no inherent conflict exists between them.

>> No.15431682

I can't believe he hasn't been doxxed yet. facefags are the cringiest retards ever, either remain anonymous or use your real name, I'm not calling a grown man "kantbot."

>> No.15431690

>every Evolafag in the modern world is a /pol/ larper who has only just begun reading philosophy
You deserve people looking at you that way

>> No.15431696

Nah we're a Yockeyite board

>> No.15431699

He's making fun of BAP and the other retarded "esoteric bodybuilders", who he's currently in a beef with.

>> No.15431701

why do guys like him and that weird miya troon act with the weird ironic narcissism and god complex? it's not funny, just obnoxious

>> No.15431704

/lit/ is a board that should transcend retarded ideologies that sprang from or evolved in response to humanism like liberalism fascism or Marxism.
If you fall into either of those three categories you definitely should not be here

>> No.15431715

Kantbot at least is funny. Logo is just a massive faggot.

>> No.15431719

dude we are the board between /jp/ and /mlp/ dont tell me that this is the place that will transcend all political thought

>> No.15431725

>either of those three

>> No.15431726

I saw people freaking out about this tweet and now its fucking posted here. My home!!!!! What the fuck sis everyone expect? The dude acts out his philosophy by negging people. This whole situation is fucking obnoxious

>> No.15431735

Marxism is fundamentally Abrahamic, though stripped of all religious trappings.

>> No.15431746


>> No.15431752

Twitterposting should be bannable
Stop shitting up the board with literally who e-celebs

>> No.15431753

Fascism isn't a response to humanism, though

>> No.15431757
File: 147 KB, 1356x911, watton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this clueless and trying to be condescending, pottery me thinks

>> No.15431769

Twitter is the future of /lit/

>> No.15431786

>here let me just quote this literal who, who disagrees with you
thanks i finally see that neo-liberalism is the way forward for the white man

>> No.15431791

>Universal brotherhood of man
lol wut

>> No.15432057

Kantbot is a Marxist

>> No.15432079

He is. He is /lit/ as fuck.

>> No.15432092

He wishes.

>> No.15432102

no. this is a /pol/ board.
simp cuck /pol/ redpill. cringe bluepill cuck. dilate seethe cope. redpill based based. simp based cuck cope bluepill cringe.

>> No.15432113

cope cuck seethe dilate. you just posted cringe bluepill.

>> No.15432114 [DELETED] 

yes it is that's why quality posters are living and faggots like you're flooding.

>> No.15432119

redpill based seethe dilate dilate cope seethe. this is a /pol/ board. seethe dilate cope cuck simp redpill based. bluepill cringe. this is a /pol/ board

>> No.15432121

I love you dude, no homo.

>> No.15432127

based dilate

>> No.15432159

You are very ignorant.

>> No.15432166
File: 8 KB, 250x215, pepe and trans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not today tranny.

>> No.15432185

Can't we just aspire to be a rationalist board instead?

>> No.15432203

No niggers here prefer to sling shit at each other instead of discussing L I T E R A T U R E since they don't read

>> No.15432239


>> No.15432282

You know posturing like that doesnt work very well on the internet, right? The psychological associations we make with ostracism in the face of humiliation tend to only register in face to face/verbal conversations.
Since there are fewer cheap shortcuts to making people feel bad over text, you usually have to end up actually showing someone they're wrong to get the same effect.