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File: 1.83 MB, 1696x2560, FUCKDUNE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15430338 No.15430338 [Reply] [Original]

I was just reminded I should post this again.
This will be indefinitely reoccuring till there are no more (positive) Dune threads on /lit/.
Only once the general sentiment is to ridicule anyone who praises Dune on sight these threads won't be necessary anymore.
>muh world building

>> No.15430359


>> No.15430366


It isn't bad sci-fi. FU, OP.

>> No.15430444

I respect you, OP.

>> No.15430450

You should reread Dune over and over so you can find all of its faults

>> No.15430465


There are plenty, but it is a decent book. I haven't read the entire series though, not going to either.

>> No.15430801

Based fuck dune poster.

Let's post some actually literary genre fiction recs here. I'll start.
>Gene Wolfe

>> No.15430804



>> No.15430922

I thought of taking images of especially horrible passages, but I really do not want to waste my time reading another word from that god awful book ever again.
it is enough to just be able to mention the Mary Sue assassin baby, anytime this cringelord mentioned "jihad" in some prophetic manner or jsut reminding everyone of the embarassing ending versus the quickly created villain in a pathetic one vs one for absolutely no fucking reason but some cringe soi motivation that would only inspire Star Wars Rey fans where (spoiler) the other mary Sue character, Paul, wins.

It is such a horrible book I really feel almost assaulted by being recommended to read it so many times. As long as I can help prevent others of this misfortune I will continue making these threads.

>> No.15431969

dune is middle school trash

>> No.15431980

Reread it? I haven't even read it once.

>> No.15432054

I love Dune.

>> No.15432066

my girlfriend got me this for my birthday, but the order was cancelled (it was DUNE Deluxe edition) should I tell her to get the trilogy instead? it costs the same

>> No.15432122

gotta admit I enjoy the autism in those threads
I'm reading the book currently and it's not very good thus far
>exposition dumps injected unnaturally into dialogues
>predictable, linear plot
>internal monologues breaking the pace of dialogue scenes, like those time-freeze scenes in anime
>the mc literally kung-fu kicks a goon with his big toe so hard that the goon's heart explodes
>"the villain underestimates the hero and loses because of it" trope

>> No.15432188

F*uck Dune

>> No.15432248

Decided to pick up Dune again partly because of you. Good read. Thanks OP!

>> No.15432257

is the movie worth watching?

>> No.15432397

>Gene Wolfe


>> No.15432413
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I love my Dune collection.

>> No.15432433
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Is this the better 'Dune' ?

>> No.15432510

Hyperion is terrible. There isn't a single valid criticism of Dune that doesn't also apply to Hyperion twice as strongly.

>> No.15432539

I want to see actual examples like with GRRM passages, I've never read Dune

>> No.15432620

really really poor bait btw.
No (you)s for you.

>> No.15432645

That's just your opinion, therefore irrelevant.

>> No.15432751

Dune and dune messiah were interesting reads as you were drawn in by the world that was being built out.

Children of Dune was an absolute slog as the newness of the sci-fi premise wears off, and a single scene is drawn out to be 5 chapters long with each word or glance hinting at some shift in alliance or betrayal.

Not going to read anymore after this. Clear the author ran out of things to say. Probably something focused on mystery or characterization without the sci-fi trappings would be a better use of time.

>> No.15433037

I grew up watching the Lynch movie and find it to be a very apt contrast to the hollow garbage that Hollywood pushes out today.

>> No.15433102

Didn't even enjoy Dune that much but I'm going to start posting threads about it just to spite you OP

>> No.15433121

I was kind of sympathetic on day one. now you are just acting like a fag. The book is fine with it's strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.15433162


The first book was good but, the follow two felt like the author smelling his own farts.

>> No.15434288

>This will be indefinitely reoccuring till there are no more (positive) Dune threads on /lit/.
There’s maybe one Dune thread a month and it only gets like 10 relies max. You’re obsessing over nothing

>> No.15434383

Dune was a good video game

>> No.15434416

There's gonna be a new movie

>> No.15434423

yes and no. great set design and costumes, pretty bad movie.

>> No.15434516
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>tfw OP is actually mad over science fiction book series

>> No.15435124

Dune was a mistake.

>> No.15435137
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>> No.15435155

>he got filtered by fucking dune

>> No.15435168

love dune

>> No.15435323

Not to be rude but: I Hate Dune desu

>> No.15435580

So are Dune and Hyperion really the best space operas that the sci-fi genre has to offer?

>> No.15435634

this is so funny

>> No.15436381
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>thinks good literature is cringe
>leddit spacing
Every time

>> No.15436397
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Dune is my favorite book, I read it yearly. I can only imagine this hate is because of the new show or the sequels to the original novel. I don't really care about the sequels.
Anyway Dune reads like a religious text so if you're illiterate in scripture or the Greek epics than I get how it could be intimidating to you. Anyway OP I hope the tv show or the movie can help you understand the parts of the book that were too complicated for you. Maybe try an audiobook next time?

>> No.15436475

Is this the based general? WHO I AM KIDDING OF COURSE IT IS

>> No.15436530

LOL. I also read this a couple of months ago. One of my friends had fond memories of reading it in highschool and highly encouraged me to read it. It was an easy read. I liked it.
What exactly do you hate about it?
One aspect I hated about these exposition dumps was how Paul was praised by other characters for almost trivial/obvious observations. Also his abilities didn't quite deliver what I was expecting. Many of the characters were underexplored like Duncan who was supposed to be an ambassador to the Fremen. Hawat was hyped as a powerful mentat but he failed in almost everything he set out to do. Also Yueh breaking his conditioning and betraying the Atreides is so uninspired.

>> No.15437864

yes it is

>> No.15437869

The book wasn’t good in the sense that it flowed or was challenging or had characters with depth or said much about the human condition, but it was a fun romp and a page turner. I wanted to know what happened next and I was into the plot drama and the science fiction elements. It was great for getting me back into reading.

>> No.15437898
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Hey man. Is there anything >>15436397 to cum to in Dune?? I'm gonna >>15436530 be thinking of picking up a new book soon, uh huh. Yup. But like, >>15432751 you know, I'm gonna nut. I've gotta nut. I >>15432122 really just can't read something without jerkin it. Help me out?

>> No.15438042

he said Jihad and prophet and used arabic words WOW! So religious. Dune is my new religion! Yay!
best post itt

>> No.15438295


>> No.15438313

I have to agree. Except for the passage with the doctor in the desert, which is possibly the only salvable piece in terms of conceptual "depth", the rest of the book is very shallow, characters are extremely weak, and Paul is, indeed, a Mary Sue. It may have been a nice one if the author focused more on inner states of the character, which he was uncapable of doing effectively.

>> No.15438321

NO, fuck you retard.

>> No.15438829

Not the guy, but go fuck yourself you smug shithead

>> No.15439063

12 year olds are not allowed here, toddler

>> No.15439342

Kick me out if you can, faggot.