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/lit/ - Literature

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15428712 No.15428712[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know this is gonna sound weird but I feel like a boy again. I got high the other night and saw from the perspective of people that haven’t been habitually conditioned to degeneracy of all kinds, that actually felt disgust at stuff we would laugh off. I was getting drunk watching Goon just now and I felt it, what I felt like before my brain was dephormed but the internet.

>> No.15428743

well maybe try to stop getting drunk alone then

>> No.15428745


>> No.15428750

Yo, you felt empathy brah. Good for you.

>> No.15428762


Get out of here before it is too late.

>> No.15428899
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I’ve been browsing 4chan since I was 14

>> No.15428910

Same man. I participated in livestream suicides when I was 16.
The internet was a mistake.

>> No.15428915


I can't even imagine what kind of degeneracy feels like normal to you.

>> No.15429856
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>> No.15429876

>I participated in livestream suicides

Why would you do that? What's the appeal?

>> No.15429897

What do you mean by degeneracy? Two men kissing and having buttsex? or sheer cruelty towards other people and animals? The first is just pearl clutching, the latter is genuinely disgusting to me and that has changed since I was a child

>> No.15430016
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>he feels the need to interject on behalf of fags
You are pathetic.

>> No.15430039

W T F so you are saying you have watched a MAN thrust his dick in another MAN's ass? Literally disgusting, I need to get drunk right away just to wash this image out of my head.

>> No.15430043


>> No.15430050
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I did when I was 13

>> No.15430088

>Age regression occurs when someone reverts to a younger state of mind. This retreat may be only a few years younger than the person’s physical age. It could also be much younger, into early childhood or even infancy.

>> No.15430117

I want to spoon Shinji

>> No.15430139

Go back to the moon Kaeoru

>> No.15430208

Both you disgusting faggot

>> No.15430234

4chan is satire, redd*t

>> No.15430237
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lmao go be anal retentive on >>>/pol/

>> No.15430292

>4chan existed when you were 14

fucking zooomers

>> No.15431990
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Do acid and you will be that child again

>> No.15432034

4chan is 17 years old

>> No.15432076

>tranny thoughts

I just want to be cute AND be a boy at the same time

>> No.15432126

Two men can only masturbate into each other's assholes, they cannot have sex. They can have GRIDS, however...

>> No.15432176
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This is a unique psychic experience in a mans life; I know not the reason but nonetheless I know this phenomena exists.

>> No.15432213

ar u a ghost?????

>> No.15432226

I know that feel bro; but I mean all it's really done has psychologically distanced myself from my friends with the unique memes here. But that was only for a year and then I got back on track.

/lit/ was my first and has pretty much been my only board. It got me good grades with having to spell constantly and then correcting it as well as introducing thinkers like Kant into my high school assignments. Would occasionally troll or meme on 4chan with a few friends so I'd say 4chan has helped me in the long run; and I mentioned before I couldn't exactly spell, and I new nothing about culture or philosophy or history but now I know more than the average professor so I thank you /lit/. Oh and it also taught me how to be cool when I was sort of dorky so I learnt to be a bit rude to girls and realised they liked me when I wouldn't have had a clue before, but it's mainly just been being more confident and it's worked.

t. 18 yr old

>> No.15432373

You do you but I’m 22 now and I’ve felt like I was in the midst of madness for a while now.

>> No.15432415

This anon gets it

>> No.15432518

Been browsing since I was about 12.
t. 19

>> No.15432554

And what is the state of your mind?

>> No.15432583

>before I couldn't exactly spell, and I new nothing

>> No.15432604

People were perverts and degenerates before the internet. Anti-pornography/anti-internet are a psyop to make you a more efficient laborer.

>> No.15432626

same, was 11 the first time i watched some guy get beheaded and I'd say now that I'm in my mid twenties I'm pretty desensitized to all violence since I've watched so much of it on here, even that one of the cartel cutting that guys face off with a box cutter

>> No.15432659

Television and film were both degenerate as well as porno mags like playboy, even then though it never reached the levels of degeneracy that we are exposed to on a daily basis. I think ideally I’d like to go back to the 1890s.

>> No.15432704

If advertising ceased to exist everything would be alright with the world today

>> No.15432813

I don’t know if it’d 100% solve everything but we would be way better off without everything trying to brainwash us anywhere we turn to.

>> No.15432822

Enjoy your typhoid fever, bitch

>> No.15432825

Could you go into detail on what this would exactly change and what sort of society would we be living in if it were to happen. Corporate capitalism is desperately dependent on advertisement, if advertisement goes then we wouldn't care about name brands and just take whatever products are available to us locally.

>> No.15432850

>/lit/ - offtopic threads by pseudointellectuals who think the philosophy they heard about through cultural osmosis and wikipedia is interesting

>> No.15432856

Enjoy your wuhan virus faggot.

>> No.15432861

And TB. What I meant by humans were perverts before the internet, I meant that human beings are necessarily perverts. By perverts I mean highly sexual, our species wouldn't be able to procreate to a population of billions if we didn't have an obsession with sex. Men fucked adolescent boys in Greece. Prostitutes have played a necessary role in Western Civilization sexual expression since the Renaissance. In past eras of history children were more exposed to sexual acts than they are today. The idea that you should be a man in your twenties and thirties, you should "focus on yourself", "stop fapping", and do wood-burning as a hobby instead of having sex is a level of sexual repression that only exists in puritan times.

>> No.15432863

It was funny to me because old /b/ and ED warped my mind to a terrible extent.
Talking someone up to do it is not the same as doing it to oneself.

>> No.15432874


I honestly want to talk about f literature and my thread gets obfuscated by this pile of bs.

>> No.15432888

I think you should have sex, just have sex to make babies which people did all the time. It’s clearly degenerative and produces counter productive effects when you have sexuality that results in no sex shoved in your face 24/7. As well one of these effects is less sex being had, zoomers and millennials, particularly male zoomers and millennials, are having dramatically less sex then their parents and grandparents. I could write paragraphs about the unfulfillment and destitute mental state porn leaves the modern world in, as well as leaving it impotent.

>> No.15432890

Read Walt Whitman

>> No.15432912

Think of all the contradictions that are evident in our current society and you will realize every single one of them derives from the need to gather ad revenue
We are running around in circles for that invisible money. Our system has become so efficient at creating things we had to create ways to get rid of them - and so society was shaped in that direction. We have literally become pawns for the economy, and I don't say this like it's a conspiracy from "the man", it was the inevitable consequence. And advertising is what keeps this all together

>> No.15432944

If a ban on advertising were to happen it would be so catastrophic I don't even understand what would happen, because all of it would happen simultaneously.
The internet would disappear the way we know it, media would collapse, millions of people would have no jobs, companies wouldn't even know what to produce, or to whom
I can honestly only see it happen in a new civilization, we are doomed to fall with it - but I believe we have to get rid of it and treat it as the weapon of mass manipulation it really is
I mean right now even our own meaning of existence is so intricately tied to advertising we wouldn't even know how to live because we have forgotten how to live with people in a genuine way

>> No.15432970

That’s exactly what our world needs though.

>> No.15433111

>It’s clearly degenerative and produces counter productive effects when you have sexuality that results in no sex shoved in your face 24/7.

Interesting way to view the problem. In the examples I gave you earlier of supposed "perversion" it all involved actual sexual acts. Pornography has always existed in human art. But I think comparing cave paintings and pornhub would be disingenuous. I think internet porn addiction is a new phenomenon in how people are neurologically effected. With the internet there is the problem of the endless dopamine stimulation that occurs. And when you have a limitless catalog of porn to view your mind will never become bored. It takes discipline to stop viewing porn because there is no inherent difficulty or challenges you to cease.

Internet pornography has caused a level of voyeurism that would have been viewed as pathological by any previous standards of sexuality. There is sufficient evidence to support that porn addiction can lead to impotency in actual sexual scenarios. But is it really pathological if we view the act of sex itself as non-essential. Its completely possible for someone to be happy fappin once a day and still have meaningful relationships with others. This same person could be happy in an asexual yet romantic relationship with another asexual partner. Actual sex is only essential if there is a need to create new infants, but in our overpopulated world you could argue that relentless procreation is not necessary.

>> No.15433241

I'm the guy that said ban advertising, and you are right claiming porn is very different than other sexual art
Sexual art was a way to intellectually explain and conceptualize and understand sex, porn is a way to replace sex altogether because sex by itself isn't profitable enough
Our lives are being mediated through the filter of advertising and porn is just another way to infiltrate our lives by appropriating intimacy so they can sell it to us
Again this isn't a conspiracy just the inevitable consequence of the advertising based economy

>> No.15433261

>porn is a way to replace sex altogether
Why do people say stuff like this? There is no comparison between sex and pornography, it's like saying watching videos of people eating serve the same need as actually eating

>> No.15433380

It does though. Watching a video of a person eating wont give your brain the same dopamine rush as actually eating, but masturbating to sexually arousing images will give a similar dopamine rush as when you have sex. Also again there’s tons of evidence young men today are having tremendously less sex, a large part of this obviously being a result of widespread pornography in our lives.

>> No.15433571

wouldn't the decrease in sex be better attributed to the changes in sexual mores, rather than the availability of pornography?

>> No.15433586
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Why is anyone tolerating the OP's bullshit? What does this thread have to do with books? I hope you're all reporting this thread so it can get deleted. I'm so fucking sick of these Godawful FEELS threads. Take that shit to /r9k/ where it belongs. We hate it here.

>> No.15434125

Why not both?

>> No.15434167

Its been up for 17 hours

>> No.15434194
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I have spent a decade on this site and I want to die.

>> No.15434209

The Catcher in the Rye is about this feel.

>> No.15434228
File: 31 KB, 600x765, 1477441928287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan can be wholesome depending on the board.

>> No.15434234

this is the worst post I've seen on this board. Even Pol raids are more on topic than this.

>> No.15434248

I think... 16? I don't think 4chan has negatively affected me in any way. I do think it has desensitized me to darker content, but that is just pixels on a screen. People who don't go on this site watch horror movies, so I don't think the experience here is unique in any way.
I am very fortunate for this place though. There are very few places that could've guided me through music like /mu/. Since most music (and literature) forums online are a joke filled with unbearable affectation, I was grateful to have this one. After a while, of course, it becomes useless since you can guide yourself through music and know how to find good music without them. I am fortunate for /lit/ as well, for sharpening by ability to argue, and exposing me to philosophy at a young age. Now I mostly just come here to argue with others after a long day because it is fun destroying pseudointellectuals, so /lit/ still has some use to me.

>> No.15434266

which board is wholesome?

>> No.15434276
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>> No.15434277
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Because our mods are dogshit, what else is new?

>> No.15434286

>been browsing since I was 15, it's been 7 years now
where has time gone?

>> No.15434294

lol no

>> No.15434607

Of course there's no comparison, but that has no implication in the fact that it is being effectively used to replace it
The same way genuine human interaction has no comparison to social media profiles and likes, yet one is being actively replaced by the other
It's about controlling human activity in a way that can be marketed and profitable in a more efficient way

>> No.15434884


>> No.15434977

What do you care about sex when you won't ever have it you fucking sperglord?