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15428608 No.15428608 [Reply] [Original]

What is the happiest and most life-affirming shit you've ever read?

>> No.15428612


>> No.15428616

The Pleasure of Anal Sex with Men by Jack Mehoff

>> No.15428650

literature only makes you more depressed

>> No.15428657

Mein Kampf

>> No.15428677

Gospel means good news

>> No.15428793

Leaves of Grass
On the Road
Dharma Bums
Gargantua and Pantagruel
Don Quixote

>> No.15428801

>leaves of grass
Honestly most of the stuff by the transcendentalists makes me feel like I need to forgo society and go live a hobbit style /comfy/ life somewhere.

>> No.15428807


>> No.15428843


>> No.15428869

Race crime statistics.

>> No.15428880

cannery row by steinbeck, i felt like a million bucks after finishing it

>> No.15428887

love in the time of cholera

>> No.15428967

unironically yes

>> No.15428980

The Holy Bible
The Holy Quran

>> No.15428991

>Jack Mehoff
Surprisingly believable, I'm sure there are plenty of unfortunate guys named like that.

>> No.15429007

the art of racing in the rain

>tfw a doggo will never propel you to a higher level

>> No.15429031

>if you don't believe in YHWH (tribal war God of Israel) you'll burn for eternity
>life affirming

>> No.15429082

Absolutely life-denying.

>> No.15429138

Chuckled heartily irl

>> No.15429173

>Don Quixote
How the fuck is don Quijote a life affirming or happy book lmao? Did you even read it completely? It's an extremely pessimist and sad book.

>> No.15429208
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All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot and the subsequent books in the series. They are the memoirs of a country vet in the 1930s and they are absolutely some of the most comfy and wonderful books I've read. It really shows how life can be beautiful. I read them every year. Oh and the audiobooks are great also.

>> No.15429209

Because at the end of the day, dude, he really went for those windmills.
And I see Cervantes’ farcical approach as more than justifying the minor obligatory death scenes, scenes where reality intrudes, etc. The critique of the fantastical in turn opens up its higher possibilities

>> No.15429255

oh that sounds so comfy ty for the recommendation

>> No.15429268

For me so far it has been the Tao Te Ching. I read it so much that I memorized big parts of the particular translation. I really think philosophy could have called it quits when Laozi rode off on his donkey.

>> No.15429280

>laozi sounds like lousy
>confucious sounds like confusion
Those chinamen philosophers just can't catch a break

>> No.15429291

It is a crime that everyone has not read it

>> No.15429294

It's not like most people on the back of this Earth still pray to this God every day or anything. Jfc... :3

>> No.15429299

Make a Vocaroo

>> No.15429307

Yeah man np, this is also a rare case when I would recommend the audiobook over the book. The narration is excellent and really captures the charm of it all.

>> No.15429308


Here, that is the sound of my gf sucking my dick.

>> No.15429312

I’m honestly a democratic socialist or whatever it’s called (I like Sanders and agree generally with pretty much everything Chapo Trap House says) and one of the biggest reasons that chuds piss me off is they intentionally try to poke at the sleeping bear that is black America and black people more globally. I don’t know how you can look at black men and not view them as pretty much superior to whites in every way. They’re stronger, bigger and more composed than us and less prone to weird cringey behaviour. Like 99% of the alt right is guys who are insecure about black “superiority” and athleticism. It’s Freudian. They’re the closest thing the planet earth has to a legit master race (definitely not a bunch of doofuses in lederhosen) and it would be best to not provoke them. Normally I wouldn’t care if the chuds did this, you know get blacks to massacre them, but sadly I’m also white and I don’t want to be lumped in with these retards.

>> No.15429327

True, but if the simple man didn't laugh, it would not be the tao

>> No.15429345

Yeah, I know, you’ve only posted this, what, five times now?

>> No.15429353

I'm just joking man, relax. I'm eating candy. Warhead gummies.

>> No.15429385

Five Meditations on Beauty, François Cheng

>> No.15429407
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>> No.15429415

The Myth of Sysiphus.

>> No.15429422

>Death cults
>Life affirming
By their very definition, no.

Not an excuse, canker-sore

>> No.15429454

unironically this

>> No.15429464

>americans in charge of shitposting

>> No.15429729

Is this really uplifting or just a meme? I liked steppenwolf and glass pearl game but hated demian. Will I hate this too?

>> No.15429768

inspirational quoteposts on some chick's tumblr ca. 2011

>> No.15429794

kek you didn't get it, did you? Do you read the most literal interpretations into every novel you read?

>> No.15429802
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>> No.15429804

for you

>> No.15429811
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>> No.15429823
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The poems of Ryokan and Gensei

>> No.15429900

Gargantua and Pamtagruel
funny but also there's bloomer social commentary and characters are so nice as people

>> No.15429907

My favourite book 'In Tune with the Infinite' by Ralph Waldo Trine

>> No.15429911

“One for the morning glory” Was a comfy high fantasy that I still love
“Dictionary of the Khazars” was so interesting that it made me happy to try and decipher is secrets

>> No.15429969

Oy vey

>> No.15429980

My parents dog that they got when I was still in high school got put down today, and your recommendation reminded me again and now I'm sad again.

>> No.15429989

based Pavic poster
he's a slavic borges, more intense and earthly

>> No.15429994

I'm sorry anon, my cat died a few weeks ago and it's been a pretty sad time for me. I hope things get better for you. Those books really are pretty good though.

>> No.15429998

Is nietzsche life affirming?

>> No.15430008

Sorry about your cat anon. I might get the book for my mom to read. She majored in animal science before having me and knew a lot of vets.

>> No.15430012

Robert Walser

>> No.15430018

There’s a passage in there about words not being created by men but rather snatched from other men’s mouths and chewed until they are stale and nothing left of them and spat out upon the ground, it really stuck with me. It’s too late or I would post it instead of this stupid rambling post

>> No.15430029

Your mom might get more out of it than others because he's sometimes pretty in-depth when talking about operations and stuff.

>> No.15430057

Cool, she's taking this pretty hard, so I think I'm going to go ahead and do that. Thanks anon.

>> No.15430084

Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Overman -- a rope over an abyss.

A dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting.

What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal: what is lovable in man is that he is an over-going and a down-going.

I love those that know not how to live except as down-goers, for they are the over-goers.

I love the great despisers, because they are the great adorers, and arrows of longing for the other shore.

I love those who do not first seek a reason beyond the stars for going down and being sacrifices, but sacrifice themselves to the earth, that the earth may become the Overman's.

I love him who lives in order to know, and seeks to know in order that the Overman may hereafter live. Thus he seeks his own down-going.

I love him who labors and invents, that he may build the house for the Overman, and prepare for him earth, animal, and plant: for thus he seeks his own down-going.

I love him who loves his virtue: for virtue is the will to down-going, and an arrow of longing.

I love him who reserves no share of spirit for himself, but wants to be wholly the spirit of his virtue: thus he walks as spirit over the bridge.

I love him who makes his virtue his inclination and destiny: thus, for the sake of his virtue, he is willing to live on, or live no more.

I love him who desires not too many virtues. One virtue is more of a virtue than two, because it is more of a knot for one's destiny to cling to.

I love him whose soul is lavish, who wants no thanks and does not give back: for he always gives, and desires not to keep for himself.

I love him who is ashamed when the dice fall in his favor, and who then asks: "Am I a cheat?" -- for he wants to perish.

I love him who scatters golden words in advance of his deeds, and always does more than he promises: for he seeks his own down-going.

I love him who justifies the future ones, and redeems the past ones: for he is willing to perish through the present ones.

I love him who chastens his God, because he loves his God: for he must perish through the wrath of his God.

I love him whose soul is deep even in the wounding, and may perish through a small matter: thus he goes willingly over the bridge.

I love him whose soul is so overfull that he forgets himself, and all things are in him: thus all things become his down-going.

I love him who is of a free spirit and a free heart: thus is his head only the bowels of his heart; his heart, however, causes his down-going.

I love all who are like heavy drops falling one by one out of the dark cloud that lowers over man: they herald the coming of the lightning, and perish as heralds.

Lo, I am a herald of the lightning, and a heavy drop out of the cloud: the lightning, however, is the Overman!"

>> No.15430089


>> No.15430101

It's not faggot, even if he was a crazy man for believing so much in his ideal he was still loved and cherished by everyone in the end. and also HE DIDN'T DIE that was necessary for cervantes so that no copycats could write apocrific sequels as has happened before the second volume was finished

>> No.15430105

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

>> No.15430120

Take the religious pill.

“Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine,
There’s always laughter and good red wine.
At least I’ve always found it so.
Benedicamus Domino!”

>> No.15430131
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>> No.15430133

Shit, I just read the life affirming part and skipped over "happy" in your question, op. Its absolutely not a happy book, his accounts are devestating, but the strength of the author in face of hell on earth is admirable and indeed life affirming.

>> No.15430142 [DELETED] 

>>15430105 shit, I skipped over the "happy" part of the question of op, the book contains devestating accounts, its not happy at all. I just meant that the strength of the author in face of hell on earth is admirable and life affirming.

>> No.15430145

About mans search for meaning

>> No.15430183

>being so humble that you can kiss commoners feet
you wouldnt understand

>> No.15430242
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Honestly, more than any book, it's that fucking long meme made by this board about the people here trying to begin their journey to knowledge and wisdom, it had that "at last i truly see" panel and a number of panels with people showing their deep admiration for philosophy and science and reinforcing the need to pursue wisdom and climb on the shoulders of the great men that came before. I'm sorry I hadn't save it. Maybe someone will post it.

>> No.15430296

Holy cope

>> No.15430300


>I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who make things beautiful. Amor fati: let that be my love henceforth! I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse those who accuse. Looking away shall be my only negation. And all in all and on the whole: some day I wish to be only a Yes-sayer.

>> No.15430313

It's a beautiful gesture to elevate the lowest over the highest, obviously the specific context sucks.

>> No.15430315
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>> No.15430335

Spinoza’s Ethica for non-fiction
Conrad’s “Youth“ short story for fiction, or possibly Moby Dick
Cringe depressed faggots, you’d probably be sad without literature too

>> No.15430347

>Amor fati
I just cant to bring myself to amor fati

>> No.15430665
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count of Monte Cristo
yeah thats right

>> No.15430837

The Pleasures of Receiving by J. Erkhoff

>> No.15430843

in what way

in what way

in what way

>> No.15432761


>> No.15432765

The Gay Science

>> No.15432770

wouldn't touch such a shit with a pole
but all these self-help spiritual bullshit books fall into that category sold mainly to gullible roasties

>> No.15432774

Your diary anon desu <3

>> No.15432839

Why does everyone on this board fetishise misery and have an aversion to anything remotely uplifting?

No great work of art is without a mixture of both suffering and joy.

>> No.15432870

Chestertons essays

>> No.15432884

My diary is super cringe depressive writing

>> No.15432885

Not sure what was the happiest, but I feel like Dostoievsky's Dream of a ridiculous man is near the top.
For a refreshingly naive take on education there's also Paul and Virginie.

>> No.15432891

And I still love you

>> No.15432900

You dont know me.

>> No.15432903

I just read a poem by Gustaf Fröding, called En Morgondröm (A Morning Dream), in it he describes the adventurous side of sex in a way that captures the drunkenness of passionate love, and how that love leads to the creation of a child in a way that kind of celebrates the masculine and the feminine coming together, it's really life affirming to me.

>> No.15432916

Yeah haha. Dont look out of your window.

>> No.15433133

Which one are you?

>> No.15433159
File: 106 KB, 609x1000, 9781466804135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three men on a boat. fucking love it,

>> No.15433391

The Years of Lyndon Johnson

>> No.15433395

The one humping your lawn

>> No.15433775

The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy

>> No.15434007

>HE DIDN'T DIE that was necessary for cervantes so that no copycats could write apocrific sequels as has happened before the second volume was finished
That's such a superficial reading of the book jesus christ you are an idiot. The book is not depressing because of the fact that don Quijote followed his ideal and was passionate about it, it was sad because he was constantly punished for believing in something in a world which could not believe any more.
Most people had no reason for treating don Quijote as they did, many of the characters did believe too that errand knights existed and were just too cynical to accept him.
What is sad is also not that don Quijote was a "madman", the world was as mad as he was, and he was also conscious that he was percieved as such by people.
Don Quijote truly wanted to help and bring good to the world, but the world was such shite that they punished him for it, for the ideals be held, bringing him to the point of having to renounce them and then losing all meaning in his life, and then dying.
But you would be too much of a midwit to see that.

>> No.15434119

Alyosha’s dream of the wedding has brought a tear to my eye every time I’ve read it

>> No.15434149

The Everlasting Man and The Bible

>> No.15434189

Someone please post this.

>> No.15434214
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Anything by John Muir. His nature writing is the GOAT. I'm surprised he is never mentioned on this board.

>> No.15434223

Any recs of his?

>> No.15434247

My First Summer in the Sierra

>> No.15434402


>> No.15434439

What exactly did Don Quixote do throughout the book that helped people? He was a good friend to Sancho, yes, but most of the events in the book portray Don Quixote as an insane madman rather than someone who should be lauded. There is a tragedy to his character sure, but on the other hand, I think you can also say that he got what was coming. I didn’t really think that Don Quixote was that sad of a book when I read it.

>> No.15434540

so it's like The Idiot?