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15427368 No.15427368 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any literature on why US Blacks speak in an absolutely retarded manner that's now even more evident through social media? What do normal Americans think of this? Would they rec Rickford's book?

>> No.15427379

wachu talkin bout white bread is y’all bein raycis or summin baka fr fr

>> No.15427390

White southerners are just as bad.

>> No.15427393

It's not, though. Their tweets are carefully constructed. What you should take from this is that they type "proper ebonics" on Twitter, i.e., it's a creative affectation. It's time to embrace black cultural genius.

>> No.15427400

most people don't use language in their own style and work by cultural defaults or imitation. not stupid, just regular.

>> No.15427402

It’s funny seeing libs trying to act like it’s art, from the utterly failed social programs of Ebonics in the 90’s to giving rappers Nobel prizes it’s one giant procession of hilarity. The common person just understands if someone talks this way they’ll never make more than 30k a year.

>> No.15427412
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>It's not, though. Their tweets are carefully constructed. What you should take from this is that they type "proper ebonics" on Twitter, i.e., it's a creative affectation. It's time to embrace black cultural genius.

>> No.15427418
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>implying this isn't geneius

>> No.15427443
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>> No.15427454


Never forget this article where some idiot forces their kid to speak improperly. It's amazing how faggots and deluded blacks (not all) embrace ebonics as some productive code-speak. Anybody can imitate ebonics because it's low skilled and retarded, it doesn't need to be taught, much less enforced.


That post was bait

>> No.15427470
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i read in a medical textbook years ago that the dialect of "ebonics" would be found more commonly in low-income and low-education areas, comparable to spanglish. it's not a real dialect, it's not like black and white english are comparable to mandarin and cantonese or something. ebonics is because they never were able to learn the basics of the english language correctly.

however i don't understand why they would insist on sounding retarded online when there's free spellcheck, except for expressing themselves. more than anything i think it's some kind of cultural pride in speaking like a retard that carries over.

>> No.15427471

What do you prefer?
>Whites who dance around punctuation making sure to use "they/them" to not offend or exclude anyone
>Niggas who be typin like dey talkin to dey kids n shit like dey dont now no better?

>> No.15427486


How do you pronounce the sentence, /lit/?

>> No.15427501

Jesus Christ

>> No.15427564

Who cares if blacks speak Black English? It just further separates them from us.

>> No.15427581


>> No.15427755

hearing 'they' used instead of 'their' is rage fuel.
>dey not be spicing dey food

>> No.15427761

>>dey don't* be spicing dey food

>> No.15427779


>> No.15427859

That's pretty much what the OP guy is speaking in

>> No.15428008

This is also true for “pidgin” languages like what they speak in Nigeria and Jamaica.

>> No.15428035

It's just a dialect. There's no objective standard for saying one dialect is better or worse than another. To say otherwise is to fundamentally misunderstand how language works.

>> No.15428069

Not really. The standard for the cultural development level of a language are obviously precision (how few meanings each word has), vocabulary (how many words are in the language), and grammar (how many rules there are for clearly expressing the temporal/spatial/conceptual relationships between things). We should all go back to speaking Latin immediately.

>> No.15428077

>The standard for the cultural development level of a language are obviously precision (how few meanings each word has), vocabulary (how many words are in the language), and grammar (how many rules there are for clearly expressing the temporal/spatial/conceptual relationships between things).

Citation needed.

>> No.15428100

y'all white boys neva stop thinkin' bow us uh?

>> No.15428159

Whippo be scribbling in their diary like, " i have had it up to here with these pestiferous negros are leaving the elegant grace, intrinsic beauty, and literary tradition of the sublime english language in tatters with their improvident ebonics and deviant grammar... I heard one say 'ain't' the other day and almost spoke up but held my tongue for fear of being savaged like in those pornographic 'blacked' videos, I hate niggers SO fucking much. :'( "
This is hate speech
Double basedboy
>Ahhh yes...the broader social context
No shit ebonics doesn't mesh well with the whippo language; autism is word.

>> No.15428195

I see this retarded argument being deployed all the time, which always features being smug as in "heh these plebs who intuitively know niggerspeech is retarded haven't even read the exegesis of Professor Moshe Schekelstein's recent paradigm shifting linguistic theory in the recent New Yorker issue, written passionately by Karen O' Midwitworth."

This is analogous to saying because rats and lions both emerged in nature by evolution one cannot think lions are great, and rats are disgusting. Because ah, that would be misunderstanding biology.

Also from another point of view, analogous to saying a complex painting is not better than a heap of shit, because they both actually contain O, H, C and other atoms, no objective chemistry criteria.

A barren desert planet is no worse than life-fostering Earth, no objective astronomy criteria.

>> No.15428260

>why you's all racists and shiet?
>intentionally created an insular, parasitic, and hostile subculture which seeks to prevent integration of newer generations into broader society
>create stigmas over proper grammar and other intellectual pursuits

>> No.15428272

"Ern ern en ern ern", as God intended.

>> No.15428274

You call it a retarded argument because you don't have your own argument and don't know how else to respond. You're losing and you know it.

There are meaningful biological differences between rats and lions, but those are rooted in scientifically observable things. The analogy is sophomoric. Same with your asinine non-sequiturs about astronomy and chemistry.

Lord, this really shows how low the level of intellectual achievement is on this board. Lots of people here who can name drop great authors but somehow no one knows enough philosophy 101 to grasp basic logic and distinguish subjectivism from objective fact. Truly pathetic.

>> No.15428277

I’m honestly a democratic socialist or whatever it’s called (I like Sanders and agree generally with pretty much everything Chapo Trap House says) and one of the biggest reasons that chuds piss me off is they intentionally try to poke at the sleeping bear that is black America and black people more globally. I don’t know how you can look at black men and not view them as pretty much superior to whites in every way. They’re stronger, bigger and more composed than us and less prone to weird cringey behaviour. Like 99% of the alt right is guys who are insecure about black “superiority” and athleticism. It’s Freudian. They’re the closest thing the planet earth has to a legit master race (definitely not a bunch of doofuses in lederhosen) and it would be best to not provoke them. Normally I wouldn’t care if the chuds did this, you know get blacks to massacre them, but sadly I’m also white and I don’t want to be lumped in with these retards.

>> No.15428297

Most people are braindead and people like you who hold them to "intellectual" standards that no human deserves are the most retarded fools of all. You are just using rhetoric to justify the unjustifiable, tryna be an irrefutable cunt, irrefutably. Get back to work on your 600 page manuscript, "haha niggers talk stupid lol" this post will be great for your satirical preface.

>> No.15428298

It's called "anti-language". It's the same reason that the alt-right uses the scare brackets, or Apu posters talk about "frens", or SJWs use pronouns. In the case of African Americans it's signalling their Blackness and thus seeking higher status in the AA community, in the same way that pronouns in the twitter bio signal your 'wokeness' and seek higher status in the cuck community, or racism signals your 'basedness' and seeking higher status in the incel community.

>> No.15428307


>> No.15428341

>subjectivism and objective fact
no surprise that you invoke phil 101, seems like you never got further.

>> No.15428344


>> No.15428348

>fuck I still don't have an argument
>better try to ad hominem
>hurr durr you should have taken more classes

You're just embarrassing yourself now, sweetie.

>> No.15428375

you mean giving kendrick lamar a pultizer? should it have went to some mediocre white 'poet' that nobody knows instead?

>> No.15428379

Dude STFU you are making the racist look good. The distinction between subject and object is meaningless
Okay never mind after this feeble attempt at witticism i have detirmined the racist to pose little danger.
You should both be careful... Lest you find yourselves in my cringe compilation (jk it's all over for you now /Rest in Piss/)

>> No.15428386

Please stop your activism hurts, you are the Anita sarkesian of this thread.

>> No.15428388

Speaking in 'ebonics' doesn't mean you do it all the time, neither does it mean they lack 'abstraction'. It's absurd to believe this. There's a setting for everything. Only racists think of black people as sagging their pants and speaking like that. Sure there's some like that, but it's definitely a minority. It's also funny seeing people say 'rappers' when hip hop is the only genre of music that is a grey area between writing and music.

>> No.15428397

>another ad hominem

You're losing this argument even harder than I'm winning it. Time for you to admit that you don't have any reasoning or evidence on your side, it's all just a subjective feeling on your part pretending to be meaningful.

>> No.15428415

>This is analogous to saying because rats and lions both emerged in nature by evolution one cannot think lions are great, and rats are disgusting. Because ah, that would be misunderstanding biology.
That's actually a great analogy, because the only argument for their difference in value is your personal opinion. No biologist would ever write a remotely serious text where they'd call lions great and rats disgusting, because that would be entirely a useless opinion and both of those animals are important elements of their ecosystems.
>Also from another point of view, analogous to saying a complex painting is not better than a heap of shit, because they both actually contain O, H, C and other atoms, no objective chemistry criteria.
Literally nobody thinks that painting can be explained with chemistry.
Basically, you're a retard.

>> No.15428419

>ad hom
we are not in court, I call you retarded because you are retarded.
that wasn't me, nigger. I'm not here to debate you or win "argument".

>> No.15428424

your analogy was retarded and the fact youre this upset over a dialect makes you seem even more retarded. you lost the argument too bighead

>> No.15428442

>I call you retarded because you are retarded

I can feel you hyperventilating from here. You call me retarded because you can't back up your position and you know it. Your blood is boiling because your stupid and anti-intellectual opinion has been exposed on the internet and you're humiliated.

>> No.15428462

A writing board where folks don't appreciate the intricacies of language and instead try to turn it into a hierarchy where their niche and bland early 1900's style prose will rein supreme.
I bet you'll dick-ride Joyce's colloquialisms till the cows come home though.

>> No.15428466

You have to go deeper and deeper into the south to hear people really talk like that anymore. Like everywhere else, regional language is being killed by exposure to media. In the cities people might sound like anyone else except for saying their vowels further back, and only people in rural areas speak with a drawl. You won't find anyone sounding a redneck except in Louisiana and the Delta, not even in Appalachia. Maybe in north Texas.

>> No.15428482

No. I was recently trying to sell something on Craigslist and black people do not know how to communicate well in most contexts. OP is right in some regards.

>> No.15428499

Those rare moments when you really have to communicate with an average American black can be really soul crushing. It always makes me imagine how bad it must be to be an employer or teacher in the US. They are not just stupid but don't care about anything and have this natural built-in passive resistance to being forced to do even the bare minimum.

Imagine the total systemic effect of blacks on the US economy, society, mental health. They're like a generalized "chaos" factor, they make everything slower, dirtier, shittier, lazier, less cohesive, everything.

>> No.15428535


the entire reason why black people in the usa speak ebonics is to confuse white people

>> No.15428574

Please use the BBC Pidgin site. It is very clear one cannot create sentences as clear or specific in that language. It is incredibly limited.

>> No.15428582


>> No.15428592

But also based

>> No.15428595
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Black americans specifically, as america bread them for their master race traits.

Yo how has chapo been since bernie lost, I lost interest along side it.

>> No.15428637

>be black people
>get kept out of education because you're literally slaves for hundreds of years
>finally allowed in education but it's shittier quality than white people get for decades
>this whole time have to develop a way of using English without access to the same educational resources as others
>create this dialect that everybody in the group understands and is unique to black people, but it isn't like standard English
>ffwd to present
>"Why do black people speak all retarded, I don't get it?"

>> No.15428695

>be black
>be actually retarded
cleared it up for you

>> No.15428765

Fuck these black threads.

>> No.15428771

The most retarded thing I’ve ever read

>> No.15428786

>I don’t know how you can look at black men and not view them as pretty much superior to whites in every way. They’re stronger, bigger and more composed than us and less prone to weird cringey behaviour. Like 99% of the alt right is guys who are insecure about black “superiority” and athleticism. It’s Freudian.
It is Freudian. Not only are you gay, but you suck nigger dick. I’m sure your father is proud.

>> No.15428911

>this whole time have to develop a way of using English without access to the same educational resources as others
There was never any "need" to create a lower level of the languange that they were surrounded by for hundreds of years. Stop making excuses for niggers.

>> No.15428924


it is true though. that is why using "proper" grammar structure and word spelling is considered "talking white"

>> No.15428956


>> No.15428974


>> No.15428995


>> No.15429016

Standard British English sounds better than Niggerese.

>> No.15429027

>t. nigger

>> No.15429034

so why were blacks enslaved by whites

>> No.15429035

As an ESL, blacks sound like cavemen. A lower, more retarded register of English. I hope they didn't exist.

>> No.15429053

Nignogs are retarded, no other way to exxplain it.

>> No.15429151

One hell of an argument you got. Please try to critically examine your indoctrinated opinions sometime. You know, open your mind, and explore diverse, conflicting ideas.

>> No.15429851

Isn't it simple? They were kept from the white populace, they only lived in ghettos and their contact with people other than their own was severely limited for enough time that they developed their own manners of speaking.
Just as Jews living in their ghettos didn't need to use the language of the nation they were in, except in this case blacks were not only from different countries with no common language, but they also were used as slaves, so they had to speak English at one point. But since then the separation from the rest of the populace made them develop their own speech patterns.

>> No.15429861

y'all crackas are trippin bruh

>> No.15429974

Oogah. Ogga booga da boogah doo.
Oohhgaah booga doogah boo.
Doogah booga booga hoo.
Boogah googah doog

>> No.15429978
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wait, they actually speak like this irl, all the time? i thought it's just funny internet lolspeak

>> No.15429983

> damn wtf, we really talk like that?
a rare moment of negro gaining self-awareness

>> No.15429986

Not necessarily. It could be a more optimal adaptation to a varying IQ average. Not sure if some information scientist is looking into that sort of thing.

>> No.15429993

In the future all books will be written like this. If you send something to a publisher in proper English Random House will ask, "y cho talk all raysis n sheet?"

>> No.15429999

I think it's just a mix of them largely wanting to distance themselves from white people and have a culture all their own and the efforts of shortsighted but powerful white people to discredit and dehumanize them.
I can't really find another way to rationalize a culture so hell-bent to avoid all personal responsibility while signalling as loudly as possible just how uneducated you are and how proud you are about it.

>> No.15430202

blacks are not superior intellectuality.

blacks are superior in a physical sense, they are better at sports and sex due to their predatory nature. as a result this causes them to get involved in more dangerous activities. This is why a lot of /pol/ hates them because, you are right, they are insecure about this single trait.

I am content the way things are, the blacks can have all the women and i will be content with my expanse in knowledge.

>> No.15430227

i remember on a college project our group had this one black guy 6’3 and fit, he had a bunch of supreme stickers, and all the newest apple products. He fit the stereotype of the college black guy who is into sports.

he never showed up to meetings and didn’t even know how to do most of the stuff the course taught, drawing flow charts and how to use a tool which was pretty mch what the course was based on. he never did a single thing in the project, he would randomly enter the slack group and ask “what i do” and we would give him a trivial task because he would never show up to meetings, but he couldn’t even do simple stuff like write comments on code (he ended up pushing completely unrelated work to our master branch because he never used git before)

he would then get angry when no one would respond to him or help him because we were busy with other parts or it was a stupid question that wasn’t worth anyones time

>> No.15430229

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