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File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, Jones-Table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15427227 No.15427227 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the most important public intellectual right now? He's the only opponent of globohomo that isn't attacking it from an identity politics or communist perspective.

>> No.15427236
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And he sounds like Grover, which is cool

>> No.15427240

He’s also half retarded

>> No.15427245

The esoteric Christian perspective isn't exactly a crowd pleaser.

>> No.15427252
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Catholics in general are the best critics of the modern world and they should be listened to more often.

The forces of darkness know this, and this is why the sex abuse scandal is made such a big deal about. It was still really bad, but the reason it's talked about in totally unrealistic terms is because it's used to silence the Church's critiques of capitalism and modernity.

>> No.15427258

>bow tie
immediate loss of credibility

>> No.15427344

What did OP mean by this?

>> No.15427372

So, is he actually good, or is it a meme?

Has anyone here read his books?

>> No.15427373

The Catholic church is just a satanic project to set up a world state, as Dosto wrote.

>> No.15427406
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Yet another example of the "academic flunkie with no real presence within legitimate philosophic circles but with enough credible association with the intellectual world to convince christtards that he's a smart person" phenomenon
can you name a single "christian intellectual" that actually holds a valid position within academia as say an actual science or actual philosopher and not the christcuck knock-off versions of these (i.e. theolgians and priests who are """biologists""" stationed at the fucking divinity faculty of Cambridge campus who deny darwinism)?

>> No.15427424

Why do legitimate right-wing intellectuals keep dying off while fuckers like Chomsky live to see 91? I miss Jonathan Bowden and Roger Scruton, and now all we have are neocon boomer apologists. It ain't fair!

>> No.15427455

Holy shit just read the fucking books

>> No.15427617

ok which ones? he’s written thirty books and they’re all tomes

>> No.15427765
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>eschews identity politics
Then he's useless. People that employ ethnocentric social strategies will eventually dominate/replace those who don't.

>> No.15427807

No because he names the jew
Get rid of jews and the nigger/shitskin problem will solve itself

>> No.15427815

Dosty never said that

>> No.15427848

No it won't. The Jew's intellectual miasma has all but infected every nook and cranny of academia. Even if every single jew were to die overnight, you'd still have to deal with their disciples who will carry out their agendas because they wholeheartedly believe those lies and will innovate them further. Or do you seriously sell the rest of humanity short to think they are literally golems who will become inoperable, or will magically see through the lies the instant the jews are extinct?

>> No.15427868


>> No.15427876

Yes because jews control the money and use such influence to exterminate the europea haces
At it's core, the death of europeans is corruption from every european nobility or academian selling out the europea races for money

>> No.15427886

Races* stupid autocorrect

>> No.15427893

alvin plantinga
peter van inwagen

>> No.15427907

He's correct about the nihilism of contemporary society but he's also a cringe retard

>> No.15427931

alasdari macintyre
elizabeth anscombe and peter geach

>> No.15427964

Is that Bill Nye?

>> No.15427984

Yes, Libido Domanendi completely changed how I see the world. He needs an editor, and he often sees everything to much through a lens of Catholics vs everyone else, but his autistic ability to make connections between different people and their writings throughout history and synthesize that with the zeitgeist of a given time is quite incredible.

>> No.15427987

what is this? Conway's game of life for humanities majors?

>> No.15427998


Read Logos Rising.

>> No.15428004


>> No.15428054

Nasr is another but he isn't really doing the public circuit

>> No.15428087

post pdf

>> No.15428127

No one took Tucker Carlson seriously until he lost the bowtie. Jones should follow his lead.

>> No.15428140

>Order cannot come from chaos, because that which is cannot come from that which is not.
What the fuck is he even trying to say with this? Sounds like he's preaching the monadistic angle without being aware of it.

>> No.15428153

He is a very dumb man, look at his debate with the pagan on the RR for an example.

>> No.15428352

Remember that time when he ruined a memorial for sam francis with a 20 minute rant about da joos? lol what a guy

>> No.15428371

is that an actual quote from him? if so that's mega retarded

>> No.15428475


give up collegecuck, noone is fooled by your associations. everyone knows modern academics are limp wristed faggots that produce nothing of value

>> No.15428597

>the Jews are using pornography to control your brain
Wow, the most stunning intellectual of our time

>> No.15428643

his latest appearance on pseudcast was pretty cringe. The holy trinity stuff was not compelling whatsoever, complete hooey. NightmareVision asked him a good question and as per usual EMJ just returned to parroting his stock tidbits, nothing personnel kid. I do plan on reading some of his books though, probs libido dominandi, logos rising, and some of the inflammatory jew screeds

>> No.15428802
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>> No.15429298


>> No.15429313

>The forces of darkness know this, and this is why the sex abuse scandal is made such a big deal about. It was still really bad, but the reason it's talked about in totally unrealistic terms is because it's used to silence the Church's critiques of capitalism and modernity.

>talking about raping kids is worse than actually raping kids


>> No.15429317

Too frequent, long, and voluminous to be any good. Clearly just churning out first draft shit.

>> No.15429320

Yep, this is yet another reason why I hate white liberals. Even more than kikes and niggers.

>> No.15429337

I'm comfortable dismissing his thoughts based on physiognomy alone. Clearly a disturbed man, tense with contradictions and resentment.

>> No.15429382

Nope, just yikes. Link me to your faves on Reddit though, and I'll take a look. What do they have there? Threads? Topics?

>> No.15429476

never heard of him, just googled up a few vids. Feel like i've been rickrolled. Smooth moves, OP. What a joker. At least he's good for a laugh.

>> No.15429483


>> No.15429494

well I know what I'm reading tonight.

by the way does anyone know the name of that one Jewish kid who did a tour of the Auschwitz museum and pointed out all the flaws in the story? I saw it on youtube a long time ago but forgot the name

>> No.15429502

You're like a janny, a politician or a proffesor atleast sees renumeration for his efforts. Yeah if some shitskin kills a white guy or rapes a white girl it's all the same, he's getting paid and gets seen as the anti establishment oh so smart leftist professor so he can continue doing what he does
But You?
You do it for free. Every leftist is without exception an effeminate cuck, and You are no different
Sorry enish is not My first language

>> No.15429535

>can you name a single "christian intellectual" that actually holds a valid position within academia as say an actual science or actual philosopher
Isaac Newton
Thomas Aquinas

>> No.15429561

That's such specifically targeted rage you couldn't possibly hit anything with it. What happened to you, to fry your brain that way? Or was it to someone you know? Is it to do with the church?

>> No.15429694

He comes off as more human and warm blooded than a lot neo racialists if that counts for anything

>> No.15429832

>muh logos
>muh kikeanity
>muh Germans are the same as Africans
Uh I dont think so sweety.

>> No.15429896

>embracing Darwinism
>believing in progress

Besides it’s not just Christians who embrace a traditional view of time. Nasr is well respected, not a theologian primarily and embraces a perennial view

>> No.15429904

Game theory is poorly thought out. Besides, you might as well be a bugman if you’re gonna rely on simulation and data analysis to choose your viewpoint.

The true conflict is not white and black or right and left. It’s traditional vs materialist, and you sound like materialist scum

>> No.15430106
File: 117 KB, 1920x1080, Logos_Rising_1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is he the most important public intellectual right now?
Yes but I didn't realize it until reading his books

>> No.15430216

Not that Anon but in my note on Dosto texts there is a suggestion that the believed the Catholic Church has accepted Satan’s temptation(s) in the desert, accepting worldly kingdoms and wealth and forgetting or forgoing the teaching of Jesus

>> No.15430255

>Game theory is poorly thought out.
It corresponds very well with what we're seeing in shifting demographic+political trends. I'm fine with being a well-informed 'bugman'... We need such people to plan effectively. I don't begrudge you your need for comforting beliefs of course (which is more respect than you've shown me); it is simply the case that most people benefit from a simplified guiding narrative. It does become a problem, however, when the self-delusion gets to the point of down-playing critical threats (like thinking spirituality can obviate the need for ethnocentrism).

The 'true' conflict is to survive and reproduce. Religions which don't — at least implicitly — acknowledge the primacy of the genetic collective are pied-piping their people into oblivion. Ultimately, if you don't prioritize the continuance and vigour of people with similar genetic profiles to yours, then whatever values and cultural mores you cherish are likely to circle the drain along with you.

>> No.15430413

His video on trump, hilary and the disco inferno is the funniest shit. Yes, he is interesting.

>> No.15431919
File: 17 KB, 448x360, jesus_in_islam_006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newton was a Muslim.

>Although born into an Anglican family, by his thirties Newton held a Christian faith that, had it been made public, would not have been considered orthodox by mainstream Christianity;[118] in recent times he has been described as a heretic.[67]

>By 1672 he had started to record his theological researches in notebooks which he showed to no one and which have only recently been examined. They demonstrate an extensive knowledge of early church writings and show that in the conflict between Athanasius and Arius which defined the Creed, he took the side of Arius, the loser, who rejected the conventional view of the Trinity. Newton "recognized Christ as a divine mediator between God and man, who was subordinate to the Father who created him."[119]He was especially interested in prophecy, but for him, "the great apostasy was trinitarianism."[120]

>In Newton's eyes, worshipping Christ as God was idolatry, to him the fundamental sin.

>> No.15431928
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>> No.15432336
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>> No.15432711

Patrick Deneen, I highly recommend him

>> No.15432728

The ideas are kind of interesting but he's a pretty bad writer. Rambles on, not very structured, and lots of typos in his stuff. The typos are forgivable but i can't help but hold him a little less credible for it

>> No.15433092
File: 30 KB, 281x360, 16E3BE2A-867A-4B20-8236-DB6A69BB7F42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the true conflict is to survive and reproduce

Dude you’re just an edgy Redditor at this point. Do you fucking love science too?

I won’t argue with you, of course we disagree on fundamental principles so it’s pointless. I just can’t believe this early 2010s science guy fedora narrative is still being spouted

>> No.15434556

The irony of the supposedly ensouled and enlightened anon who can only communicate via the juvenille memes he has been programmed with.