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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 258x387, BraveNewWorld_FirstEdition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15425474 No.15425474 [Reply] [Original]

I just read pic related. Tell me what I thought about it.

>> No.15425516

That scary to have your own anonymous opinion huh?

>> No.15425523

pee pee poo poo haha

>> No.15425528


i think you thought it was good but that huxley is pretentious and pedantic

>> No.15425544
File: 568 KB, 1500x1000, 2photos13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if 1984 is an instruction manual for today, bnw is for the brave new world.

>> No.15425565

we live in a society

>> No.15425591

Hedonism is the greatest evil. The fact that Huxley so accurately predicted the direction society was heading in in 1934 or whenever it was is incredibly impressive. Consumerism and dopamine positive feedback loops were just getting started back then.

>> No.15425668


hey doo doo

>> No.15425708

What does that make We?

>> No.15425781

A shittier version of 1984. I don't give a shit if it came first.

>> No.15425785

live in a society

>> No.15425805

quite boring, not much happens

>> No.15425816

Great book, an absolute classic very entry level

>> No.15425821
File: 89 KB, 357x559, we.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come none of you retards have read this book yet? Orwell admitted to ripping it off and Huxley knows he did.

>> No.15425836

So fucking retarded no robots. Why not breed all alphas and the robots work?

>> No.15425854

you just couldn't handle the future of mobile phones with two wires connected to the portable battery buckled round your waist, aluminium hat with antenna and spring on the peak of the brim from which a microphone hung, and a pair of receivers over your ears

>> No.15425867

You enjoyed it. You're looking forward to turning 17.

>> No.15425934
File: 41 KB, 249x249, 1588805132904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all you didn't actually need to read it. All you needed is to read pic related to be able to talk about it to others. Read it now.
It will suffice to impress those who haven't actually read the book but if you want to impress those who've already read the book you need more. It doesn't help that the book is mostly filler with few original ideas. However, you can't get away by simply acknowledging this fact. You need to pretend you got something out of it. Might I suggest the take that the world described there is actually a utopia?
"Think about it. There is very little suffering and a lot of pleasure. The idealist copes that people used to have for their material struggles have been eliminated - there is no longer any need for them. Everyone experiences pleasure and everyone is put to work according their capabilities ensuring maximum fulfillment and happiness. ". You could talk about the concept of freedom and how demands for freedom and the apparent need for freedom is always contingent on something else: usually material goods and conditions. When those are addressed, you realize that people actually neither want nor need freedom. Can quote the grand inquisitor from brothers Karamazov.

>> No.15425941
File: 2.42 MB, 1328x2380, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops wrong pic related

>> No.15425966

>All you needed is to read pic related to be able to talk about it to others. Read it now.

>> No.15426413

I've read it in both English and Russian

>> No.15426441

>thinking they even cover the same themes just because they're both dystopias

>> No.15426450

All I remember was that book being fucking boring

>> No.15426459

Excellent entry level literature. you aren't special if you have read it, but if you haven't read it you are basically a drooling caveman.

>> No.15426898

I hated that he saw an alternative in
>muh jebus
The savage shouldnt be a model for society. It would be total regression. Maybe I need to reread it, back then I really hated religion. Now I am indifferen/neutral

>> No.15426908

this is the gayest fucking image ever created

>> No.15426994
File: 111 KB, 500x681, _.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Savage is in essence a romantic living in a sterile world where his passions are no longer needed. Society as it is today would crumble if too many people like him ran around. They'd ask for more from life- they'd ask for suffering. They'd create conflict among each other just to channel monstrous passion into some higher ideal.


>> No.15427086

>Tell me what I thought about it.

You thought "Everyone is happy, what is the problem?"

>> No.15427118

I read it and I really thought I liked it, especially the section about the Savage's childhood. After I got to that part I didn't stop reading until I'd finished the whole book, which was the first time I'd done that since I was in the sixth grade reading the hunger games or harry potter or whatever. But luckily I found /lit/ which told me it's shallow midwit-tier pseuod-literature, so now I hate it.

>> No.15427359


>> No.15427377

don't listen to this anons retarded take. The pic and book its from are very good