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/lit/ - Literature

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15421607 No.15421607 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the discussion of literature and philosophy. If you want to talk about genre fiction, go to /sffg/. If you want to make low effort bait posts, there is the rest of the board for that.
To start some conversation, what books changed the way you think permanently and why did they change your thinking?

>> No.15421637
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What's the niggest book in your shelf?

>> No.15423219
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>> No.15423648
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>> No.15423683

Sffg is for science fiction and fantasy.
Genre fiction is literature and thefore can be discussed here. Philosophy is not literature, it is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline, it is not literature, same way study of mathematics, science, economics is not literature.

>> No.15423706

>Philosophy is not literature, it is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence
yes, so it's a shame all the philosophy threads on here devolve into something like
>lol your favourite philosopher was fatter than mine

>> No.15425407

Stop making this thread. What is this your third time making this exact thread and it doesn't take off? Fuck off dude