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15420891 No.15420891 [Reply] [Original]

Books that feel like you're browsing 4chan while reading them?

>> No.15420909

The Holy Bible

The Quran

>> No.15420938
File: 25 KB, 306x474, 51HkVwBvbcL._SX304_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy sent countless letters to corporations in the 90s asking them stupid questions and published his letters with their responses. So on one page you have a smug moron fronting how clever and funny he thinks he is and corporate shilling on the other. It's pretty entertaining desu.

>> No.15420948

A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.15420970

Rules of attraction by Bret Easton Ellis read like one giant boomer post

>> No.15420973

holy shit my teacher had this book in her classroom back in grade school. I think it had a different cover but it was basically just a bunch of letters to establishments right? I’m just getting shocked by nostalgia right now I remember reading it from her bookcase I don’t know if we were allowed to read it

>> No.15421050
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There's a second collection titled "Thank You For Your Continued Interest" that might be the cover you remember. But, yeah, it's just snarky letters and their responses.

>> No.15421645

The Quran is one long /pol/ schizo post.

>> No.15421770

Bronze Age Mindset is tailor made for anons, probably written by one too.

>> No.15421783
File: 606 KB, 3047x909, get a real job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The given answer is Notes from the Underground. But I'd say American Psycho.

>> No.15421988

Harassment Architecture and Finally Some Good News unironically

>> No.15421991

Came into the thread to say this

>> No.15421995

Bateman's autistic moments are hilarious but they are so few and far between. Him trying to impress the black guys at the club... him choking up at the date with his ex... incredible

>> No.15422047

The best one, in my opinion, was him checking these dubs.

>> No.15422099

1985 by Anthony Burgess

>> No.15422113

this is what I look like while I write fasciae essays and attend zoom meetings for three months without leaving my room

>> No.15422124
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>> No.15422502

A Scanner Darkly
Sort of, as a whole.

>> No.15422535
File: 33 KB, 297x475, Amygdalatropolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never read it, but there is a book called Amygdalatropolis which is literally about imageboard culture, and I've heard it's good.

>> No.15422590

The Atrocity Exhibition

>> No.15423159
