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15419866 No.15419866 [Reply] [Original]

halfway through GR, reading phenomenology Really slowly and consuming secondary material as I go along. what am i in for, /lit/? Also yes I let 4chan run my life

>> No.15419889


>> No.15419915

Dostoevsky and that's about it

>> No.15419916

prob accurate, the self-help at the top was actually gifted so i have to read it :( looking forward to the rest tho if even for hatereading

>> No.15419937
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>> No.15419954
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880 pages into Against the Day
272 into Cider House Rules
Havent touched the others

>> No.15419989

>no Guévola

>> No.15420000
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>> No.15420006
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I'm reading the three on top. The one without the spine is a bilingual anthology of poems by pessoa

>> No.15420032
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giving this ted dude a try

>> No.15420039

nice quads anon

>based Malkiel
a passing interest in the markets?

>> No.15420046

respectable stack, glad to see schools still teach some of these

>> No.15420050

por que no lees en ingles?

>> No.15420055

I just finished blood meridian and brief interviews. I hope you enjoy them. A lot of brief interviews made me uncomfortable

>> No.15420070

yep, we spent a whole month on Dickinson. she got me into poetry

>> No.15420071

se me acabaron los libros en inglés, lo último que leí fue A Portrait of the Artist as a young man

>> No.15420307

I actually studied econ and try to read pop science/info books regularly
Blood Meridian was OK, I like DFW's writing style but can understand how it would make me uncomfortable.

That's what I like about it though

>> No.15420436
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I can only afford the library

>> No.15420466

Journey and Atomised are such a great double bill of French misanthropy.

>> No.15420519
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Fanged is a meme and you're retarded for buying it instead of glancing over the PDF. Most of Thinking Fast and Slow is disproven because of the replication crisis. There's two I saved you from

>> No.15420566

I know about those pages but I heard from a guy irl who read it that it actually had valuable things to say. Maybe he was making fun of me

>> No.15420589

How is against the day? I've heard mixed things

>> No.15420605

You got memed you dumb zoomer

>> No.15420637

Phenomenology of Spirit is surprisingly based. Shame practically no one understands it.

>> No.15420646


You're alright

>> No.15420678

have you ever read any of Warren Buffett?

>> No.15420681

Among the worst stacks I've ever seen.

>> No.15420705
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Brazil bros where are we at

From bottom to top:
Otto Maria Carpeaux - History of Occidental Literature (Vol. 1/4)*
Stephen Jaeger - The Envy of Angels
Euclid - The Elements
José Lins do Rego - Fogo Morto*
Graciliano Ramos - Barren Lives
Napoleão Mendes de Almeida - Grammatica Latina*
Emilio Mira y Lopez - How To Study and How to Learn*
Fernando Pessoa - Poetic Works
Luís de Camões - The Lusiads (two editions, the one of the bottom being the first volume of two)
*: Without any translated edition to English

>> No.15420709

Parts of it are a slog but it has incredible moments to it. The Traverse storyline is like a melancholic, beautiful western, the chums of chance sections are funny as hell. the yashmeen and cyprian stories are the most boring part imo, but that's only a bit of the book. It really makes you work to unpack a lot of it, but it's worth it

>> No.15420714

I thought it was one of those bait memestacks people post but it's a unique image kek

>> No.15420748

Only one chapter has been affected by the crisis.

>> No.15420808

Based The Stack poster

>> No.15420818
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Installed a new bookshelf

Based Gass

>> No.15420825
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I've finished Butcher's Crossing, Blood Meridian, and Confederacy. Currently about one third into M&D and finding it surprisingly difficult; I think it's one of those books I won't really properly enjoy until probably the third read. I first read Demons about three years ago as my first foray into Dostoyevsky, but I need to revisit it after now having gone through his major novels in proper order. I may read Monte Cristo next or the Long Ships, but I'm more predisposed to the first.

>> No.15420855
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What I plan on reading once I finish the human stain

>> No.15421045

>The what's happening to my body? Book for girls
If that's exactly what it says on the cover. Based.

>> No.15421070

Does the vintage print on GR have all the mistakes the penguin prints do?

>> No.15421094

Actually good, nice. One of the first non-cringe stacks I've seen in a long time. Beautiful edition of Vidas Secas, too bad it's so expensive to buy.

>> No.15421142
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>> No.15421236
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>> No.15421278

Holy based is that orange one L.K. Dutch? One of my favorites.

>> No.15421368

Are you non-brazilian? This edition is not expensive at all in here.

>> No.15421381

Yeah, I'm American. Eu vi um livro parecido, mais barato, mas da cor diferente, gosto da cor que você tem :( mas o preço é dobrado, fico triste mas tá bom hahah vou comprar o mais barato acho

Sorry if my Portuguese sucks, I've barely been learning for like three months

>> No.15421401

based introductory Jung reader

>> No.15421491
File: 297 KB, 772x1192, SÃO BERNARDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, that's fucking cool. A capa é bonita mas é bem desconfortável. Não sei que material usaram na capa, meio emborrachado. Parece-me que a melhor edição é a da Record, nos anos 80. Tenho essa, só que do São Bernardo.

Congratulations for learning it for 3 months and coming up with no mistakes at all. Keep it up. Do you have any experience with romance language?

>> No.15421508

>A capa é bonita mas é bem desconfortável.
HAHA assim é um livro que tenho de Machado de Assis, é muito rijo
>Tenho essa, só que do São Bernardo.
É muito bonito esse livro, espero que não se desfaça algum dia, dado que é tão velho kkk

Hey thanks! And yeah, I know a bit of Spanish too, which helps with vocabulary but also hurts my accent haha I don't know how to speak Portuguese really, there are too many accents and I'm not sure which one to focus on, so my accent is really bad

>> No.15421519
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>> No.15421556

I'm from the north of Brazil (specifically Manaus), our accent is the least different of them all, and it is somewhat similar to the accent of Rio de Janeiro (weirdly enough, being so distant from one another).
There are basically six accents: norte, nordeste, mineiro (center-west? I don't think that's correct), paulista (São Paulo), carioca (Rio de Janeiro) and sulista (south). Norte sounds ok, nordeste sounds cool (cabra macho), mineiro sounds bad, carioca is the coolest one, paulista is bad and sulista is gay as fuck. Since you're an english speaker, the paulista accent will be easier, specially the consonants like r. Nordeste will the most difficult to learn, but it's the 'most brazilian' of them all.

>> No.15421621

>Since you're an english speaker, the paulista accent will be easier, specially the consonants like r
It's actually funny you should say this because I always thought people from SP sounded like Americans speaking Portuguese lmao it's a very Germanic sound. I don't really have trouble with Rs but I sometimes imitate people from SP out of laziness and also because it sounds so silly haha

So the cool ones are nordeste and carioca, I'm going to try to aim for these ones. Maybe I should just start imitating Tim Maia ahahaha

>> No.15421652

Unfortunately I don't have any carioca or nordestino in my to imitate. That's actually a pretty cool thing to think about. I aim to teach portuguese and other languages like latin around the world, and someone to sound to other than the teacher is a good point.

Actually, I just remembered this movie with Manuel Bandeira declaiming his poetry. He's nordestino, but sounds carioca. And he's one of our best poets of the last century. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acWHzVBs394&

>> No.15421778

I think you'd be a good teacher, pretty sure you're the same anon working to promote lusophone literature on this board, right? I decided to learn Portuguese to read Pessoa, now I'm reading a book by Machado de Assis, and I plan on continuing exploring more works from the Lusophone world. Portuguese is probably the most underestimated major romance language in my opinion.

That clip sounds really nice, I don't think I've heard anyone speak like that before, sounds more French and old school

>> No.15421840

I'm not the OP of the torrent post, but I tried to talk about Pessoa a few weeks ago and got like 3 replies.

I study latin, greek, chinese, german and french. Portuguese is definitely the most beautiful sounding language among these. And both portuguese and brazilian literature are really reach, specially the portuguese, that not only has Camões, Pessoa and Eça, it has a lot of rich scholastic philosophy, unfortunately very obscure to non-researches in the field of iberic philosophy.

No one talks exactly like that anymore. Brazilian portuguese has been declining for some time now, alongside the inteligence of brazilians (no joke, the average IQ is declining).

Thank you for the kind words, dude.

>> No.15421890

Cringe positioning of that one unstackably narrow orange book. Kill yourself.

>> No.15421949

actually the book above it is just on an angle, which is pretty obvious if you have eyes

>> No.15421957

Kahneman is good

>> No.15422394

Good stack. Hunger is fucking me up. Realest thing I've read in awhile.

>> No.15424020

I've got snowball but I think he uses a different writer. I also have one of his favorite books: the intelligent investor. In my younger years I also got Soros's book.

>> No.15424037
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>> No.15424049

Holy cringe

>> No.15424059

>>15419866 (OP)
>Does the vintage print on GR have all the mistakes the penguin prints do?
Does anyone know?

>> No.15424095

I know it's a meme pic but it's actually not bad. Take out Levitin, Manson and Yiannopoulos and they're at the very least relevant.

>> No.15424101

Consider getting an e-reader.

>> No.15424130

Does anyone have a PDF of Systema Naturae ( by Caroli Linnaei, not the rewritings) in portuguese? I've been looking for one for years and it never ocurred to me to ask here.

>> No.15424174

Consider killing yourself you faggot bugman.
No great author would ever read on a bugman electric screen.
Pure cringe.

>> No.15424179

I get a headache trying to dead for extended periods of time off a screen

>> No.15424230

Count yourself lucky then, that you are not one of the great authors and can read and use bugman electric screen without any difficulty.

>> No.15424246

Are you talking about e-ink display or regular lcd?

>> No.15424276

Now is a bad time to buy an ereader. The ones with color eink screens are about to drop, so right after that the black and white ones will become really cheap because they can't compete.

I have that vintage classics copy in the op and it has none of the known typos.

>> No.15424292

Consider not shilling an inferior method of reading.

>> No.15424304

why are ereader fags so insecure

>> No.15424480
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>> No.15424488


>> No.15424495


>> No.15424764

>I'm not the OP of the torrent post,
Oh, I know that, that's black hand poster. But I know there was one guy awhile back who posted a list of Brazilian literature and a lot of it was super good, and he seemed to know his stuff about that country's literature and mentioned trying to spread Lusophone literature on /lit/ more, wasn't sure if he was you but it's cool that more people are giving Brazil/Portugal their literary due, because they've been ignored or buried behind Spanish language lit and French too
>it has a lot of rich scholastic philosophy, unfortunately very obscure to non-researches in the field of iberic philosophy.
Can you give me some examples? I'm curious
>Brazilian portuguese has been declining for some time now, alongside the inteligence of brazilians (no joke, the average IQ is declining).
Same phenomenon in the US; I think mostly because Brazilians/Americans used to sort of maintain a close connection to their European counterparts and that connection is just fading. In the US, AAVE has become the main influence on English, it's getting to the point where you can't really find people who don't speak a European-oriented English apart from people who talk for a living like news hosts, some actors, academics, etc. And old people of course

>> No.15424781

check out his "lessons for corporate america" which is a collection of his writings (mostly Berkshire's shareholder letters) arranged thematically by Lawrence Cunningham, it's one of the closest attempts at sublime financial writing i've seen, no foolin'

>> No.15424796

i admire your international selections

>> No.15425927
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>> No.15426493

>female XLR
based i guess

>> No.15426606

Buy a failing publishing firm so you can launder money through it and print books you want to read. It's win-win.

>> No.15426668

Less Than Zero is alright but definitely the work of an immature writer. Better than anything I could write at that age though if I’m being honest with myself.

>> No.15426859
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I'm having a hard time explaining to other people what Crying Lot of 49 is about.