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/lit/ - Literature

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15418284 No.15418284 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: best book you found out about through /lit/.

>> No.15418447

Werner Herzog recommended this book to me a few years ago. Easily one of the most poetic and beautifully written books I've ever read.

>> No.15418457

Nice. Are you a personal friend of Herzog? If you are, give me his contact, I got an idea for a movie and I am sure he'd like to hear it.

>> No.15418463
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I’m an unabashed Flashman stan, thanks to /lit/

>> No.15418469

Is it that good?

>> No.15418500

qrd on the peregrine?

>> No.15418693

JR by William Gaddis

>> No.15418701

Not him but it's an amazing book

>> No.15418719
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This book woke me up.

>> No.15418771

The audio book narrated by David Attenborough is pure kino

>> No.15418797

Probably Doctor Faustus. I picked it up last year after reading a thread where a couple anons were discussing it

>> No.15418917

The Elementary Particles by Houellebecq

>> No.15419062

Probably Ficciones

>> No.15419467


>> No.15419476


>> No.15419482

I'd never heard of Machado de Assis until I came here. Epitaph of a Small Winner blew my mind.

>> No.15419514

I found Invitation to a Beheading through /lit/ and it's absolute trash. Thank god I only have 30 pages left.

>> No.15419552

the death of virgil by broch. some anon a few years back recd it on a shelfie bread and to this day remains probably the greatest book i've ever read. thank you, anon if you're still here.

>> No.15419596

Would you recommend starting here? Not looking to dive headlong into The Recognitions just yet.


>> No.15419606

I mostly come here for some burguer lit, that is seldom published in my country. I like Cormac, Blood Meridian and Suttree were nice.

>> No.15419733

If on a Winter's Night a Traveler. Read it while waiting to get out of Jury Duty. Was fantastic, and so comfy. Don't want to give away the ending, but it's great

>> No.15419775

Stoner. Enough said really

>> No.15419788

Yeah man I don't get why everyone rides Nabo's dick so hard, I really dislike his work. I've read Invitation, Despair, and Lolita.

>> No.15419792
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>> No.15419798

The book of Disquiet by Pessoa. Thanks anon, whoever you were.

>> No.15419819

It all comes together in the end

>> No.15419825

I really enjoyed norwegian wood from some anon who recommended it in a age/profession/rec.book thread.

>> No.15419869

my diary desu

>> No.15420052

My exit level will always be Krazsnahorkai, Seutonius, and Nick Land.

>> No.15420058

Book is entry level

>> No.15420061

what's this one?

>> No.15420092
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>> No.15420104

Some anon randomly mentioned The Betrothed by Manzoni a while back, and now it’s easily my favorite book. I wish I could individually thank all the anons who have helped me widen my horizons.

Is it just me or has this series blown up on /lit/ in the past month? I’ve been lurking here for years and had never heard of it.

>> No.15420139

The Tunnel

>> No.15420401

that and gene wolf. really enjoying latro in the mist rn

>> No.15420428

You got memed.

>> No.15420761

Ficciones by Jorges Luis Borges is the best book I read in my life and I discovered because of this board. I need to talk about von Doderer too, his books are the definition of hidden gems.

>> No.15420769

I like the idea that maybe I was one of them

>> No.15421219

Uh I'd say A Frolic of His Own is a good starting place

>> No.15421237

BetterThanFood recently reviewed it.

>> No.15421299
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>> No.15421301

My Granddad loved these.

>> No.15421305

Go back.

>> No.15421315
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>> No.15421327

why don't you, to /pol/ or /v/ you parrot

>> No.15421354

Just go back, tourist.

>> No.15421708

Not him, but you seem flustered. Have some water, but then you have to go back.

>> No.15421745

Dive headlong into The Recognitions. It's amazing. I just finished it this morning. It ain't really a difficult of a read save for that one dense chapter somewhere in the middle and its intimidating length.

>> No.15421752

The Recognitions by William Gaddis.

>> No.15421762

Try Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle. I'm not a big fan of Nabokov, but that book was an absolute delight for my inner languagefag. I also come from a similar multilingual immigrant background, so it was pretty interesting.

>> No.15421795

elaborate.. whats so geh about this book? why the gay cowboy screencap?

>> No.15421797

Just go back.

>> No.15421803
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>> No.15421808

Great taste

>> No.15421879

Will Andrews, the MC, watches Miller shoot for paaages, just like in pic related, and then, SPOILER, after the turning point of the book, they have four unwashed men have to sleep tightly together so as not to die.

>> No.15422028


>> No.15422506


>> No.15422530
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This was /lit recommendation

>> No.15422539


On the other hand, I fell for the Evan Dara meme. Bought Flee and it was shit. I'm sure the dude shilled himself here a couple of years ago.

>> No.15422760

No I didn’t. You got filtered.

>> No.15422806

saved to my lit recs as well, how did you like it?

>> No.15422834

I was told its similar to Lolita and better, no fancy prose and more content... It met and exceeded my expections. However if you are not looking for that kind of thing then its just an ok book.

>> No.15422872

You fuck off. This is our turf.

>> No.15423029

can you give MEGA link?

>> No.15423095

just do the audible free trial

>> No.15423096



>> No.15423265

TR is like climbing a mountain: the first time through, your mind’s probably half occupied with actually getting to the end. It’s a book that’s meant to be reread, you’ll enjoy it a lot more when you focus on the small details that make an impact.

>> No.15423342

fuck off and get out

>> No.15423602

I hate jewish ppl because of what they did to Palestine
fucking invaders

>> No.15423641
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based and same

>> No.15423768


also a great fan of the tartar steppe. one of my all time favourites. check out the oppossing shore by julien gracq. really similar vibes, although it's a bit more tedious to read (longer, convoluted prose at times). Any other Buzzati recs?

>> No.15423830

I don't read books.

>> No.15424045

Same here, amazing book. Want to read his Sleepwalkers as well.

>> No.15424084
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This was a neat read.

>> No.15424093

The Crying of Lot 49 or Fanged Noumena.

>> No.15424421

what's it about?

>> No.15424428

I honestly haven't learned of any good books through here. /lit/, collectively, has about the worst taste in books of any board I've ever been on.

>> No.15424543

i disagree ,first i was watching booktube which rekindled my love for reading the problem was they kept recommending me YA shit and jewish ppl's weakest shit
when i came here i found out the most horrendous shit on top of my most enjoyable reads such as :
once on a winters night a traveller
the name of the rose
the crying of lot 49
the master and the meme
dead souls
and so many more

>> No.15424566

He must have had great taste

>> No.15424568

Have you read it?

>> No.15424604

Good taste

Genuinely subhuman

>> No.15424753

target acquired, thanks anons
investigating this series now

>> No.15424759

never read a book that produced such vivid imagery in my mind as butchers crossing. must reread soon

>> No.15424765


>> No.15424771

>"The Tartar Stepp"
>not "The Tartar Deser"
fucking anglos

>> No.15424808

more like the tartar sauce wahey

>> No.15424824

id say all my lit knowledge came from here for the most part. prior to that i was reading dickens, tolkien, GRRM, and don quixote. very grateful for lit tbqh

>> No.15425454
File: 110 KB, 1007x1500, 71ASXX6gH4L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of italian /lit/ here. I'm pleased
Here's a rec for you

>> No.15425862

The Golem by Gustav Meyrink

>> No.15425874

more like Epitaph of a Small Weiner

>> No.15426048


>> No.15426220

It's extremely repetitive. You'll need a lot of patience.

>> No.15426258

I learned about it through Better than food guy on YouTube. I'm pretty sure he browses here.

>> No.15426280

that dude loves the smell of his farts

>> No.15426291

Eve was forcibly separated from Adam and sent Cain was moved; back to Earth to avoid Eve; (in Hell) and Adam was in Heaven and Eve was in Hell and Adam was in Heaven and Eve was in Hell so I had Sophia's body raped and Yave was in it at the time and it made a kid between us called um Arrow in his mind not her rotting; womb Athena styles

Yave is not Eve's son it is YHVH himself.
Elomihn is YHWH; the father of Adam.

>> No.15426296

Just jump in and read Flashman #1. You’ll be hooked, it’s only about 300ish pages too so it can be read in a couple of days

>> No.15426297

Im currently banned on /v/ so i cant

>> No.15426306

Williams' August, has since become one of my all time favorite books.

>> No.15426320
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that's exactly what happened to me with Philip Marlowe, thanks anon!

>still getting good recs here after all these years...

>> No.15426321
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You convinced me.
I want to read more poetry.
Which version do I get?

>> No.15426334

this is prose.
but get that complete works blue version.

>> No.15426349
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>432 pages
damn just noticed
the cover art looks trash but i'm probably getting this one
thanks senpai

>> No.15426381

Aside from the Peregrine, what else should I get?
I could get another book by Lem, he's a good writer, after all.

>> No.15426437
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Stoner or Fiasco (Lem)?

>> No.15426467
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this was from before /lit/ went to shit

>> No.15426469
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Trust me anon Hill of Summer is extracomfy.

>> No.15426478

>mostly fiction. novels.
>there's not much fiction, novels or literature on /lit/ anymore

fuck off

>> No.15426503

Shit, is this one of those dictionary-must have reads?

>> No.15426510

Hey all, please could someone curate a list of /lit/'s recommendations? I'd honestly like to form my opinion by reading them all.

>> No.15426641

Lupe Fiasco?

>> No.15426703

Fiasco by Stanislaw Lem.
Astronauts arrive on a planet harbouring intelligent life but instead of little green men they find something really alien.

>> No.15426997

Complex sentence structure doesn’t mean difficult words.

>> No.15427083


>> No.15428484
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Realized how much books were capable of after reading this

>> No.15428680

Love that book.

To answer your question, Claudio Magris, Danube.

>> No.15428683


>> No.15428689

Start with Carpenter's Gothic.

>> No.15428813
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>> No.15428825

Have all his works minus CG. Wat do

>> No.15428830
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Pic related is a lesser-known Lem book that I really liked, and it's on-topic since I first heard about it here. It's not really science fiction, but more of a surreal comedy about bureaucracy, paranoia, and the tendency to see secret messages and meanings in nonsense.
The interesting thing about it is that the introduction sets up a post-apocalyptic US vs. USSR story that has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the book and contradicts it in places (according to the intro, the protagonist's manuscript was found in a secret bunker, but he and other characters in the book make multiple references to being able to freely enter and exit the building the story takes place in.) I'm pretty sure Lem only included it to make it abundantly clear that he wasn't trying to satirize the Soviet government. Funnily enough, almost every summary online focuses only on the introduction and ignores the rest of the book.

>> No.15428852

What does that even mean with regard to this book

>> No.15428881

protocols is better and much more influential to early 20th century politics
CoC is just some intellectual kindly saying "Maybe the Antisemitism is coming from uh...socio-economic factors...and not from nowhere! I'm not an antisemite I swear!"

Protocols is just pure based.

>> No.15428926

Am I the only one who didn't especially like this? why does everyone keep recommending it? I found it to be about a 6-7/10 honestly.

>> No.15429083

I too dismiss writers after reading one of their famous ones and avoiding the 2-3 other works people give a shit about.

>> No.15429137

I understand not dismissing an author after one book, but by three you have a decent understanding of whether you like their writing or not. You don’t have to read all their most popular either. I’ve read six of Nabokov’s and the only one I truly liked was King, Queen, Knave.

>> No.15429159

You're in the minority. The most important shit from him is Lolita, Pale Fire, and Ada. It's like if someone read Sound and the Fury, Pylon, and The Unvanquished. It's funny, especially if you're going to exclaim how you want better stuff from a writer. So yeah, lets wander into the stuff only scholars read....

>> No.15429342


>> No.15429346

You're welcome

>> No.15429855
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>> No.15430618

Don't be modest. Is this for big brains?

>> No.15430856
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>> No.15430868

not at all. don't be discouraged by redditors and MFA hacks calling it purple prose. It's comfy and beautiful.
It's much easier than the most of the stuff that gets memed here.

>> No.15431376

I agree

>> No.15431427

I've been looking forward to read this one, he seems to write real good stories about bureaucracy.
I loved the short of the Steelipips in Cyberiad.

Also, the reason he was covert about his communism parable was probably because it'd be censored otherwise. His political affiliations aside, the only way to publish behind the Iron Curtain is to make it abundantly clear you're not critiquing the system.

>> No.15431564

Herzog recommended it in one of his online courses. It was in the trailer, so many people probably heard the recommendation...

>> No.15431967
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I've only read a few books that I wouldn't have known about if it wasn't for /lit/ but out of them this is hands down the best

>> No.15432011


Are you a native English speaker? It's simple prose with moderately advanced vocabulary - American high school students would have no problem with this.

>> No.15432029

It probably went over your head

>> No.15432065
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Finally an ok thread

>> No.15432635

i relentlessly pushed two books on /lit/ about five years ago: the peregrine and skylark
i'm glad one stuck

>> No.15432672

No, I'm a colorist that worked on a project with him a few years ago that got shelved. This was back while I was training. He came into the studio one day and sat with me and my mentor.

>> No.15432706
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This collection of short stories is pretty meta and also has characters from one story appear in some other

>> No.15432782
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Ezpz answer

>> No.15434109

Based Grandpa

>> No.15434709

A lot of Buzzati's stuff is hard to find in English, but a collection of his short stories called Catastrophe was released last year, and NYRB has an edition of Poem Strip that should be available. I thought both were very good.

>> No.15435096

I just read Skylark earlier this month. Fantastic book, I’ve owned it for like nine or ten years, and finally got to it.

>> No.15435372

one might say you were skylarking yourself

>> No.15435759

read this at BAP's recommendation, not bad.

>> No.15435827

I'll check it out. This seems like my kind of book.

>> No.15435885

>people are reading culture of critique

I got into this message board run by Polish culture of critique cultists who talked in code and once I got to know them I learned that this shit is actually dangerous. Like gangs of people (10-20) running around committing hate crimes and vandalizing all while talking in weird fucking code and feigning ignorance

>> No.15435996
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Pretty much 95% of my favorites I've found through /lit/ like:

>Pedro Paramo
>Dom Casmurro
>Three trapped tigers
>Kiss of the spider woman
>short stories of Flannery O'Connor
>The Star Diaries


>> No.15436014

Fuckin' based taste, Lem is an utter delight.

>> No.15436077

Go back.

>> No.15436184

Great book