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1541620 No.1541620 [Reply] [Original]

I know I brought this up in another thread yesterday, but lets just reflect on the ancient greek philosophers for a second.

ESPECIALLY Aristotle. How much balls do you have to have, and how much of an obnoxious prick do you have to be, do go around saying THIS IS LIKE THIS AND THIS IS LIKE THAT and then write it down, and teach it to other people with NOOOOOOOTHING to back it up whatsoever

Like, holy fuck. Aristotle claimed that things generate from their own specific environment. Throw some dirty hay on the ground and mice will magically appear. And people looked at him sheepishly, shrugged their shoulders and said "yeah I guess that makes sense"

Fuck man, I wish I was born back then, I'd totally of been running game

>> No.1541628


>I'd totally of been a peasant

fixed for you

>> No.1541627

except they wouldn't understand you as you don't speak Ancient Greek

>> No.1541756
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>I'd totally of been running game

Running game?
This is what I think of your game.

>> No.1541788

>How much balls do you have to have, and how much of an obnoxious prick do you have to be, do go around saying THIS IS LIKE THIS AND THIS IS LIKE THAT and then write it down, and teach it to other people with NOOOOOOOTHING to back it up whatsoever
You'd have to be someone who isn't a spineless, subhuman degenerate

>> No.1541792

People thought Socrates was annoying as hell. He was basically an old guy who would start a conversation about some issue with you and then keep asking "Why?" over and over again until you wanted to kill him.

And that's exactly what happened.

>> No.1541802


Aren't you forgetting that this was like, 2,500 years ago? People were weird back then, and nobody bothered to test his hypothesis. He got lots of things wrong, thought the brain was a condenser for all of the water we were losing as steam inside our own bodies.

How come nobody mentions the pythagorean rule against touching beans when they talk about Hellenistic bullshit?

>> No.1541805

You know you can still do this today?

Anyway, remember not to vaccine yo kids, makes em autistic. Mercury in the vaccines, gov't took mah baby, etc, etc.

>> No.1541817

>touching beans

tell me more

>> No.1541849


Basically, after they killed Socrates for doing nothing other than being a counterculture little shit, Plato fell in with Pythagoras and his crew.

The Pythagoreans basically mixed mathematics with metaphysics. So among other things they were all strict vegetarians, because they didn't want the animal souls passing into their bodies. They weren't even allowed to touch any kind of bean, for it was a seed. And it had the potential for life. And a soul.

Basically, THETANS, THETANS EVERYWHERE. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagoreanism

Am I the only one who finds it odd that the foundations of western civilization all spring from two dozen or so Greeks who were all friends with Plato?

>> No.1541855


Socrates was an ugly sexually depraved boy-touching d-bag.


>> No.1541859

Yes and no. Their way of thinking and arguing were such that they had to prove others wrong, so I can see how it came about. Also, we've lost a lot of shit that probably has influenced us, but we wouldn't know it, thanks to dark ages.

>> No.1541871

Not even just that - Aristotle was obviously part of the Plato clique (stunning in itself) but he was also the tutor of Alexander. As in The Great. You have to find that kind of stunning - the sheer confluence of power and influence - certainly one of the most fertile periods in history, especially given the fact that Greece is basically a rocky, infertile, unpopulated peninsula.

>> No.1541874

Aristotle gave us method.


>> No.1541900

Boy touching was accepted back then. He was just an annoying troll, and was killed for it, the same way we should deal with 70% of the posters on 4chan.

>> No.1541937

Agora -> Forum -> Internet Boards
Socrates -> Trolls

>> No.1541951

You have a very stupid way of thinking about the past.

>> No.1542731

It's not that special, basically all modern continental philosophy does the same thing.

>> No.1542843


Didn't AG hang with other philosophers like Diogenes?


Eat shit, motherfucker

>> No.1543563


It strikes me as odd that you don't realize you'd have been just as ignorant as they were back then. You'd have the same stupid hypotheses and furthermore, you'd be calling yourself brilliant for agreeing with Aristotle, if you even understood him.

>> No.1543660
File: 4 KB, 127x127, 2345687654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd totally of been running game
>I'd totally of been
>I'd totally of
>totally of