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15414668 No.15414668 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books either nonfiction or fiction where someone walks the streets while describing the architecture and other things they are looking at?

>> No.15414672

catholic girls look like THAT?!

>> No.15414693

No she is an atheist who enjoys the architecture.

>> No.15414697

Why is this female not covering her head in church?

>> No.15414713

Why should she?

>> No.15414722

She identifies as female.

>> No.15414733

How do you know that? They might just be a very feminine boy.

>> No.15414749

>a prostitute in a temple

>> No.15414790

A Time of Gifts

>> No.15414883

imaginary cities mb? idk

>> No.15414953

How do you know this?

>> No.15414969

Most religious women today are... not very attractive. If you're an attractive woman today, life can be an endless sex party - why bother with religion?

>> No.15414981

>life can be an endless sex party
Only if you commit suicide before hitting 30. Youth, sexual attraction and beauty fades away with age.

>> No.15414992

They can still have casual sex well after 30.

>> No.15415016

if you have something in excess, you stop getting happiness from it after a while. Also in long term when get "mature" you seek long term relationships.

>> No.15415032

New Shrugged

>> No.15415037

wtf, I meant to write New York Trilogy.
Just woke up, mb.

>> No.15415046

Not exactly that, but In Search of Lost Time spends a lot of time describing architecture

>> No.15415058

I was still getting a lot of sex after 30, and still with teens and early twenties. Corona has fucked it up a little.

It's not mutually exclusive. I did the long term stuff for a while, but that's no reason not to have casual sex in between if you can.

>> No.15415072

Are you women?

>> No.15416265

Because all women must cover their hair before they enter a church.

>> No.15416289

like god gives a fuck

>> No.15416857

He does though.

>> No.15416879

An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris by Georges Perec is somewhat like this but the narrator is sitting at a cafe, not walking.
(But I found it pretty boring even though I usually love Perec)

>> No.15416937

citation needed

>> No.15416956

the rings of saturn by wg sebald

>> No.15416959

I assume you're speaking strictly about the West?

>> No.15417464

john betjeman

>> No.15417488
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>> No.15417492

Henry Adams - Mont-Saint Michel and Chartres

>> No.15417619

The name of the rose have a lot of architecture description. I had to have a dictionary at my side to even know where the heck they were supposed to be.

>> No.15417624

Watch Eugene Green’s La Sapienza

>> No.15417658
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>> No.15417667

Your diary desu

>> No.15417675

I second Sebald- while he doesn't exclusively write about architecture, he spends a lot of time in his books describing the landscape and scenery/architecture around him- Rings of Saturn is also very good for this

>> No.15417759

I have been described as not being cloyingly "masculine", although my test levels are naturally high and it shows. Although not in baldness luckily, and I am a little fat these days. I'm a very hetero dude though, lots of attractive women still want to fuck 30-something yo guys.

>> No.15417785

Already seen. Cheap imitation of The Great Beauty but some nice shots

>> No.15417947

Lol to be honest I haven’t seen that but I doubt Green would be interested in imitating Sorrentino. The latter seems interested in searching through the history of Italy and Italian art, with a special nod to cinema, whereas Green is focused on the baroque and its art, not only as a subject to study within the film but as a grounds for the film’s form and presentation itself

>> No.15418266

The movie itself isn't imitating Sorrentino it's the aesthetic. It's painful how obvious it is. Looks like deleted scenes from TGB. The story itself is probably imitating some pretentious novel I haven't read.

>> No.15419681

The Year of The Death of Ricardo Reis

>> No.15419697

Read like shit tier YA.

>> No.15419709

The Fall by Camus and also, especially, A Happy Death by Camus

>> No.15419734

A bunch of Bolaño also focuses on city vibes.

>> No.15419747

Anything by Ruskin.

>> No.15419778

Walter Benjamin in Das Passagen-Werk.

>> No.15419789

No one said guys can't fuck after 30, that's when guys peak. Women hit the wall at 30

>> No.15419851

I think it’s cool that more girls are doing this now. I think it’s a rebellion against the instrumental, materialistic, sociologistic worldview that dominates society and has made its way even into the church. I think that a recovery of permanent values (modesty, femininity, in this case) through rebellion is probably the only way to recover them authentically in today’s world. This would seem to imply that the quickest way to ruin this seems to me to be to present it as box-checking, rule-following behavior, rather than something that signifies a deeper truth to which one may ascend. But I might be wrong.

>> No.15419997

No sorry

>> No.15420178

Yes obviously. I've literally never seen an attractive woman at Church. Also, I think most young people nowadays into religion are a bit autistic. I mean, this applies to me as well.

>> No.15420211

He's probably a trolling atheist but it is a thing in Orthodox Christianity

It's largely disappeared in the Catholic Church since Vatican 2 but it's still practiced quite regularly at Tridentine Mass, it's not mandatory but a lot of women wear mantillas or hats

The point is that a woman's hair is a source of pride and showing off, having it visible in the church is a distraction for both male and female, and arouses feelings of lust and jealousy respectively

>> No.15420221

Not to mention there's a certain loveliness to a woman in a beautiful mantilla. It's beauty, but a chaster, purer kind of beauty.

>> No.15420253
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Though imo the orthobros have it right with the scarves, I think they look better, but maybe a bit too Eastern-looking for Catholicism