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15411304 No.15411304 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do with a book that is too hard to read?

>> No.15411325

>too hard to read
no such thing
you're too lazy to read it, there's a difference

>> No.15411334

What's an example?

I don't think I have a book that's too hard for me to read, but there are books I own that I thought would be good because people said they were. Turns out I just didn't like them. Reading is more about finding the authors that really resonate with you imo. So something can be "hard", but only in that it's uninteresting.

Maybe I'll just sell them to Half Price Books or something.

>> No.15411377

force yourself to read it like an autist and waste your time but get the cred to namedrop the book to other autists
or drop it and read something you enjoy

>> No.15411928

i keep reading with the hope that the book will become easier to read and understand. unfortunately this has never happened

>> No.15411953

I read Being and Time start to finish even though I didn't understand a word of it. Now I can say that I've read it and it was meaningless and stupid.

>> No.15412104

Take more time to read it, and become a stronger reader through that

>> No.15412775
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read carefully
maybe with supplementary texts if there are any
read later

>> No.15413482

Literally me reading Gravity’s Rainbow. It’s not that it’s hard, it just feels like such a chore. I’ve tried three times and get further each time, but it just seems like I’m forcing it

>> No.15413965

Does it even count as reading if you can’t understand what’s being written? Or worse yet that you completely misinterpret the text.

>> No.15413979

Other than in terms of boredom or how bad it is that doesn't exist for me. I might not have the particular context for a book but complexity is a non-issue.

>> No.15414035

It depends on what I'm reading. If I'm reading fiction and I want to enjoy myself I'm not gonna attempt to read a book like Ulysses or another equally complex book. But, if I'm reading nonfiction it's because I'm seriously interested in understanding the subject so I'll re-read entire chapters if I'm not satisfied with my comprehension of what I just read and look up articles about the book.

>> No.15414185
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I'm reading it at the moment, just read the octopus part at the start of section 2. I find some chapters to be easy to read, and I enjoy it, thinking I'm finally 'in the right mindset', and then suddenly I'll completely lose what's going on, and start to feel retarded again.

There's a part where Jessica is looking out of the window, while Mexico is sleeping, and it feels beautiful. Then suddenly someone is falling down a toilet while getting raped by Malcolm X and a gang is negros. Is there something intellectual going on, or am I meant to go 'lmao haha this is funny', is me even questioning it 'the point'?

I didn't find V to be this confusing. I'm going to keep going though, I liked the octopus part and could actually follow what's going on. I can tell it was all planned as some kind of test to see what Slothrops connection is to the rockets/women, so at the moment I don't think I'm lost. Fuck, now I'm in the mood to keep reading.

>> No.15414223

I think it's probably something to do with your physical mental capacity, it's not your fault and I'm sorry if it upsets you. Perhaps take up another hobby that doesn't require thinking? Like boxing or wrestling?