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File: 289 KB, 1000x1255, DuginWEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15410227 No.15410227 [Reply] [Original]

Discussion of 4PT, Dugin, related works and legitimate criticisms allowed. No schizoposting.

>> No.15410497 [DELETED] 


>> No.15410510

I don't see how 4PT isn't just fascism? I don't mean like "durrr ebil right wing russian iz fascist" but from what I've read it really seems to be in the range of Mussolini-Codreanu-salazar

>> No.15410518

Remember friends, we must do anything to advance Russian influence. Everything else is secondary.

>> No.15410530

>Dugin doesn't present a framework that could be applied to other nations

>> No.15410541
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What do we think of our boy being involved in this Crowley LARP?

>> No.15410600
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The jungle fever is real.

>> No.15410853
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Today "fascism" consists only from weak and wicked points. It is fully reducible to these four moments: it is modern (as concept of Nation is Modern), eurocentric, chauvinistic and first anti-communist and only after (demagogically) critical of liberalism. It gathers all weak points of historic fascism and is completely devoid of any positive ones. That's why it is but a caricature. That's why it should be overcome and transcended. That's why it only serves as secondary weapon for liberals (as well as neo-leftists, anti-globalists and eco clowns - also the puppets of the capitalist masters).
The fascism is semantically and historically exhausted. Its rests as self-parodies. Dawn with that. Let make one step ahead.

>> No.15411254 [DELETED] 


>> No.15411326

I'm not talking about people who call themselves fascist, I'm talking about actual fascism as it existed originally. That's why I referenced actual fascists. I don't see how what Dugin proposes would be any different than them in practice. Are you making the argument that this repackaging is strategic in order to shed the shadows of the past?

>> No.15411336

>20 years ago
imagine St. Augustine preaching and some midwit says "What do we think of our boy being involved in this Manichean LARP?

>> No.15411449
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"Actual fascism" was Modern and dealt with the concept belonging to the Enlightenment philosophy. It is absolutely wrong: the Modernity is evil and falsehood. It was Modern political theory. Much better than other modern political theories, but still modern.
The Absolute Idea is the thesis; its alienation throughout the history is the antithesis; its realization in the eschatological Kingdom is the synthesis.

>> No.15411490

Obscurantism is all well and good, but in practice how would Dugin's state be any different from a fascist state?

>> No.15411571
File: 79 KB, 751x770, Dugin_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A plurality of types of political and anthropological creativity should be encouraged.
TV and the press will be cancelled, as they are always spouting some kind of meaningless nonsense.
Clothing will have its own meaning. The body is the wrapper of the eidos, and the clothes are the wrapping of the body. Everyone will have different clothes, but all colorful and astonishingly beautiful, so that people pay attention to them. People will notice clothes and judge by clothes. There will be an absolute cult of clothing. People will spend most of their time getting dressed and changing.
Food will be the most ecologically pure, and distributed freely, as a gift. There will be an exceptional lot of sausage, cheese, and hazelnuts in the Empire.
As for gender, women will be esteemed in the Empire, since they are more interesting than men (and more beautiful). Men will not be upset by this given that envy will be abolished by decree (The first decree will be abolishing envy, jealousy, and property; envy will be published with three shots of ivy for an envious look and six for a jealous word).
Women will love the Empire and cherish it every morning in greeting the sun.
Morality will change. The word “evil” will be excluded from the lexicon along with all bad expressions. Instead of them will be introduced the gradual concept of “less good.” A less good person stole a bun at the market. He deserves less love and less respect than the one who asked for a bun and was given one. With a gentle smile.
Everyone will smile and laugh at funerals, for since this world is so beautiful, what about the next. And then death will be comprehended as a return to the eidos.
There will be no law. He who is smart, bold, and beautiful, is right.
Education will combine high metaphysics, theology, Angelology, and Heidegerrianism for the smallest and Kyoto School. Everyone will be taught such.
Warriors will additionally be taught gymnastics and figure skating.
Poets will be taught different languages, from 10 to 15 each.
Farmers will have nothing to be taught besides bossa nova and tango. They are already so wise in their sacred labor.
It is approximately such a society that we propose to build as the goal of the Fourth Political Theory.

>> No.15411605
File: 412 KB, 1024x585, dde1dnf-0676dbda-fd21-43bd-b82e-e4a02fb28080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The attitude towards farmers will be sacred. All life will be adapted to suit the farmers. Everything for the farmers. The population will be pastoralists and cultivators. Farm labor, grain, grapes, baking, loaves, and bulls, cows, sheep, and goats will be raised to the status of state ideology. Seeing an ear of grain or a donkey, not to mention a farmer or shepherd, all citizens of Platonopolis will welcome them with singing. At the head of humanity will be Bread and Wine. Talking bulls with the Moon between their horns will serve Bread and Wine to weary travelers.
All around will be gardens and forests and wild animals along with domestic ones. The wolves will master crafts and help men repair carts and sing songs.
Farmers will have huge beards which will be twined with ripe ears. As the most intelligent of forest brothers, bears will also work the fields. Pigs will feed themselves or elect a pig-in-command.
Women will be provided with earthenware pots with fresh milk and huge, extremely beautiful hats.

>> No.15411699
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The state should be ruled by the philosopher king, who is absolutely transparent, devoid of any individual properties. His individual element should be so miniscule that it would be desirable to hide everything reminiscent of it, including his body, his image, etc. It would be better if no one saw the philosopher king as something external. All should recognize him as an internal ruler, as the “guest within.”
The philosopher king must be hidden. Moreover, his existence must be so intense that it transcends the limits of existence. He will act in not-acting (the Taoist ideal of the perfect ruler is he who accomplishes non-acting, or Wu-Wei). Considering his deep and profound connection to the apophatic, he will not exist in existing or, on the contrary, he will exist in not existing. The philosopher king is as if he was not, and he is not as he is. He should be easy, transparent, always open to the abyss represented by him in the Platonopolis of the Fourth Political Theory. Perhaps he will communicate with his subjects from behind a curtain, from the depths of a cave, or even through an oracle. He should not not speak nor be silent, but instead only give signs.

>> No.15411713

>Clothing will have its own meaning. The body is the wrapper of the eidos, and the clothes are the wrapping of the body. Everyone will have different clothes, but all colorful and astonishingly beautiful, so that people pay attention to them. People will notice clothes and judge by clothes. There will be an absolute cult of clothing. People will spend most of their time getting dressed and changing.
kek is this satire? Does Dugin actually write this? How come he dresses like goth Rasputin then?

>> No.15411728

Schizoposting is the only thing that could possibly redeem this shit thread. You think anyone actually cares about your political "theory"? Fuck no. They just like the enthusiasm of grown meaning screaming about how they have risen on the strength of eagles and pierced the veil into the inner kingdom or whatever.

>> No.15411792

Ok ken Wilson

>> No.15412656

Dugin is basically saying the emperor has no clothes when it comes to political theory. He leverages ideas his critics would consider mystic or pagan, but successfully critiques their assumptions to reveal his critics are in fact the mystics. The question that follows is which mysticism is appropriate and his message in that case is one of tolerance. He really only takes exception to the egotism of the mystic tradition of Western liberalism insofar as it incessantly seeks to impose itself on non-Western societies.

>> No.15412993


>> No.15413081

The absolute state of /lit/. Anyways, 4PT is different than Fascism for a variety of reasons. First, 4PT rejects modernity, while Fascism embraced it. Fascism employed the most modern methods of propaganda. A Fascist state today would have all the same methods of technological Liberal states do. Secondly, Fascism is nationalist, while 4PT is not. Thirdly, it is categorically different and exists in a different time. 4PT is not Fascism because it is anti Fascist to some extent.

>> No.15413137

Got to agree with the other anon, this is pure obscurantism
>The Absolute Idea
What is this?
>the eschatological Kingdom
What is this?
>is the synthesis.
How is this the synthesis between these two things?
I assume you will just reply with a meme 'fuck you Atlanticist' or something stupid, but you sound extremely retarded and like a schizo

>> No.15413148

is the mongol empire really crucial to the founding of russia?
t. doesn't know shit

>> No.15413446


Hes a boleshevik and probably a jew, just more subversion, nothing special desu


>> No.15413898


>> No.15413946


Also those who think Stalin was based, he was also a Jew


>> No.15413963

So because someone is (potentially) a Jew, that means their arguments automatically aren't valid? Retard alert.

>> No.15413976
File: 6 KB, 178x86, 873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duguinists literally shilling their psyop guru now

>> No.15413994

dugin's subversive character exposed





>> No.15413999

Takes Marxism applies unscientific racism and throw in some metaphysics just to make it edgy enough never to be taken seriously

>> No.15414013
File: 243 KB, 680x709, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>So because someone is (potentially) a Jew, that means their arguments automatically aren't valid?


>> No.15414567
File: 220 KB, 1080x1472, 2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno but this is lit af.

>> No.15414954

Schizo cringe. Can't believe a gave a click to your shitty articles that 5 people read.

>> No.15414958

Not my article lol


>> No.15415323

This is why anti-Semitism is dumb. It inevitably relies on a number of secret Jews to try to make itself seem more coherent.

>> No.15415329

Did you miss the part about no schizo posting? No one cares about your gay blog.

>> No.15415336

Dugin specifically denies racialism. He's a cultural anthropologist.

>> No.15415342

>Stalin was a Jew
So you're telling me Jews are based?

>> No.15415350

Doesn't sound like a legitimate criticism