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/lit/ - Literature

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1540967 No.1540967 [Reply] [Original]

This happened a couple days ago

>Go to local pub to read
>Start reading Shadow and Act by Ralph Ellison
>Read a couple essays and decided to read my other book Walden by Henry David Thoreau
>Guy across the bar who I have never met before notices
>He yells "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE? Your just going to not finish the other book and start another?! What the fuck!?"
>I laugh and he stares at me sternly

I was fucking confused.

>> No.1540974

You go to a pub to read? Weird. I go to a pub to drink.

>> No.1540972

that wa sthe book fairy and youre fucked. wouldnt go to bed 2night if i were u

>> No.1540976

Why would you go to a pub to read?
Are you homeless? Are there no libraries where you live?

>> No.1540979

Dude it was 11 o clock at night, I was bored and I wanted to get trashed and read.

>> No.1540980

You left out the part where he dropped his Hemingway and beat your ass, OP.

>> No.1540983

ahahahhahaha you go out at 11 to a pub and start reading???

>> No.1540989

Well its hard to sometimes with everybody partying and all, especially hard to focus with the loud pumping techno and flashing lights, but heck I give it a try.

>> No.1540995

aight. i always go to this bar next door called 'Red Star deluxxe' to read up on my Rand. its very annoying to get whipped by half-naked cowboys + dicks flapping in my face while trying to decipher post-capitalistic laissez-faire conservatism

>> No.1540998

>loud pumping techno and flashing lights

That's no proper pub

>> No.1540999

I've been reading in a bar and never has anyone said anything to me about it but what that guy said is so bizarre..i mean, so particular, really..i don't agree with him, though..because i read like 3 books concurrently but at least he had an opinion about reading and it wasn't just "hey what is that thing you are holding, there?"

>> No.1541008

Its not really by all standards a proper pub I would agree. Its one of those annoying faggy ones with jazzy furniture. However it has the clientele of a standard pub, for all its flare it still has the punters of a traditional pub.

Interestingly enough though it does stay open til 3am every night.

>> No.1541011

i thought i was in a bar one time (im not very good with people) but aparently i was just sitting in my neighbors kitchen trying to order beer from the dog

>> No.1541013

My friend and I popped into a bar to get a drink while he showed me this book of artwork, and some drunk guy asked if we were playing dungeons and dragons. That's what we get for going to a bar in a small town in mid-Illinois, but those are the best.

>> No.1541017

one time i wanted to look at a newly bought record at the library but everybody was reading books out loud and one dude was spinning around two books in phase on a table. very annoying and i dont know why people do this.....

>> No.1541018

Are you in a college town? I usually see pubs like that in college towns.

>> No.1541021


>> No.1541025
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Yeah, well, you suck.

>> No.1541027

I regularly go to a pub in my hometown and everytime im there exactly at 10 pm a dude in a ninja uniform comes crawling over the ceiling. he always drops down on my table and starts doing karate moves. this is all very distracting and sometimes he kicks over my lemonade or asthma inhaler. one time he made an error and i called him out on pulling a jiu-jitsu move instead of karate (i learned a lot from watchign dragonball z) and he screamd something and disappeared in a purple cloud. never saw him again but im still not really comfortable sitting in that pub

>> No.1541033

I am a Britfag so specifying to you I presumed would not make a difference.

Bath Spa University.

>> No.1541036

Geeze that guy sounds like a douche. I had the same problem with a Cretaceous dinosaur who would always slither all over my table.

He ruined a perfectly good Martini I had.

>> No.1541091

While I am an Amerifag, I probably know more about British universities and all around culture than I do about American colleges and whatnot. I'll always be British at heart. I'm English on my grandmother's side, though it's a diluted Anglo-Irish bloodline.

>> No.1541095


How do you like Bath Spa Uni?

I've applied to do Literature there next year

>> No.1541094


>> No.1541100

OP here
lol well good luck with that. they've got a library there, if you can call it that, though most of the course is just colouring in pretty pictures anyway.

>> No.1541103


Awesome, what are you studying, if I may ask?

>> No.1541104

It's very good. Nice teachers, nice students. The only problem is the pack of rabid dogs running around the campus site at the strike of midnight. They also have a semi-human shepherd with a void instead of a mouth, sucking in all the joy and happiness that was ever known. The cafetaria food is also good.

>> No.1541107

English, I think. Just ask for the course with the pretty pictures and they'll know

>> No.1541112

Why you gotta be a dick? All I was doing was explain that I know what university he's talking about.

>> No.1541114

I've been following a class called following a class and it gives a basic introduction to following a class, i.e. sitting and paying attention to something else than the weird fleshy bulb between my eyes.

>> No.1541116
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What the fuck are you doing reading in pub, man? Oh yeah, hoping to be noticed and everyone will think "wow, an intellectual, I will sex him RIGHT THE FUCK UP".

PROTIP: It won't happen

>> No.1541122

Hmmm, let me think,... ah! *types in hipster_glasses.jpg*

>> No.1541127

You read at a bar? Where do you live at, 18th century England?

>> No.1541129


People are actually thinking "Look at fucking Billy No Mates over there taking up a whole table with his fucking book, who the fuck does he think he is, the cunt?"

>> No.1541130

Wait... it's weird to sit next to people you don't know at bars?! Night fucking ruined.....

>> No.1541135

Usually go it in quite large groups, so need a whole table.

>> No.1541136

>ITT: people afraid to leave the house antagonize some dude for enjoying a drink while reading

never change, /lit/

I don't see what's so different in principle about this situation versus reading at a coffee shop

I think y'all just gelatinous

>> No.1541142

it is also possible to acquire beverages within the boundaries of my own domain

>> No.1541144

I read if I'm waiting for someone. Though I tend to do that in a Subways or something (need to get a bite to eat before drinking).

In a bar/pub, it depends. University campus ones, sure! Ones in town, generally not.

>> No.1541168

>eat before drinking
Motherfucker do you know how the world works? That doesn't make any goddamn sense.

>> No.1541175


It does if you don't want to be sick the next day. Don't drink on an empty stomach, don't drink beer after wine and always drink a litre of water before you go to bed.

These are the rules of drinking, and shall not be broken for if they are the gods of wine will visit their mighty vengeance upon you and you shall spendeth the day hunched over the toilet sounding as though you are trying to park a tiger.

So endeth the lesson.

>> No.1541180

lol if you dont drink to destroy your body as fast as possible and try to get fucked up for the least amount of money

>> No.1541181

Don't bring your fucking books into bars. Don't bring your laptops, iPads, headphones or any of that shit. Go into a bar and have a drink and talk to people. Enough of this shit; the internet will be there when you get home, for fuck sake!

>> No.1541184
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>mfw when I follow none of those rules

>> No.1541186


What else am I suposed to do? I have very little money. I wish I could get pissed up on champagne every night, but I can't, so supermarket pinot gris is is.

>> No.1541194
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You're young yet. I never had a hangover till I was about 30. When I started getting them for real, then the rules started to matter. Enjoy it while you can, cos the payback is a bitch.

Yeah, I jelly.

>> No.1541200

you are older than 30 and posting on 4chan

>> No.1541205


No, you're imagining it. It's all a dream, go back to sleep.

>> No.1541209

Nah I can't drink like I used to. a couple of consecutive nights and I gotta take a break. Just learned how I guess. I had some beastly hangovers when I was in college. >>1541200
It'll happen to you someday.

>> No.1541223

OP, having worked in a pub for a little while the only thing I can tell you with any degree of certainty is that everyone's hearts collectively SINK the moment you do your little gaywalk through those doors. The girls, the plumbers who never see to be in work, the old grippers nursing pints by the hour: the only thing they all have in common in the collective wish that you would just take your little fucking book and piss off to wherever it is the rest of the scabs, poseurs and tools congregate.
And the barman who offers you the "Cheers mate" you so desperately seem to crave in your own inimitable cockroach-like manner? He hates you most of all.

>> No.1541251


Who cares what the proletariat think.

>> No.1541252

in Tennessee, the saying goes:
"Beer before liquor makes you sicker
liquor before beer, you're in the clear."

I went to, as The Simpsons once said, a "state-sponsored jock-ocracy." They make learning fun!

>> No.1541258

In Illinois, the rule goes:
"I'm sober; this must be fixed with alcohol."

Maybe that's just me.

>> No.1541340

I don't always like to read at home, it can get fucking boring. I like to at least go to places with different atmospheres. Some of my favorite places to read are the amusement park, shopping mall, nightclub, Ikea and a seedy alleyway.

>> No.1541353

You don't play shit like Kings/Ring of Fire, and generally don't drink that much.

Never had a hangover on a shandy yet.

>> No.1541368

I'm fixing this problem right now.

>> No.1541379

I don't know what those are. I play the drinking games they have here now. I don't know what they're called because I don't speak that much of the language.

How would you know my drinking habits, anyway?

>> No.1541386

>never had a hangover
If you drink enough, it will dehydrate your brain, you will get a hangover.

And now you know.

>> No.1541397

Hey there, I'm quite ignorant towards any texts by Henry David Thoreau, though from the little I know, I've found him to be a quite boring and tedious writer. Walden especially wasn't to my liking. That is, I see alot of merit in the theems(spelling?) he brings up, and the importance of the work, I just didn't find it a particularly good read, other than the beutifull language that is. I can understand why it is good, but I found it to be boring. Not read much else, and I am terribly ignorant of his place in the history of american litterature. Perhaps one of you can enlighten me as to why he is so great?

>> No.1541396

The true drunkard knows how to avoid hangovers. Usually this entails being drunk more often than being sober.

>> No.1541400

We're not dealing with a seasoned drinker.

>> No.1541404

Of course. We're not all alcoholics and drunks. Still, even as a novice drinker I drank quite a bit and knew how to avoid hangovers.

>> No.1541410

But I explicitly stated that I've had several hangovers.

>> No.1541411

The most important tips:
No Theakston's old peculiar
No Alcopops
No super fizzy lager

All these will make it much more likely to fuck you up.

>> No.1541412

Then follow the rules, and stop bitching about being dumb.

>> No.1541413
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>Some of my favorite places to read are the amusement park, shopping mall, nightclub, Ikea and a seedy alleyway.
>a seedy alleyway.

let me guess, you put on a fedora and a trenchcoat, dump all your elmore leonard paperbacks out of your backpack, then sit hoping something interesting will happen, right?

>> No.1541418

Also IKEA.


>> No.1541426

Are you a clever troll or did you not read a single fucking thing I posted in here/

>> No.1541437

I think the most important rules are
1. drink plenty of water when you're not drink, meaning the day before and the day after
2. make sure you'll have plenty of time to sleep the next day
Of course the second one isn't always practical. I've gotten drunk and only given myself three hours of sleep. It sucks, but it happens. But alcohol is a drug, and if you want the upside, you gotta accept the downside.

>> No.1541443

Milk and bread before you go out.
And, yeah, you have to accept that going out the night before will make the morning after difficult.

>> No.1541460

notice me!

>> No.1541477
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move to seattle, plenty of people read in the pubs there, and only idiots or non-natives point them out as odd

>> No.1541486

My ex-girlfriend was from Seattle. When she told me people read in pubs I was all like--what? Are you sure? "People"? Not "one ostracised weird-o"?

>> No.1541507

I'm moving to Portland and I imagine it's going to be similar there. I'll do what I do in mid-Illinois though. Drink and read in the comfort of my own home. When I read at home I don't have to deal with anyone else and when I drink at home I can pick the music I want to listen to, which changes from Bob Dylan to Far with little to no warning, and I feel no pressure to drink more than my fill.

>> No.1542064


I'm always a glutton for drink at home.

No one will taunt me with the stupid shit I do, so it's really easy to go for that one (two, three?) extra beer(s)...