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File: 22 KB, 349x340, SARGON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15407983 No.15407983[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Intellectuals persecuted for their genius

>> No.15407988
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>> No.15407996

Whatever happened to him after his ridiculous political failure?


>> No.15408005
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>> No.15408100

>pics unrelated

>> No.15408343

>i'm not a white nationalist, but there are no British people in London, and no, browns and 2nd gen emigrants don't count as British

Still doing his "owning libs" shit, also became a proto-fascist

>> No.15408351

>i'm not a white nationalist, but there are no British people in London, and no, browns and 2nd gen emigrants don't count as British
where is the lie?

>> No.15408403

The guy is a Lockean liberal, what the fuck are you talking about him being a fascist?

>> No.15408410

The dude is literally a white nationalist that rants about white birth rates, also he's never read locke

>> No.15408420

You're a dumb cunt, you know that? You don't have to read a thinker to share his philosophy and you don't have to be a white nationalist to be concerned about the survival of white people. People like you should be shot.

>> No.15408441

>The dude is literally a white nationalist that rants about white birth rates
Haven't been watching him for a long time but I guess he have improved.

>> No.15408444

Yes you do, to understand someones philosophy would imply that you've read the work and understand it, and yes being for the "survival of white people" do make you a fascist, you're such a fucking faggot dude.

>> No.15408448

>you dont have to be a white nationalist to be concerned about the survival of white people

Oh boy

>> No.15408459

I think white rates are irrelevant in this case. We're not talking about America but about England, so yes, true English people are necessary in such a place.

>> No.15408470
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>> No.15408478

>true english
Do you know about England history? those "English" people aren't the original English people, they're mutts, just like Americans

>> No.15408486


Sargon seething.

>> No.15408488

My grandpa spent his older years trying to preserve the wolf population in Sweden. My grandpa was a wolf.

>> No.15408528

I never imagined I would see such a retarded post by the lowest of the low IQs. Did you ever consider suicide in your life? If so you made the wrong choice. You are weak and worthless. Nobody likes you. Continue to feel insecure and shit post until you choke.

>> No.15408539

They're still more English than Jamal or Abdul and the true sons of the United Kingdom.

>> No.15408567

I hope this is bait

>> No.15408607

>>i'm not a white nationalist, but there are no British people in London, and no, browns and 2nd gen emigrants don't count as British
That's just normal british nationalism, people in any country in the world would think the same way.

>> No.15408610


>> No.15408816

... holy fuck that logic

>> No.15408838

If he believes, as he says multiple times in the video, that only people who self-identify as white British, are British, why don't he just come out and say that he want a white Britain?

>> No.15408848

well i'm from cabodia and me very concerned about illegal immigration to europe

>> No.15408852

ted, of course.

>> No.15409103

What about legal immigrants like me?
I'm a paki and my ancestors came here 2 generations ago

>> No.15409112

if you had any dignity you woud go back to pakistan.

>> No.15409128

Well I don't. If Europe became fascist and started killing people like me, then I'd go back. Its not problem because we've got factories back there too.

>> No.15409167

A people or nation is a common culture and a common blood. You don't share a blood and you don't share the culture. You will never be English and you will be put in your place if reason ever again prevails in politics.

>> No.15409182

the UK is gone dude. The pakis belong there more than the whites at this point.

>> No.15409194

Economic reason prevails in politics and it's never going away
This is the future you chose

>> No.15409210

>this is your brain on 4ch
UK's still >85% white, and who cares if it goes under this. They brought it upon themselves

>> No.15409231

If FASCISM ever prevails in politics then you can come kill me. I'll go to heaven if an infidel kills me out of racism like the demon he is. Don't shoot me at the back of the head, make sure you look at my face as you do it you pussy

>> No.15409239

Have you integrated into British society or do you surround yourself with other Pakistanis?

>> No.15409255

It's cute that you automatically conflated reason with fascism. I would happily grant your wish.

>> No.15409258

Look at their elementary schools.

>> No.15409259

>salty because other people have an outgroup too

>> No.15409261

ow the edge
probably some east euro who's scared of brown people
or a flyover state american

>> No.15409268

I don't integrate because I don't talk to anybody anyway. I talk to my extended family at our dinners once a month.

>> No.15409288

>>browns and 2nd gen emigrants don't count as British

>> No.15409297

You're a Pakistani though, who are you to talk about Slav's and flyovers?

>> No.15409326

lmao I'm not him I just think it's stupid and childish how edgy you're being

>> No.15409341

In what way am I being edgy?

>> No.15409342

There's more indians than pakis in England and yet everyone complains only about the pakis while completely ignoring the pajeets and sometimes even fraternizing with them. Nigel Farage wants more immigrants from india for example.
The dream of a white UK is dead when the only foreigners you care about are the muslims while importing everyone else.
I saw this in australia as well hehe.

>> No.15409349

Be honest about your positions holy fuck nazis are unbearable

>> No.15409357

How would my positions be relevant?

>> No.15409361

Because hes a dogwhistling coward

>> No.15409364

Why didn't oswald Moseley have success?

>> No.15409365

Culture isn't caused by your genetics it is caused by the people and ideas you surround yourself with.

>> No.15409375

People who swallow every single progressive doctrine have no right to call anyone else cowards, you would believe anything you were told to.

>> No.15409383

Nailbombs aren't an argument. He persecuted himself.

>> No.15409396


>> No.15409397

I never said culture was influenced by genetics but it's stupid to say there is no effect. Culture is a collective peoples total behavior, and people are influenced by the hormones in their bodies. They can change the way people think. Genetics determines a peoples hormone levels so there is at least a tiny connection between genetics and culture. But still,.that wasn't what I was talking about and I don't how you read that into my post. I genuinely think there's something dysfunctional in the way you people think and perceive the world. I know I'm wasting my time with you.

>> No.15409408

this is all completely unfounded posturing without any basis in data

>> No.15409415

Do you think testosterone levels are identically the same in every single person? If not then what determines the differences if not genetics?

>> No.15409422

As if any amount of data would make a difference to an unthinking robot like you.

>> No.15409460

Cause he was a fascist that was against world war 2

>> No.15409482

I love ted but saying that his genius is why people persecuted him is retarded. People don't like him because he killed and maimed people. his ideas are the only reason anyone likes him

>> No.15409530

you just also happen to have difficulties in writing in english

>> No.15409540

if you loved your ancesters you would move back to your land and tried to improve it you dirty paky

>> No.15409555

I'm gonna do whatever benefits me, I don't give a shit about my land and my ancestors

>> No.15409579
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that's the joke

>> No.15409600

White Nationalist is a term used solely to discredit and defame someone. Any normal person does not want their country to be changed in the way Britain has.

>> No.15409605
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>> No.15409700

you cant just say theres any appreciable influence on culture from genetics without a shred of evidence
sure with hormones and all that it makes sense logically, right? but its still just speculation

>> No.15409754

If genetics determine hormone levels, and hormones affect behavior, and culture is the collective peoples behavior, it follows that genetics has an effect on culture. Therefore you cannot say there is no genetic influence on culture. You're denying this but you're not doing it reasonably. You call it mere speculation because you don't want it to be true.

>> No.15409818

wtf I love Sargoy now

this was 2 years ago, for reference:

>> No.15409857
File: 47 KB, 300x300, EBAAC9D3-91B3-4ADC-B03A-2D726D1B25A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ... holy fuck that logic

>> No.15409878
File: 37 KB, 394x350, 548B9583-3FAA-45C6-938B-4053ACFA7B19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be honest about your positions holy fuck nazis are unbearable

>> No.15409885

>4 and a half hours of Sargoy and Richard Spencer
I ain't watching all that shit nigga

>> No.15409913

again, sure it may seem completely logical but until you can find evidence linking the micro behavoir attributed to hormones, tie that to genetics, and expand it to broader societal structure youre still just speculating
I have never offered an argument that it should or shouldnt be true, i have no opinion

>> No.15409974

Dude, just be honest. You would be much more respected if you just come out and say it. You’re a fascist.

>> No.15409984

You shouldn't, it's all over the place. The point is that Sargon is a liberal, arguing against white nationalism.

>> No.15410119

>i'm not a white nationalist, but there are no British people in London, and no, browns and 2nd gen emigrants don't count as British
Even taken at face value there is no contradiction here. A White Nationalist doesn't distinguish between an Anglo, a Pole or a Swede, but the greentext would.

>> No.15410238

so basically you are sociopathic trash
why should anybody feel guilty about forcing you to migrate away?

>> No.15410252

You're the latent genocidal maniac, and now I'm the sociopath?
This website is funny.

>> No.15410264

I don't need sympathy from a fucking fascist. Fascists should be sent to reeducation camps or executed.

>> No.15410328

>You're the latent genocidal maniac
what made you think that?

regulating migration is normal in every contry that has ever existed and has nothing to do with an expansionist militaristic totalitarian regime you fucking brainlet

>> No.15410338

So you need to read Einstein's paper on general relativity otherwise you'll have no idea what it is?

>> No.15410370

>I'm gonna do whatever benefits me

Just respect that law and culture of the land you moved to and apart from that lead the life you want to live.

>> No.15410382

>the survival of white people
why does it matter if white people cease to exist?

>> No.15410411

Because white people the most productive, inventive, and generous people this earth has ever seen. What do you think is going to happen to the environment when the Chinese take over?

>> No.15410551

Because they represent a distinctive accumulated heritage of the human race.
Anyone who loves diversity would surely want white people to still be around, would they not?

>> No.15410662

Kicking out legal immigrants that have been here for generations is just fascism. It might happen in a decade or so, I'll be ready by that time just like the jews who moved to Israel. I'll make that I benefit from this and that europe won't benefit at all. Just like with the holocaust and israel hehe.

>> No.15410693

Most people are not talking about kicking anyone out. It's about limiting further damage to the cohesion of the society.

>> No.15410699
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>Because white people the most productive, inventive, and generous people this earth has ever seen. What do you think is going to happen to the environment when the Chinese take over?
Lol you're so proud, I bet you also cum into your own mouth after jacking yourself off for being white.
Just so you know the rest of the world and half of whites don't see you this way. They don't worship whites, they just want white money which was extracted at the expense of others. It's all got to do with money. That's why the jews rule you.

>> No.15410723

Fuck your cohesive society which never existed except in your wet dreams you fucking fascist. I'll stay here as long as I can and as long as I can benefit. I don't care about you, your race, my race, my land, your land, other anything else that doesn't matter. I'd move to australia in a heartbeat if that became a better country than this. I've been there and I like their weather but their economy is pretty shit so I didn't stay.
I'll move to China if they become the next leaders in wealth and technology.
The benefits of being a liberal is that you are not enslaved to buzzwords

>> No.15410788

tldw version:
Sargon puts forward general enlightenment era niceties as the be all end all or arguments. Richard Spencer tries to inform Sargon that not everyone believes in Locke's view of the world and point out flaws in the enlightenment framework. Sargon refuses to believe there are any flaws. Spencer says, "You're not as smart as you think you are." Sargon then accuses Spencer of claiming to be a mind reader saying, "are you a mind reader then?! Then guess what color I'm thinking of right now!"
And that's about it.

>> No.15410802

It is not going to be all neat and pretty like that. Much of Europe is going to turn into a bloodbath this century and that's not going to affect the surrounding regions in a positive way.

>> No.15410831

Oh so he advocates for militaristic dictatorship and enforced, unified traditionalist values based in British Identitarianism?

>> No.15410841
File: 726 KB, 1070x1044, share-of-gdp-history1070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europe isn't going to do jack shit to the surrounding regions especially not when they have twice the population and nukes to protect themselves against savage bloodthirsty subhuman white men.
Look at this graph you absolute subhuman bitch. European and white economic dominance is an outlier throughout history. Your time is done. The rest of the world will rise again. After world war 2 we have only benefitted from your subhuman fall. The sun is setting on white nationalist skin.
I live in Europe to extract every benefit I can from your subhuman hands. It's simple economics.

>> No.15410842

lmao yes they are the original "English" people because the people before them weren't called "English".

You think the people that lived there prior willingly accepted the change that occurred? Furthermore, you think the people who mixed there in the past are *remotely* as cultural distant as immigrants from the other side of the world? Lmao

>> No.15410854

You're angry at Europeans because you feel inferior to them but there's no reason to be this stupid about it, a lot of the regions around Europe can't even govern themselves, they'd collapse in like 1 month of direct combat. The entire Arab world despises Israel and can't do shit to it

>> No.15410874
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based arabic immigrant
I'm a son of two syrians living in germany and I understand your struggles man. somehow people make you feel guilty for something you have no control over. it's best to just ignore those fuckers
fucking based. fascists can't grasp the concept of material conditions. Somehow they think you're a bad person for wanting to live in a wealthier country. not to mention that western imperialism is part of the reason why the middle east has gone to shit.
>move back to your country
how about your country stops exploiting and killing mine so I wouldn't have a big reason to migrate in the first place?

>> No.15410924

After 2023 maybe erdogan can start the new ottoman empire so we can have a great place to move back to. Syria will probably be a better place once he takes over. These white people funded the start of the civil war to destroy your country. They can't be trusted.
I don't feel guilty after I read about the british empire. It's only fair to take advantage of Britain.
Most of our money is actually not in Britain because we can't trust europeans to start another holocaust. I've been cautioning my father to not reinvest here because they might go crazy at some point.

>> No.15410953

t. anglo. daily reminder: england isnt european.

>> No.15410972

Yes it very much is. For the past thousand years it has made much more sense to group France with England than with Poland or Greece.

>> No.15411030

The middle east is greater Israel anyway. That's not where I will move

>> No.15411039

Britain already went to shit well before the mass immigration of arabs. Dissolution of the Empire was the final blow

>> No.15411056

Neo nazis think the empire will return

>> No.15411064

>You don't have to read a thinker to share his philosophy

>> No.15411218
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a lot of gatekeepers for identity here. Who are (you) to tell an immigrant that has paid his taxes for 25+ years and wholeheartedly embraced British values that he cannot identify as a Brit?

The amount of right wing nuts here that cannot comprehend that alienation of "others" drastically puts back social cohesion for decades. So what that you have wet dreams over a white ethnostate, be pragmatic it isn't going to happen - instead of worsening tensions and alienating immigrants into their own communities, why not embrace the ones who share your social values, your patriotism and push toward social harmony amongst the classes?

>> No.15411237

number 15

>> No.15411332

Nice one dude, you made him look like a retard

>> No.15411348

This. We must embrace more souls into the system.

Expand the profits; expand the welfare; expand the corporation. More consumers and more taxpayers. The technological system begets us and we must turn around and give it our thanks.

>> No.15411359

85% white for a european country thats its own island is pretty awful, and it will only get worse

>> No.15411446

Don’t care if you’re memeing
Carl is intelligent and had good, reasonable politics, unlike most of the cringy alt-lite types

>> No.15411469

i cant believe this guy samefagged your post so many times.
for what purpose?
guess ill keep reading

>> No.15411482

what a fucking nigger, jesus christ

>> No.15411489

>no response

>> No.15411586

why are you people so violent? it's very off-putting if you want people to listen to your beliefs and consider following them

>> No.15411603

dont bother, they're an actual racist (something im sure they rail against other people being at any given opportunity)

>> No.15411658

Unironically me

>> No.15412472

I smuckled when I saw this OP

>> No.15412488

It's unironically weird how people handle him as an insane murder instead of as a political terrorist though

>> No.15412581

Proto-fascist refers to the many ideologies and cultural movements that fascism is derived from. So while he isnt for a military dictatorship, he is for the "revival" of British traditionalist values.

>> No.15412588

is trying to destroy civilization really a 'political' goal? Seems a bit outside the scope of politics