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15405432 No.15405432 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone read this? what does /lit/ think. Reading right now really enjoying it

>> No.15405444

I read it in my teens, it was ok. Liked sobre héroes y tumbas more.
Fuck Sabato, by the way.

>> No.15405447

why fuck him?

>> No.15405455

Literature just above average, got famous by aligning himself with everyone in power from left to right.
Borges called him Ernesto Sótano, hah.

>> No.15405466

thanks for some context, hadn't read anything on his life

>> No.15405468

If you want an Argentine novel somewhat existentialist I strongly recommend Zama by Antonio di Benedetto, one of the best things I've read. A prose master without antecedents in Spanish.

>> No.15405473

Yea, it was a good short read.

>> No.15405478

Have you read his short stories? How are they?

>> No.15405485

What is this about ?

>> No.15405490

A painter obsessed with a woman, I believe.

>> No.15405497

I have read some, but not many so I can't really comment. His novels are my favourite. Aside from Zama, my favourites, are El silenciero and Los suicidas.
In my bookshelf I have his Cuentos del exilio, will get to them soon.

>> No.15405506

Random fact: I once saw him in person while he was watering the plants in his front garden.

The book was okay. No wonder Camus praised it, Sabato was definitely reading him at the time. Kind of Houellebecq meets Murakami (the non fantasy stuff).
I'd like to read the rest of his stuff some day. I read La Resistencia for school and it was awful.
Let me take a wild guess. "Viva el cancer"?

>> No.15405507

I want to buy Zama but it's hard to find in Spanish where I live. Ironically it's easier to get it in English. Have you seen the movie?

>> No.15405516

Is this worth a read and how long is it ?

>> No.15405517

>Kind of Houellebecq meets Murakami (the non fantasy stuff).
Anachronistic and false equivalent.

>> No.15405518

The adaptation is probably the best Argentine film in existence.

>> No.15405519

pretty short, you could finish it in a few hours

>> No.15405524

My edition is like 150 pages or so but it's a small book. You can probably read it in a day or two. It's worth it if you like loner narratives.

>> No.15405533

About a hundred pages, iirc
Nah, he was with Videla, he was with Alfonsín, he was with Kirchner. Anyone got power in Argentina? You could find Sabato by his side.
Where do you live? May be easier getting a PDF.
I'm yet to see it, I have heard some good things about it. Have you seen it?

>> No.15405536

Have you seen Invasión? Pretty awesome, like a sci-fi Bresson

>> No.15405537

>Where do you live?
>I'm yet to see it, I have heard some good things about it. Have you seen it?
No, I partially know about it because the guy who plays Zama is a Mexican actor and I heard he was good in it.

>> No.15405538

Let's see. It's a story with a bitter guy who hates society and a woman and takes a crude revenge. The tone is dark and neurotic. There's some romance and some mysterious power figured shows up (there's even a guy called Hunter) which screws the relationship between the MC and the woman.
>false equivalent
I obviously used a couple of vague descriptors tailored so that c/lit/s could understand.

>> No.15405543


>> No.15405544

>Nah, he was with Videla
Please don't say your source is that old photo with Videla, Borges and Sabato.

>> No.15405550

Nevermind I found it online
t. Mexican

>> No.15405553

any of you got a pdf ?

>> No.15405557

It's probably on zlib/b-ok.cc or epublibre/lectulandia (Spanish only).

>> No.15405562


>> No.15405566

Didn't know there was a photo lol.
I know that he welcomed the coup in its begging and eventually had lunch with Videla and Borges.
Maybe there's where the photo comes from.

>> No.15405572


>> No.15405578

He mean The Tunnel, I think.

>> No.15405583


I need the tunnel in english or german.

>> No.15405588

Oh, my bad

>> No.15405591

Well that's all I can do for you, best of luck. I suggest you try libgen

>> No.15405612

That's a petty thing to hold against him desu. I mean, The Tunnel wasn't required reading when I was in high school just because he rubbed elbows with the people in power.
Art should be held for its own merits; the dumb shit the writers say or do is anecdotal, e.g., Pierre Drieu La Rochelle (collaborationist who wrote the novel for Le Feu Follet / Oslo 31st) was sheltered by Borges and Ocampo after he had to flee Europe. Borges said all those silly things about democracy and Pinochet of all fucking guys, and I don't think any less of him.
No, I haven't. Is it anything like Alphaville?

>> No.15405622

How do you make baby noises in German?

>> No.15405645

I agree that one should separate the art from the artist. My original remark was made as a light-hearted trolling.
But I do think that Sabato is a rather mediocre and derivative writer.
Haven't seen Alphaville, so can't say much about it other that it was scripted by Borges and Bioy. It's actually quite similar to Casa Tomada, in a much larger scale.

>> No.15405687

My favorite literary duo of chums and my favorite short story by Cortázar? I'll check if I can get a torrent or something.

>> No.15405708

Have fun, fag.
the scene where the guy dies while watching a cowboys movie is one of the bests deaths I've seen on cinema

>> No.15405721

Proto-Incel Incel literature pretty much. It was a good read about, as the title suggests, the immaturity and solipsism that comes with social isolation.

>> No.15405745

Yes. Similar to Camus, but clearly better.

>> No.15406494

Why does everyone in this book behave so strangely?
It's like every character has autism

>> No.15406690
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>Proto-Incel Incel literature pretty much

>> No.15406799

that's argentina for you