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/lit/ - Literature

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1540281 No.1540281 [Reply] [Original]

If you're here and you're queer, stand up and be counted.

>> No.1540519
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>> No.1540520
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>Scrawny femboys

Pig disgusting

Where the mens at

>> No.1540522
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>> No.1540528


YOU'RE gay?!?

>> No.1540529

Most trips here are openly gay.

>> No.1540535


>> No.1540537

gotta have 'em all: ghey, bald & ginger

>> No.1540580

lol'd. I've never been so flattered

>> No.1540581

I'm teh faggoty too! Yes, EVEN ME!

>> No.1540585
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haters gonna hate...

>> No.1540587

WTF!? No! I'm not!

>> No.1540588


Shut up, yes we are.

>> No.1540593


""In some ways I'm happy about it though because it taught me a lesson. These hate vibes, they're like love vibes, they're very strong and that kept me going. When you're hated so much, you live. Hate was feeding me."

[author name removed]

>> No.1540595

Shit, man. Why nobody ever tells me anything?

>> No.1540600

ITT: sickening faggot cunts.

>> No.1540607

Why does /lit/ think there are there so many gay authors/poets?

>> No.1540614


Lit doesn't think that. Gays think that. I swear you faggots are always trying to claim famous authors as your own to bolster your shitty sexual proclivities.It's like black people trying to claim Jesus was black. Faggots.

>> No.1540623

"...the realization that you are 'different' from others may force you to dis-identify from socially conditioned patterns of thought and behavior. This will automatically raise your level of consciousness above that of the unconscious majority, whose members unquestioningly take on board all inherited patterns. In that respect, being gay can be a help. Being an outsider to some extent, someone who does not 'fit in' with others or is rejected by them for whatever reason, makes life difficult, but it also place you at advantage as far as enlightenment is concerned. It takes you out of unconsciousness almost by force.

"On the other hand, if you then develop a sense of identify based on your gayness, you have escaped one trap only to fall into another."

[author name removed]

>> No.1540656
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>> No.1540665
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>> No.1540698

Lesbian here!

Or maybe not, according to people I know who are hardcore feminist/lesbians activists.

I don't like them :(

I like girls so I'm gay, I don't have to go door to door trying to recruit people to be a "real" lesbian lol

>> No.1540705

i fucking hate you.

>> No.1540718

What the fuck does this have to do with books? Take it to /soc/.

>> No.1540725

As any Juggalo literary theorist will tell you, reading is for fags

>> No.1540733
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>> No.1540741
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ITT: You faggots are a blight on the world, do everyone a solid and an hero. Either that, or really make your exit from this world entertaining, and follow Mathew Sheapards great example.

>> No.1540778

Incidentally, I'm completely straight.

>> No.1540786



>> No.1540792

I call bullshit.

>> No.1540795

omg, i love your kind!
please make more movies, lesbian porn is the best!

>> No.1540865

"Gays add a little color into the world."

[author name removed]

>> No.1540894

i hope its red from they faggt blood :o)

>> No.1540899

ITT we pretend homosexuality isn't a form of mental illness/brain damage.

>> No.1540901


Like every mental health professional with any credibility for the last 40 years.

>> No.1540907

Joseph Mengele was also a doctor

>> No.1540924

And a damn entertaining doctor to boot.

>> No.1540950

Sure has alot to do with books in here.

>> No.1541051


>> No.1541066

hey fags

im totally cool with you guys, but lol at having transgenders, ie, actual freaks, lumped into your little rainbow

also, maybe if you want to be more mainstream you guys should tone down those flaming fucking parades and gay as fuck bathhouses

seriously, what reaction are you expecting when a bunch of guys wearing nothing but bikinis and mustaches come roller skating down the street while trance music is blaring

>> No.1541087

All of you read a bit more Greek history. Gay people were more important than straights back then. It's becase if the Jews that we hate Gays today.

>> No.1541117

The next time I find myself living in ancient Greece, I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.1541123


This fag agrees with you.

>> No.1541149

Here and queer, but in that way where I go both ways.

>> No.1541157

Hey Steve Brules

>> No.1541161


>"Hey, guys, maybe if I wear a red tie and a blue polyester sports coat and some khakis, they'll finally take me seriously!"

>> No.1541165


>Log Cabin Republican detected!

>> No.1541178

gonna have to break some of this shit down for you

>im totally cool with you guys, but lol at having transgenders, ie, actual freaks, lumped into your little rainbow
I think what you're a dick for having this opinion, but it remains mainstream. A hundred years from now, it'll be less of issue than being gay is today. You shouldn't shit on people for being different. Also, be specific: do you mean people born transgendered, people who wish to physically change themselves (transsexuals) or people who wear clothing associated with the opposite gender (transvestites)?

Try not to get up in arms about shit that doesn't affect you

>parades & seriously, what reaction are you expecting when a bunch of guys wearing nothing but bikinis and mustaches come roller skating down the street while trance music is blaring
I think the point is to celebrate that there is no reason to hide be gay, so acting visibly gay as possible is a political act. It has to do with trying to pass as straight

>> No.1541199


Well, I don't agree about the trannies or the bathhouses, but I agree about the prides. We're way past the need for that. Thirty years ago we needed the flamboyant displays, it was a way of mocking stereotypes and saying "We're here, you can't ignore us anymore." They know we're here now, and the prides as they're held now only serve to reinforce stereotypes. We're past the "we're here, we're queer" part, we should be moving on to "we're here, except for one thing we're just like you."

>> No.1541212


I can tell you've never been to a gay pride parade even once in your life.


>> No.1541213


OP, if that's you, you're really cute btw.

>> No.1541215

First of all, pride parades occur all over the world, and the differing levels of acceptance of the homosexual community means that in lots of places your point is moot. I know you meant your comment in an American context, but just saying.

Anyway, in America, yeah, they're a bit dated.

>> No.1541216

Pride is more than just dressing flamboyantly. There is still a lot of resistance to gays, especially in the South (of the US). Gays are hard to come by in some areas and it's nice to have a sense of community and to know there's people out there like you for one day out of the year when there otherwise is none.

>> No.1541218

If anything, you haven't.

>> No.1541220

I recommend the documentary "Small Town Gay Bar".

>> No.1541221

>NO U!

>> No.1541224


I can see that, and I guess my dislike of them is based more on what they make idiots think than what I think. I couldn't care less what people dress or act like, but when idiots judge me or think they know me because of what they think they've learned about gay people through prides, it pisses me off. At this point, probably because I'm lucky to live in an accepting area, my problem isn't people discriminating against me or not letting me be myself, it's them not believing that I'm being myself or acting like there's a difference between me before coming out and after.

>> No.1541226

I've heard of it. I've gone to the local gay bar once and everyone was over 30. It's not really a place to meet people my age.

So are you gay or what?

>> No.1541227


Honestly most of the pride parades I've attended were both family-friendly and straight-friendly. In other words, they were amusing and pleasant communal gatherings of all different sorts of people, usually encouraged by the cities in which they took place.

So I think if you're approaching the issue solely in terms of the political, then you're missing another point of the event, which is to have fun. Not that politics are irrelevant, but if you approach a gay pride parade today with the mindset of a political organizer, you're probably going to be frustrated and irritated.

>> No.1541230

>"Small Town Gay Bar"
>Sounds good

>> No.1541231

That was very much my point. It's more a of a community thing these days, especially in places where the non-gay community isn't as accepting. There's still the politics and rallying for gay rights, but anyone who shows up to one is already accepting so that's not really the point.

>> No.1541234

Nah bro.
wasn't aware. It was interesting.

>> No.1541235

>watch this promo thing
>that was horrible and offensive

>> No.1541236

Fun story. Last time I was at a Pridefest, the drag queen in the Drag Show grabbed my boobs during her performance :D She was a hot chick too.

>> No.1541238

Sex slave it is.

>> No.1541240

There's a difference between attending and viewing. For people who view it as a way to challenge those who stereotype them, I think it fails, though the pride marches have many other benefits.

>> No.1541241



As for:


>my dislike of them is based more on what they make idiots think

>when idiots judge me or think they know me because of what they think they've learned about gay people through prides

>At this point, probably because I'm lucky to live in an accepting area, my problem isn't...

Motherfucker, I grew up in the deep motherfuckin' South. What the hell are you even talking about? Your entire complaint seems incredibly abstract and sort of ridiculous. You're blaming the fact that there are homophobes on gay people and "what they make idiots think" and then transferring your unhappiness about people's assumptions about you onto the gay people rather than the homophobes. That makes no sense. If there are homophobes in your life, then either confront them and discuss it, or cut them out of it, but blaming the fact that they exist on pride parades is beyond stupid.

I'm sick and tired of hearing homophobes who don't want to admit that they're homophobes try to justify their "distaste" by talking about ridiculous shit they've supposedly seen at pride parades.

>> No.1541246


I'll be the first to admit I'm a hypocrite, but I think you're mischaracterizing my argument a bit. My problem isn't homophobes, it's people who claim to be accepting but still have narrow stereotypes of what a gay person is supposed to be as a result of some gay people perpetuating those stereotypes.

>> No.1541248

Oh shut the fuck up. All you're saying is even though both you fucks had the same experience, your experience is more relevant.

>> No.1541253

>no results found
>deep and edgy
>no results found
>no results found
>no results found

nice one guys

>> No.1541256


Some gay people perpetuate those stereotypes because they fit into those stereotypes. Some do not. If you don't (we're talking in such vague terms, I'll assume that you're talking about real flamers?), and yet you find yourself in a position where people are making all kinds of assumptions about you, then correct them either explicitly or implicitly through your actions and behavior.

For the record, I'm not even making any kind of justification or statement about gay people who are stereotypical (or, as I've found in my experience, model themselves after stereotypes because they think that's what they're supposed to be). I'm merely pointing out that I think you're putting the primary blame on the wrong crowd. Usually people on the other side of the fence who want to sustain those stereotypes will do so whether their experiences confirm or falsify their views.

>> No.1541262

Naw man, that is not what I'm saying. If you think it's got the same dynamic as a reclaim the night march (and I've met people who do), I disagree. Very much disagree.

I'm also under no illusion that anything works universally well, nor that there are things which should not be criticized, nor that we say what we mean when talking about anything.

>> No.1541264


Yeah, I know I'm putting the blame on the wrong people, but this is a gay thread so while here I direct my criticism at the audience available, not at the homophobes and generalizers who aren't around.

>> No.1541269


So, as the apostle Peter denied he was a Jesusfag, do you hide your gay life and project only a straight lifestyle?

>> No.1541271


Fair enough, I guess. As a member of audience for your complaint, though, my response doesn't really change.

>> No.1541277


I don't particularly disagree with any of it.

>> No.1541280

False dichotomy.

>> No.1541281
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I think this is the first time a discussion has concluded amicably on /lit/ in several weeks.

>> No.1541287

Oh, I see the problem.


>> No.1541290



>> No.1541293


Hey, don't ruin it for me. I'm amicable as fuck.

>> No.1541295

tidy lad

>> No.1541298

Ahh, 4chan...

Glad to see there are some good posters on /lit/.

>> No.1541356
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>Shit, man
>I call bullshit
>have to break some of this shit down
>You shouldn't shit on people
>Try not to get up in arms about shit
>shit they've supposedly seen at pride parades

>> No.1541360

This does not belong on lit, seriously, delete this thread now.

>> No.1541372

hahaha yeah it's all fun and games til someone gets called a joyless twat

>> No.1541607


>do you mean people born transgendered, people who wish to physically change themselves

I mean men who mutilate their penis into a fake vagina or women who have a fake non functional penis sown on to their body.

A fake vagina doesn't allow you to birth children and a fake penis doesn't allow you to birth children, and thinking that mutilating your body with surgery makes you the opposite sex means that there is something really wrong with you. Like, really really wrong with you.

And before you retort with something about sterile men and women, they were still born with all their reproductive parts, so yes, they are still a man or woman even though they can't have or make babies

This "you have to accept people the way you are" liberal bullshit is out of control. No, no you don't have to. Society makes the rules and you conform to it, you don't conform society to your own rules. If you think cutting off your penis is normal, then its time for you to leave this society and form a new one.

>> No.1541614

How about we stop caring about the false male vs female duality, and just let people play with their bodies?

>> No.1541626


why? so where does it end then?

>> No.1541636

Why should it end? Why shouldn't people be allowed to change their bodies within the allowable limits of medical science?

Just to say, I would like to believe that in a perfect world we wouldn't feel like we had to have plastic surgery, and that we could come to accept ourselves for who we are, but I also have to accept that maybe I don't entirely understand why people want to change their bodies.

>> No.1541646


just because you can do something, doesn't really mean you should

>> No.1541648

I'm not gay, just a girl who sort of wants to be a drag queen. Not sure what that actually makes me, now that I think about it. I blame RuPaul's Drag Race! I'm addicted to that damn show, although I don't like any of this year's girls as much as I liked Nina Flowers, Shannel, Morgan McMichaels, Raven and Juju :)

>> No.1541652

It also doesn't mean you shouldn't.

>> No.1541673
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>A fake vagina doesn't allow you to birth children and a fake penis doesn't allow you to birth children
>segue: because dicks birth children, amiright?
That's a pretty stupid argument, and you know it. My gender identity isn't based on my ability to produce children.

>...and thinking that mutilating your body with surgery makes you the opposite sex means that there is something really wrong with you. Like, really really wrong with you.
I think that transexual people think they were the opposite sex before surgery, and the surgery is just to make their bodies reflect reality.

>And before you retort with something about sterile men and women, they were still born with all their reproductive parts, so yes, they are still a man or woman even though they can't have or make babies
Thanks for arguing for me! Anyway, that's a pretty solid argument you wrote for me, and saying NUH-UH DOESN'T COUNT BECAUSE I SAID SO isn't much of a counterargument. Stop getting mad about how other people live their lives. It doesn't affect you. These people are no more mentally ill (or wrong, as you put it) than anyone who thinks that gender identity is important. If anything, I'd attack transgendered people for overemphasizing gender roles, which are pretty antiquated in the year 2k11.

>This "you have to accept people the way you are" liberal bullshit is out of control. No, no you don't have to. Society makes the rules and you conform to it, you don't conform society to your own rules. If you think cutting off your penis is normal, then its time for you to leave this society and form a new one.
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the conditions that surround him... The unreasonable man adapts surrounding conditions to himself... All progress depends on the unreasonable man."

>> No.1541687
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>mutilating your body with surgery
>mutilating your body

>> No.1541694

I was gonna say that, but there's more wrong with the argument than word usage.

>> No.1541703

>"The reasonable man adapts himself to the conditions that surround him... The unreasonable man adapts surrounding conditions to himself... All progress depends on the unreasonable man."
who said that?

>> No.1541708
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What a hard life it must be to be trapped in the body of the opposite sex.

There is transexual person in my class who claims to have the mind of boy, yet she has the body of a girl. She's exceedingly obnoxious and can tell you at great length of how strange her daily life is because of her aspergers and her commitment to the marxist movement in Glasgow.

Maybe she has münchausen syndrome or something, I don't know.

I feel bad for her anyway. There's a lot of people like this in Glasgow.

>> No.1541713
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>> No.1541724

I don't agree with this "mind of one sex in the body of another", since I have never heard a decent justification of how sex relates to how someone thinks.
Maybe you should write a paper "Josef Mengele: Surgery vs Mutilation vs False Dichotomy".

>> No.1541725

You should give her a Glasgow Kiss.

>> No.1541732

Sex does not relate to how someone thinks. Gender does. If a person identifies as the opposite gender from their sex, they feel like they're in the wrong body.

>> No.1541734

So your argument is that a feminine man must under all circumstances feel like they are in the wrong body?

>> No.1541738

I don't think sex should matter this much...

>> No.1541742

shaw, &lrn2google

>> No.1541745

oh well i hate shaw so it doesn't matter

>> No.1541750

>there's more wrong with the argument than word usage.
Like what? You don't like the guy's tone? what's in the name field? the date?

idk brah seems like the only thing you could possibly judge someone's argument on is their word use :z

>> No.1541752

I only tried to get excited about him for his veganism.

>> No.1541758
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Don't geez any yer
Don't geez any yer
Don't geez any yer

I had yer maw last night

>> No.1541760

Maybe I wasn't clear.

That he used the word 'mutilated' rather than 'change' or 'alter' was (likely) used to imply that surgically altering your genitals is immoral or 'wrong'. Although I don't appreciate this implication, I was more concerned with the content of the argument, which stated that gender is attached to one's ability to make babies.

>> No.1541763

Queers are sycophantic hedonists who need to constantly reinforce and justify their proclivities with intellectual doublespeak and pathetically unfunny attempts at humorous evasion. None of which changes the fact that their homosexuality is simply irrational, unnatural and laughably childish. A man is not born wanting a cock in his rearend and anyone who thinks so is a fool. Homosexuality is a disorder of the mind that reinforces and propogates itself through the forced sexualization of minors and brainwashing. Have fun hating your own pointless existence queers. I mean having fun's the only thing you really care about right?

>> No.1541771

Sometimes the trolls are so half-assed that you can just glance at their post and know they're trolling.

>> No.1541775

That he used the word 'mutilated' rather than 'change' or 'alter' was (likely) used to imply that surgically altering your genitals is immoral or 'wrong'. Although I don't appreciate this implication, I was more concerned with the content of the argument, which stated that gender is attached to one's ability to make babies.
and that wouldn't be word use... how?

disregard, i am just fooling around

>> No.1541776
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I'll just leave this here...

>> No.1541783

Oh, you crazy fun guy you...

>> No.1541785
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>> No.1541789

I actually liked pygmalion but i can't betray oscar

>> No.1541793

Anything by Mr. Wilde > Pygmalion

>> No.1541799

I liked Shaw's Pygmalion. A clever reimagining of an old classic.

>> No.1541796 [DELETED] 

yeah pretty much

>> No.1541803

which of oscar's works did you especially enjoy?

didn't you love Lord Arthur?

oh and have you read his poems in prose?

because i need someone to talk to about those

>> No.1541810

it was kind of great

but i can't admit loving it without feeling guilty

>> No.1541811
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>> No.1541812

Have fun thinking you're normal. Fact is you just aren't. There can be no possible evolutionary benefit of homosexuality. Any species would simply die out due to lack of reproduction. It's pretty simple children; an older and stronger ape forces himself upon another male who in turn replicates the behavior. This does not mean it's in accordance with the natural order of that species. Rape begets rape.

>> No.1541819

I did some nice physical theatre stuff with Pygmalion, and that was a lot of fun. Even if it did border on wankery.

>> No.1541828

There must be some evolutionary benefit, because it exists and has therefore been evolved.

>> No.1541832


If you're right, then a few generations of unstigmatized gay marriage and equal rights ought to stop all of those closeted gay men from marrying women and weed us out of the gene pool completely.

>> No.1541835

so tell me, how does one become "abnormal"

you must know since you are god


every single person who ever went dick to dick is just rebelling

even those who are ousted in scandal and especially those who are stoned to death and executed

>> No.1541840

I like your thinking. Ever thought about politics?

>> No.1541851

don't underestimate wanking

oh and have you seen this?


>> No.1541856


Every day.

>> No.1541861

It exists because men are pathetic beasts who want to stick their dick in anything moist. This does not mean it's natural. An anus is a one-way street. It is designed to EXPELL waste. Any sexual gratification derived from its penetration is learned behavior, learned pleasure, this is not natural. There's a reason we feel pain, it's our bodies telling us to stop.

>> No.1541867


Now I'm pretty sure you're trolling, but how then do you explain why a woman's anus holds no appeal for me, or why there are men who are receptive partners (bottoms) in gay sex?

>> No.1541869

>implying all gay sex is anal
>implying straight couples don't have anal sex

>> No.1541870

A penis is designed to expel waste too, bro. Doesn't mean it can't be involved in fucking.

>> No.1541873

guyz, a lot of the anti-trans stuff is probably real, but nobody on 4chan in 2011 actually believes that homer sexuals are sinners in the hands of an angry god or just trying to shock their parents. as they say on usenet in 1997, DNFTT

>> No.1541883

There are men who are receptive partners in straight sex, too! And you have to really be following your heart to get pegged, there are no coercive elements in pop culture directing men that way unless they are raised with no other reading material than Savage Love

>> No.1541887

There is only one thing worse than wanking, and that is not wanking.

>> No.1541892

What about hetero blowjobs? Mouth wasn't designed for dick either.

>> No.1541896

Bottoms get abused at a young age; are naturally ashamed and hide this but the experience imprints itself upon their psyche and they learn to derive pleasure from being sodomized. Btw I'm not trolling at all and am being as sincere as possible. I too was abused and questioned my sexuality but realized a long time ago that I simply have never felt any semblance of sexual attraction towards another man. It's all pheromones ya know? Why do you think so many queers wear cologne and perfumes? It's because they want to smell like women and attract men. They want to mask, cover up and escape from the reality of what they are.

>> No.1541902


I'm a bottom. I was never abused. Your experience is not typical.

>> No.1541903

Homosexuality is a mental illness, so God is okay with them; they can't help having fucked up brains.

>> No.1541909


>> No.1541915

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.1541916


i'm glad i found you itt

>> No.1541922

no srsly tofu all arguments ever are is "word use", I just don't want to get into it for the 200th time here

>> No.1541927


That's not true.

Sexual abuse twists your mind, and the sexual stimulation you feel when engaging later in the same type of sexual act is more linked to the abuse itself.

It is not a genuine sexuality.

True homosexuality is a natural, genetic disposition. They are repulsed by the idea of sex with a woman as a straight man might be with the idea of sex with another man.

>> No.1541933


poofs don't understand . . .

>> No.1541945


There is only one thing worse than being gay, and that's being a straight guy who let himself be sodomized. You should be ashamed to consider yourself a man.

>> No.1541952

Keep telling yourself that somehow a Man can be born without the instinctual urge to propagate his genes, that really makes sense.

>> No.1541954

Arguments aren't just word use. Don't confuse your professor's argument for how come their subject is relevant and they should get money with reality.

>> No.1541960


Keep telling yourself genetic mutation doesn't occur during the emulation of the genomes.

>> No.1541961


Propagating genes doesn't come into it, particularly now that surrogacy is fairly common. It's about who I'm attracted to and love and would want to raise children with, not a base urge to spread my seed.

>> No.1541967

It is kinda funny to think that I spent the first couple decades of my life mildly tormented over my sexuality and thinking that I was either delusional or a freak aberration in being attracted to men and women and whatever. Sometimes I try to think what other things I might actually be the only sane person in a mad world about and all I can come up with is that Speed Racer was a really fun and legitimately touching movie

>> No.1541968

Eat a dick. I was a child and was forced into an alcoholic stupor. I didn't 'let' it happen.

>> No.1541982
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Its funny. Because no matter what you say, you were sodomized and I wasn't. ...butthurt much?

>> No.1541991
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>you will never be a truly respected human being
tragedy makes a man timeless

>> No.1541994

Not in the least my friend. I've been at peace with my life for a long time now.

>> No.1541996

I think you're lying, I think you take so many dicks that you've lost count. I think your asshole is like a meaty wind sock at this point.

>> No.1542052
