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/lit/ - Literature

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15401365 No.15401365 [Reply] [Original]

Books that help me attract women?

>> No.15401366

Bronze age mindset by bronze age pervert

>> No.15401370

Gogol - Dead Souls

>> No.15401380

>A book that attracts you incels

>> No.15401390

There is none, just be attractive and confident.
But mostly just be attractive.
Seriously op you're acting like you've been living under a rock these past few years.

>> No.15401410
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Attractive women in 2020 reject anyome who hasn't read bronze age mindset

>> No.15401412

why is there a picture of a turd on the cover?

>> No.15401419


>> No.15401424

A real man is not afraid of shitting on his enemies to make a remark
In work whatsapp chat I regularly send fart audios wheneber someone disagrees with me, even if it's a supervisor, to let them know who's the boss

>> No.15401438

>you're acting like you've been living under a rock these past few years.

>> No.15401458

>BAP jogs past a cute girl
>does that goofy backward jog, checking her out
>girl smiles
>BAP chats her up. A little later explains he’s an author
>hands it to her
>proposes taking a picture for promotional purposes
>gets her number
>repeats at bookstore
It’s not a girls book.

>> No.15401463

Wow... Bap is based

>> No.15401511

A cheque book

>> No.15401703

>hold this book babe and look like you’re reading
>what is it? did you write this? lol wtf?
you are such a fucking gullible simp, you deserve losing money to a fucking internet scam artist

>> No.15401720

unironically infinite jest

>> No.15401732

Workout and try to earn some money. Everything else that attracts women is purely genetic

>> No.15401737

Thinking for yourself and using common sense