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/lit/ - Literature

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15399889 No.15399889 [Reply] [Original]

What authors define the literature of their prospective nations/cultures the way that Shakespeare defines the English or Tolstoy/Dostoyevsky the Russians?

>> No.15399901

I guess James Joyce would define the Irish.

>> No.15399905

>Shakespeare defines the English
J.K. Rowling defines the English.

>> No.15399973

Not sure if anyone else has that grasp but it is approximated in Germany by the duo of Goethe/Schiller and for Russia it's generally said to be Pushkin.

>> No.15400460

Maybe Victor Hugo for the French.

>> No.15401384


>> No.15401444

Brazilian here.

Camões is the best author of the Portuguese language and the most influential one in all Portuguese-speaking countries. All great authors are influenced by him, no exceptions.

In Brazil, Machado de Assis and Carlos Drummond. But Camões is still more influential than they are, even to this day.

He's not very widely read in English, due to being untranslatable, but he was immensely admired by Herman Melville.

>> No.15401457

China: Confucius
Spain: Cervantes
Greece: Homer
Russia: Pushkin

>> No.15401468

Natsume Souseki for Japanese.

>> No.15401472

Italy: Dante
Spain: Borges

>> No.15401508


I am Brazilian, but wouldn't the French much prefer Flaubert and Baudelaire? Hugo was a man of his time, and got stuck there, while Flaubert pretty much invented what we nowadays understand as a realist novel. He's probably the most influential novelist in the world after Cervantes. And Baudelaire was, alongside Rimbaud and Mallarme, one of the great revolutionary poets who paved the way for modernism.

Then there's also Villon, Molière, Voltaire, Stendhal, Proust... Hugo could have been the greatest author of most countries in the world, had he not been born French, but in France it seems to me that there are many authors who were not only better, but also more influential than he was.

Borges was Argentinian.

It's Cervantes in Spain.

>> No.15401664
File: 113 KB, 990x990, 1582236430054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spain: Borges

>> No.15401679

Mark Twain for US...

>> No.15401692

According to Bloomer, Whitman is at the center of the American canon.

>> No.15401787


>> No.15401803

Zola for the French.

>> No.15403049

Mahfouz in Egypt.

>> No.15403308

I'm french, and while Hugo is a sure contender, Molière takes the win. Just like people say "Shakespeare's tongue", you'll see people in France use the expression : "Dans la langue de Molière...".
That isn't to say he was the best at anything, though (nor am I saying he was any bad), but he's just that iconic here.

>> No.15403370

"You are the one for me
For me
For me

>> No.15403388

How has nobody pointed out that Pushkin is the Russian Shakespeare

>> No.15403727

you guess? is this some kind of joke? was this even worth posting?

>> No.15404139

Melville for America

>> No.15404166

Not Melville?

>> No.15404183

Because you didn't read the thread

>> No.15404203

America: Ralph Ellison

>> No.15405044

So... incompreensible rambles in several languages? Is this what defines the Irish? lit/

>> No.15405058

>but he was immensely admired by Herman Melville.
Are you serious? Why do you think he's so good?

>> No.15405940

Scotland doesn't have one.
too many good ones to choose.
the best latin writer since virgil was Scottish and many other bests.

>> No.15405950
File: 1.08 MB, 828x1083, 3B5E0343-938D-4AA4-A039-E68806CE73BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

England: JK Rowling
US: Stephen King
Japan: Araki

There is no other literature worth reading

>> No.15405977

>emm. well actuall. jk rowling is Scottish because she had Scottish parents. sorry. not sorry.

>> No.15406219

Hamsun or Ibsen for Norway
H C Andersen for Denmark
Astrid Lindgren for Sweden

>> No.15406299

The photographer?

>> No.15407442

>the Irish mind can't be psychoanalyzed