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15398362 No.15398362 [Reply] [Original]

Jordan Peterson said in one of his latest books that you enter adulthood when you stop adding sugar to your tea. In one of his most recent conferences, he was caught on mic asking for tea with three spoons of sugar.

>> No.15398435
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>> No.15398464

I never added sugar to my tea, not even when i was a kid. I think he trying to say that once you confront life without any side help (your parents, friends, goverment etc), you enter adulthood. So in a sense we are still children trying again and again and again to be the best adults we can project us to be.

>> No.15398482

Jokes on him I don't even drink tea lol

>> No.15398489

I can’t imagine a more childish metric of adulthood than how you take your caffeine, who as a little kid didn’t feel very adult drinking coffee? Peterson literally has an child’s perception of maturity and responsibility

>> No.15398490

>clean your room
>lives in a mess and doesn't clean his room
>don't add a sugar to your tea if you want to be adult
>adds three spoons of sugar to his own tea
Is there someone who owns themselves so frequently as that hack Peterson?

>> No.15398492

I was just thinking about this, how sugar addiction is destroying your brain and how quitting it will basically increase your intelligente tenfold, thing is most of us don't break out of this addiction because let's face it sugar is like nothing else, but yeah once someone quits their sugar addiction their brain will think ten times better and they will be smarter and see the world much more clearly.

>> No.15398499

>taking JBP seriously
What a dork

>> No.15398500

These are the kinds of people who watch Peterson.

>> No.15398508

Has this guy said anything publicly since he was in a coma in Russia? Maybe a year of benzo psychosis will knock him out of his pseudery and he’ll do something interesting

>> No.15398515

t. sweet tooth

>> No.15398517

adulthood would be realizing that sugar helps bring out the flavor of certain teas and you add it yourself because the amount varies by person

>> No.15398525

You also forgot
>don't fix the world unless you have your priorities right (meaning you can't do good if you've done bad)
>Drug addicted narcissist with a messiah complex that lied about bill C16

>> No.15398529

>Living in 2020 and still not being aware of the fact that sugar rots your brain

>> No.15398570

May I ask the name of the book?

>> No.15398571

>stop adding sugar to your tea
*adds benzos to his*

>> No.15398579

>drinking anything other than water

>> No.15398582

I recall reading that that he generally doesn’t consume carbs or sugar, as he is (was?) on an all-beef diet. But that info could be old.

>> No.15398584

I frequently fart to the bottles of your water so it would have more bubbles.

>> No.15398603

that mykhala though.. thirstn'

>> No.15398606

he consumes CHAOS exclusively,
and shits out lobster feed.

>> No.15398629

I put salt in my tea and coffee

>> No.15398642

He’s finished

>> No.15398670

very feminine of you, anon,
I do not like it, but I can respect that.

>> No.15398709

I only drink rain water and grain alcohol

>> No.15398730


Recent as in after the "recovery"? Link?

>> No.15398757

saké, arimasenka ? desuuu

>> No.15398820
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here's your tea anon

>> No.15398924
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Well, that does it! Time to discredit everything he has ever said. The fucking NERVE of him, amirite Marxist bros? Tea and sugar? What a fucking JERK.

>> No.15398996

that quote makes no sense
even worse than a rupi kaur poem

>> No.15399111

It must be difficult living with an IQ below 90. How do you manage?

>> No.15399137

is this actually true

>> No.15399147

I can poke fun at Peterson too but he still has more to say than everyone here. Most people make fun of him because they are weak people and can’t refute his ideas so they look for the lowest hanging fruit like OP

>> No.15399313

wtf of course it is get off sugar now

>> No.15399326

He's talking about entropy. If you don't order the world it becomes chaotic. Try not cleaning your room for a year and see if stasis ensues.

>> No.15399399

I add benzos into my tea, I wonder what he thinks about that.

>> No.15399410

Hello fellow Eric /fit/ person

>> No.15399433

I don’t think your retardation stems from sugar, anon.

>> No.15399459

>Jordan Peterson
>le intelligence philosofi man

>> No.15399460

>because let's face it sugar is like nothing else
You must be at least 11 years old to post here.

>> No.15399472

>tries to pontificate about the strength of character and supreme individuality
>gets addicted to benzos and rushes to quack doctors because he obviously can't help himself
Self-help gurus who can't live what they preach are the lowest of the low.

>> No.15399644

That's why he resonnates with those early twenty incels, because basically he is on the same level.

>> No.15399842

He ripped that from Inherit the Wind

>> No.15400484

you might not agree with the statment but it's pretty clear what he means. ESL or retarded?

>> No.15400560

I love tea but I never add sugar. Even with Assam or a breakfast tea I only add milk. I don't really like the sugary taste in tea.

>> No.15400675

If you have to ask it's already too late.

>> No.15400801

>going with a literal interpretation for this statement
Are you all purposely being retarded, or do you have worms in your brain? Maybe Rupi Kaur is more this board's speed.

>> No.15401150

peterson makes some people feel inadequate, so these people are looking for any hook they can find to reject everything he's saying, like that pic of his computer room with stuff laying around.

because he said "clean your room" but had this room with stuff lying around, then everything he ever said is worthless.

>> No.15401328

Never gonna make it

>> No.15401930


>> No.15401950

Who the fuck, adult or child, adds sugar to tea?
Adding sugar to coffee is different, everyone has sugar in coffee.
But who the actual fuck puts sugar in tea? That sounds absolutely disgusting.

>> No.15401966


It has nothing to do with him making people feel inadequate. Why do you default to such an uncharitable interpretation?

Likely for the same reason people *actually* have for being uncharitable toward Jordan Peterson. They associate with a culture that is in opposition to what Peterson associates with. If Peterson started reading lesser-known works of Marx, people on the left would pick apart every word he said.

>> No.15401977

I've never tried it. But it sounds good. I think Boris Johnson served those reporters some tea with sugar.

Don't ask me why I remember that.

>> No.15402606

Coffee with sugar is barbaric. Tea with sugar when there's milk in it or if absolutely necessary as honey.

>> No.15402640

Yeah but he meant taking things as they are and not 'sugarcoating' reality. Does this board which claims to be intellectual not capable of understanding simple things like these?

Not even a Peterson fan but this is pathetic.

>> No.15403200

Who cares about this canadian retard

>> No.15403215

>one of his latest books

>> No.15404552

I have had sugar or other sweeteners (honey etc) in tea a total of six times. Each time it was gross.

I also don’t like sugar in coffee.

>> No.15404621

Three spoons of sugar for the trinity. the child is the greatest in heaven, what kind of moron would wish to be an adult? people claiming to be an adult are nothing but larpers that don't know the truth of reality. Ultimately is reality serious or is it a game? Depending on which one you choose you will either be a flaming fagget or free.

>> No.15404637


>> No.15404643

Well yeah backwards until you reach stasis

>> No.15404676

You become a man when you start adding benzos to your tea.

>> No.15404680

The aristocratic way is cubes. That’s the problem with JP. Also sucking Jewish dick.

>> No.15404691


I think its more an illustrative aphorism desu. as a jungian symbology. Like saying when you start to do something because its useful rather than just because its enjoyable. Of course most of you like to be anti-petersonians, so whatever.

>> No.15404693
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>> No.15404698

Didn't take your benzos today I see

>> No.15404703

This guy is really your life, huh?

>> No.15404756

To everyone lambasting sugar in tea: do you drink chai, lapsang souchong, and spiced teas with only milk or cream? Of course, adding a sweetener usually distracts from the body of tea, but there are times when it is appropiate,

>> No.15404766

sure thing seethman. I've never even watch Peterson. Just know hes some psychologists that you trannies keep seething over here to an absurd degree.

>> No.15404791

This is it. I quit /lit/. This was the final straw. Goodbye forever.

>> No.15404798

Peace, hope you find a lest autistic board anon.

>> No.15404810
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I have disagreements with Jordan Peterson but he seems like a nice person.

>> No.15404813

>because he said "clean your room" but had this room with stuff lying around, then everything he ever said is worthless.

>> No.15404815

Do you think he had ice cream and lasagna when his fans weren’t looking?

>> No.15404853

Not only that. He claimed in a lecture that he was an “existentialist”, and that meant for him (regardless of what it really means) that people who don’t “practice what they preach” don’t really believe in what they are saying and are therefore untrustworthy. He failed his own test and ousted himself as untrustworthy. Of course to some of us who were paying attention he had already ousted himself as an astroturfed shill In many different occasions.

>> No.15404923

You wouldn't?

>> No.15405120

Lobster Man is regressing into childhood. Happens to the best of us.

>> No.15405134

This desu, goes to show wealth and fame does nothing for the soul

>> No.15405167

Doesn’t it happen when you want to feel young again

>> No.15405232
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true adulthood is transcending the propaganda and realising sugar is good for you and adding an extra teaspoon to your tea as the miserable and decrepit health nuts beg you not to consume the nectar of life that sugar is so that you may be as miserable as they are

>> No.15405338


impressive that dumb fridge magnet slogans like this have somehow made him a decent career. anyway i wont be taking advice about sweetening tea from someone who is chronically addicted to painkillers

>> No.15405389
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>It's actually gay to get pussy
what did he mean by this

>> No.15406167

Didn't Einstein have a messy room?

>> No.15406175

>three spoonfuls of sugar
Do people really do this?

>> No.15406196

>not drinking your tea with lemon juice

lol plebs.

>> No.15407054

Cleaning your room is idiotic. It does not sanction bad advice or undermine good advice. It's disgraceful to say something so trivial has any bearing one way or the other. My God.

>> No.15407400

Nice tits bro

>> No.15407409


>> No.15407426

He's achieving the zarathustrian chidlike state.

>> No.15407449

Messy is a sign of a complex intelligence, dirty is a whole different trait not related.
I've seen tidy but still dirty people.

>> No.15407538

I can't believe this board puts me in the position of defending some boomer neolib but honestly, these criticisms are libelous.
The whole "set yourself right before you try to fix the world" is an accurate prescription for mass revolutionary politics. Obviously the world is corrupt and in need of fixing, but take the example of white nationalists Matt Heimbach and Richard Spencer, whose political strategy was guided by blind emotion and narcissism, and so their careers ended in flames, ruining the lives of many people who put their faith in them. The point is not "accept slavery" it is that you must pursue psychological wholeness before you can even tell what slavery is, as can be seen in Heimbach's disavowal of grug-tier trucker politics, and or in your radfem future cat lady's foregrounding her fear of men and motherhood.

That being said, society's maintenance requires a certain number of people be willing to sacrifice in the name of the group, as in war, and their psychology is often manipulated to get that to happen.

And as for C16, what was he wrong about? "This bill is written to allow arbitrary totalitarian interpretation of hate speech laws" seems cut and dry. Whether or not anyone is actually facing jail time currently is besides the point.

>> No.15407819

>Jordan Peterson said in one of his latest books that you enter adulthood when you stop adding sugar to your tea.

hes right about this

>> No.15407856

>he still has more to say than everyone here.
Speak for yourself

>> No.15407889

> Taking advice from a guy that went to rehab for generic xanax

>> No.15407895

Philosophers and more importantly revolutionaries should live out the values they preach, Peterson fails here.

>> No.15407922

He had just moved. This is so cringe

>> No.15407954

His wife whom he had known since they both children was diagnosed with cancer. His daughter had a crippling autoimmune disorder since she was a kid. He still managed to be a professor at a university while publishing multiple books and becoming a successful, well known figure.
You post on 4chan and either like anime or masturbate to traps. You and him are not the same.

>> No.15408080


More like a crippling cobraimmune disorder.

>> No.15408093

>All this projection

>> No.15408734

That's fair, yeah. What do you consider messy versus dirty?

>> No.15408850

"He had his own quite peculiar way of having coffee delightedly he seized hold of the bag containing the sugar and poured sugar into the coffee cup until it was piled up above the rim. Next came the incredibly strong, black coffee, which slowly dissolved the white pyramid."

>> No.15409177

Is there a scientific basis for this or is it like no fap?

>> No.15409179

I don't watch anime or masturbate to traps, let alone degenerate pornography. Try again sweatie ;) stay butthurt over a canadian