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15395470 No.15395470 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to expand my knowledge on political theory. Where should I start?

>> No.15395483

Politics: shit slinging

>> No.15395490
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Forgot pic

>> No.15395491


>> No.15395493

History of Political Philosophy by Leo Strauss

>> No.15395514

+ hobbes
+ locke
+ smith
+ marx
+ lenin
+ graeber
+ kaczynski

>> No.15395533


>> No.15395537

The postmodernists

>> No.15395553
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Ignore shitty Nordic books. Nords are the easiest people to govern on the planet so they have shitty political theories. Meds are the most ungovernable people on the planet, and so they have the best political theories.

>> No.15395565

Plato’s Republic -> Aristotle’s Politics -> Cicero’s Republic -> Machiavelli -> Hobbes -> Montesquieu -> Locke -> Rosseau

By that point I believe you’ll collect enough references to find the other authors. Hume is one but he’s mostly philosophy rather than political theory. I highly reccomend at least reading foundational history like Thucydides as it’s frequently references in all of these texts and also one of the best works of all time. Livy and Tacitus are others that are frequently referenced.

>> No.15395605
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Unironically watch the TV show Yes, Minister.
Although for comedic effect they have exaggerated the naivety of the Minister, it being his first weeks in a newly formed government. And made the Permanent Secretary particularly domineering and Machiavellian - it's still a startlingly accurate portrayal of the inner workings of Westminster style democracies, not just Britain.

>> No.15395642


>> No.15396384

I've heard a persuasive argument that you should start studying Pro-Wresting if you want to understand poltics. It's all fucking kauyfabe police/virtue signalling theater anyway.
Bernie Sanders as the "babyface"
Donald Trump as the "heel"
I guess Mugabe, once seen as the shining beacon of African self-government, and then the ostracized and reviled dictator was a "heel turn".

>> No.15396393

Ortega y Gasset

>> No.15396480
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>> No.15396767

Not fucking 4chan

>> No.15396790

Not fucking /pol/, you mean.

>> No.15398123

To keep your head clean from Hun and Anglo autism, read:
Plato’s Republic :: Aristotle’s Politics :: Augustine’s City of God :: Aquinas’ De Regno :: Machiavelli’s The Prince :: Botero’s Reason of State :: Rossmini’s Civil Constitution According to Social Justice :: Donoso Cortes’ Orbas :: Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum :: Del Noce’s Crisis of Modernity

>> No.15398181


>> No.15398191

Ultimatly political theory is just that, theory. Fist read history books and newspapers. Try to get diferent points of view and read authors from diferent schools of thought. Don't focus exclusively high level politics, geopolitics or the lives of the great men. Read books about every day life and economic networks and societal custums and institutions. Georges Duby is a good example of an historian that tries to uncover history from the prespective of the ordinary man rather than from the prospective of kings and generals.

>> No.15398234

Exactly where i heard it

>> No.15398292

its there not politcs,best from massenger mohammed, and belever prince omar alkatap

politcs demon will be filled.

>> No.15398339

Eric Voegelin and Leo Strauss for modern american conservadorism (fuck english and french right wing think). David Harvey, Antonio Negri, Theodor Adorno, Michel Foucault, Stuart Hill for modern left think. With these philosophers, adding the classics cited in thread, you have a good introduction for actual politic.