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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 379x214, 1293579492609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1539230 No.1539230 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, just letting you know I'm going to be the newest addition to your stellar list of really cool tripfriends. ^__^

picture unrelated wouldnt let me post without a pic

>> No.1539236

we need another tripfag with an authors name like we need a hole in the head

>> No.1539237
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I'm just going to try & be optimistic with this one & hope you're a troll & give you a 1/10.

>mfw tripfags took over the world.

>> No.1539241

I assure you this is no troll.
idk Truman Capote, and Virginia Woof seem pretty cool. XD

>> No.1539243

good lick

this board will do everything in its power to get you to drop that thing

can't say that it isn't commendable

>> No.1539245

I for one welcome our new tripfag overlords!

>> No.1539251

Oh! A fellow tripfriend! Hello there. Nice to meet you. ^.^

>> No.1539261
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mfw I come on lit and see this

>> No.1539263


>> No.1539264


You're doing it wrong. You're tripfagging because you want people to notice you, and be your friend. This is an ANONYMOUS board for a reason. The only reason I tripfag is when I'd like the regular browsers to get a sense of continuity in my thoughts. I'm not a well known tripfag, and I don't intend to be. In fact, I post much more regularly in anonymity.

Tripfag if you have something to say, not because you like the sound of your own voice.

>> No.1539267
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AHAHA, whoops, wrong picture.

>> No.1539269

i've been planning to do that for months now and you just ruined it

you bastard

>> No.1539273

So sorry! My mistake!
Nope. Sorry. I'm tripfagging because I believe I can contribute way more useful stuff to this board than any anon can. And what makes you think I don't have anything to say? I have much more to say than you. Nobody even knows who you are.

>> No.1539274
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>> No.1539277
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>> No.1539279

Yeah, 'cept for I actually didn't mean to.

>> No.1539280

Already off to a good start, this may be the most arrogant tripfag yet

>> No.1539283

you're an attention whore

welcome to the club

>campy d&e clone
>new tripfag thinks he's better than other new tripfag
like 0/10 because it's been done before

>> No.1539284

>I'm tripfagging because I believe I can contribute way more useful stuff to this board than any anon can.

Well you're off to a roaring start with this thread.

>> No.1539290

u just mad that I'm going to be more popular than you.

>> No.1539291

You won't survive the week.

>> No.1539294

...oh, he's good. This one is very good.

>> No.1539297

Have Tybrax and Brownbear left?

>> No.1539299
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> mfw I get four different sets of dubs

>> No.1539316
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>> No.1539321
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>mfw all the other tripfags are mad

>> No.1539326

Thanks, brosef. And nice dubs. I checked em.

>> No.1539334
File: 39 KB, 401x388, Screen shot 2011-01-25 at 15.39.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ty renounced his trip and gave away his code:


Brownbear is still here.

>> No.1539342
File: 112 KB, 790x578, 1294389493430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he apologized for the spelling error

>> No.1539344


are you


tybrax yes

brownbear no

>> No.1539351

No hard feelings, I hope?

>> No.1539352

Hay. I recognize that pic bro. Sweet. Fugging sweet.

>> No.1539357

i can has trip?

>> No.1539359

ITT: blasphemy.

Will /lit/ ever be good? Probably not.

See you guys in another four months.

>> No.1539360
File: 31 KB, 704x396, 1296637095446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salinger, weaboo's smileys... Ghost in the shell?

>> No.1539361

ITT : everyone becomes a tripfag!!!

>> No.1539364
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I suck at cropping

>> No.1539365
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>> No.1539369


>> No.1539371
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hey why not right? because having a trip means you have more to offer. obviously. and it's super exclusive and really hard to do. you've inspired me
so what books have you read lately JD

>> No.1539374

Oh wait where'd you guys find the pic w/out all the shit on it?

>> No.1539382

Yeah, exactly! This kind of thing isn't for the frail of heart. Only the smartest people can handle this sort of thing. We're sort of like the best part about /lit/.

I just finished Slaughterhouse Five! I really liked it. I might pick up Cat's Cradle. What about you, Lulz?

>> No.1539386

Hey JD, you've made a really successful entrance into the scene and I wanna congratulate you. for your long-term survival though you wanna start talkin' more shit and saying some controversial things.

>> No.1539393

Like what?

I was thinking maybe I could hate on Shakespeare or something. Or dislike black people. Would that work?

>> No.1539398

Slaughter house 5 is in my to read pile, along with" the remains of the day" and "imperial bedrooms"
most recently i've finished "some we love, some we hate, some we eat" it was the most entertaining non-fiction i've read in ages

>> No.1539399

I'd prefer hating on Shakespeare, but it's your trip

>> No.1539403

def go with Bill hatred. Also if you wanna team up with me on the "Dickens and Wilde and Chucky P are the most worthless cunts ever" front, you can.

>> No.1539404

that'll do

just don't move in on my territory or i'll spam your threads full of screencaps of my wit

oh and you need an author to be utterly fixated with to a point that you really read nothing else

you can have Salinger now that Tybrax left i guess

>> No.1539413

If he picks Salinger, he's aligned against me.

>> No.1539423

Ty said I could have Salinger.

Also, I've got no problem with you either. You're welcome in my threads as long as you don't start arguing about typewriters. I will fuck your shit up if you do that.
I'd be down for that. I'm going to add my own little personal things to that list like Joyce, and Tolstoy. Hope that's cool.

>> No.1539424
File: 12 KB, 191x263, Wildey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're aligned against in picking out Wilde as an object of your tortures

>> No.1539431

I wonder if Ty will also let you have his aspergers...

>> No.1539439

don't talk about the dead like that

>> No.1539441

listening to gustav mahler
you remind me j.d. salinger is dead
manly tears be manly

>> No.1539442

I mean... that's not unforgivable, but I don't like it.
Fab you motherfucker.

>> No.1539451
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I miss him.

>> No.1539455


typewriters shouldn't come up anymore anyway

they're outdated and serve no purpose

only as objects of admiration do they still survive and i don't wanna see anymore typewriter fanboys on /lit/

this is the nicest thing someone has said to me all day

>> No.1539460
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>> No.1539469

Never got to make good on my promises to rape an 18 year old Scottish boy. Dark day, gentlemen.

>> No.1539477

>Doesn't like Joyce
>just read slaughterhouse five
>attention whore
>is anyone over 16 on /lit/

>> No.1539484

first victim Sal

that was fast i'll admit

>> No.1539485
File: 498 KB, 597x596, 1293410764491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty said I could have his trip, btw.

>> No.1539486

Oh, god. Brownbear, Stag and Ty (and to some degree W00F) at least added something to the board, even if they were all fucking terrible. Now people are fagging up for the sake of it. This board is choked already with tripfags - why throw your ego into the mix?

>> No.1539492

gl, you'll need it.


>> No.1539498

bro I'm visibly over 16.

>> No.1539500
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>> No.1539502
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>> No.1539503

holy shit please let this be the real ty

just say goodbye please

if you have your mind set on leaving me

>> No.1539507

you dont deserve it, fuck you you broke my heart. im leaving this board, you i couldnt give a shit about if i tried.

>> No.1539508
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horey shet

>> No.1539509
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>mfw brax

>> No.1539511

>yfw salinger turns out to be ty

>> No.1539514

that's not funny

i never meant to hurt you i just

just goodbye? please?

>> No.1539517

I am also a new trip friend and I will continue with my trip until fabulous either leaves or stops being a massive faggot; fucking up an already terrible board.

>inb4 he accuses me of some sort of obsession


>> No.1539520

>my own counter-tripfaggot
i don't think you realize that this is nothing but flattering

but at the same time i think you're just using me as an excuse to trip

>> No.1539523

he's my friend on msn he posted this thread before i even knew it was him. he's gonna use my trip from now on unless i say ive returned or something but i wont because i will find friend.

fuck you all but thanks for the good times



trips to look out for in the coming months:
tom harper
jd salinger !wvwwhice

rest: mediocre


>> No.1539524

Welcome aboard. I support your struggle, comrade.

>> No.1539532

Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.

>> No.1539537

I do too.

I told you you'd all want to be friends with me, and that I'd become a popular tripfag. Guess I really showed you guys, huh?

>> No.1539538

just assure me that you'll visit now and again as an anon if nothing else

please ty ?

>> No.1539542

die in a fire ty and don't come back kk

>> No.1539546

Ty says, 'fuck you, i hope you grow old soon.' :]

>> No.1539547

how can you be so heartless?

I'll never see him again!

>> No.1539549

How the fuck did I not make this list?

>> No.1539550

and so the lion fell in love with the lamb.

>> No.1539551

oh thank god

you will keep us in contact, no?

>> No.1539556

and so the snake shed it's skin, and took on a new form.


>> No.1539557


Y'know, I started as a counter-trip to Ty, then I became a nascent entity and manifested physical form. Ty means a lot to a lot of us, I guess.

>> No.1539569
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>> No.1539570

Yo JD Sally (like that? you got a nickname) some fuck is saying he doesn't like people who don't like Shakespeare. Go make a name for yourself.

>> No.1539576

Motherfucking trial by fire. Let's see what JD's got.

Hope you live up to the hype, JD. You're wearing the Mantle of Brax right now.

>> No.1539582

god damn this thread makes me hate tripfags

this guy is alright

>> No.1539585
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>> No.1539589

Another Salinger reference. I should go to the track.

>> No.1539595

you're not a tripfag

you're a facade

I didn;t know that about you

Tybrax' lover and his successor and his nemesis

we must always remember one another

please just tell Tybrax i'll never forget him and i just want to be sure

I'm not the reason he left /lit/ am i?

>> No.1539630


Not gonna lie, we should probably write a book about this.

>> No.1539640

It needs a clever title

>> No.1539642
File: 29 KB, 460x276, JD-Salinger-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw epic troll

>> No.1539644

Lovers Should Be Shot.

>> No.1539650

It doesn't have to be clever.

My personal working title will be Sea of Tears.

>> No.1539674

how did /lit/ become such a fucking hive of trip fags?

>> No.1539679

idk lol

>> No.1539734


It doesn't matter how flattering you consider the hate you receive for your constant faggotry.

>> No.1539740

he came here looking for a place to troll... he ended up finding a home... and a family.

OP, coming to theatres soon.

>> No.1539809

archive this thread

it's tybrax last visit