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15391306 No.15391306[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>late capitalism

What the fuck does this even mean? How is capitalism any different now from the 19th century?

>> No.15391313

Just the latest iteration no need to spurg anon

>> No.15391315

>What the fuck does this even mean?
You'll find out.

>> No.15391320

Mass media leads to more information and cringe politics

>> No.15391324

>How is capitalism any different now from the 19th century?

>> No.15391332

the phrase "late capitalism" means your talking to a r*dditor

>> No.15391342

You guys know how much fucking pudding we make now? I mean, go down the grocery store and just look...there's shelves and shelves and shelves, maybe a whole goddamn isle of just PUDDING!

>> No.15391363

>How is capitalism any different now from the 19th century?
Posters like you always make me feel less retarded