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15389532 No.15389532 [Reply] [Original]

ITT Post books that you didn't "get", and other anons show the path to understanding

>> No.15389577
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been a bit since i read this but looking over my notes i feel like i didn't fully understand the motivations of the boys leading up to the end. they seemed to be obsessed with being 'objective' in their actions, deconstruction of bodies, the world etc.
now reading confessions of a mask and a recurring theme of Mishima's seems to be characters holding up an idealized version of a person as a hero and then becoming intensely disillusioned when the actions of that person don't match up to their constructed image.
connected to that idea, why was noboru alternately so obsessed/disgusted by ryuji and his actions

>> No.15389663
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Read it when I was 15, was missing 20 pages, probably wouldn't have helped me understand anyway.

>> No.15389711

Not sure what the problem might be with this one. It's a sad story, it's also super cunning in the way it foreshadows and parcels out details so that you know bad shit is coming but also wind up caught off guard over and over. Honestly I think, like a lot of people, it's the early scenes on the boat, and my sympathy for them, that got me "in". After that it's easier to buy in to all this overwhelming emotional misery and suicide stuff.

This one's just weird in that it's sort of a short and easy key to his big important books, but it's also less explicit about its theme than those books are. There's passages in V. about historical doubt/lost truth, and in GR about paranoia/predetermination which really show what the theme is.

>> No.15389862

Harry Potter unironically. How can there be magic wands and spells if they are impossible in real world? I call it made up nonsense. Literally anyone can write fantasy and come up stupid magic tricks that advances the plot. Silly books I say.

>> No.15389880

Authors do this a lot. For example Romeo and Juliet is based on the false premise that women are capable of love

>> No.15389885

Well I think it had something do with being a sailor, the calling of manhood and then becoming a pussy-whipped husband. Also Mishima didn't like his father so he didn't like the idea of him becoming one.

>> No.15389887


>> No.15390152
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> Free trade hurts farmers
okay got it
> lonely depressed man reflects on his previous relationships and believes he has lost his only chanses of happiness. No sex drive gives him less of a resason to live
I liked it but I feel I'm missing something?

>> No.15390343

The poetics of space by Bachelard
What's this guy on about?

>> No.15391059

Take LSD and then think about the room you're in.

It's very influenced by phenomenology. Describing space from the subjective perspective rather than from an objective one.

Like in The Trial by Kafka, where the sense of claustrophobia is depicted through how Kafka constructs spaces. It's about how space is depicted in art.

>> No.15391122

Ezra Pound in general. Pls help.

>> No.15391190

Honestly this book was only good because it was timely with the yellow vest protests

One of his weaker books imo

If you haven't, read Whatever and The Elementary Particles, or Submission if you're more of a political type

>> No.15391201


>> No.15391220
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Dark Stranger by Julien Gracq

Quite possibly the most boring book I have ever read. I really do not get what he was on about at all. A bunch of people at a hotel lounge about for hundreds of pages before the most charismatic of them dies....somehow, the end. I was looking for metaphors about Nazi's and whatnot but I just did not get a single thing from this book.

>> No.15391349

This is what's funny to lit nowadays? Yikes

>> No.15392995

yeah I've read whaetver and elementary particles and liked both of them more than serotonine.

>> No.15393026

Ooof you sweet summer child did you even look where you are? This is heckin 4channelerino dude! You made a big yikes my man this ain't reddit! Try not to do that again we 4channelers consider that problematic dude. Coolerino?

>> No.15393046

wow, you managed to top his fagginess

>> No.15393068
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>> No.15393088
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I was on a streak of really enjoying everything I had read for about a dozen books until I got to this. I feel like I missed something

>> No.15393217
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