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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 592 KB, 1280x1579, 1280px-Goethe_(Stieler_1828).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15389034 No.15389034 [Reply] [Original]

I have decided i want to read some fiction. I have only read philosophy and history up to now. Is Goethe a good starting point? What should I read?

>> No.15389041

Read philosophical fiction.

>> No.15389051

If Faust or Werther interests you enough, sure. I started with Iphigenia in Taurus. A short sample.

>> No.15389054

Goethe isn't a good start. He is very subtle and most of his writings will go over your head. As always, start with the Greeks. Homer and Hesiod, the Tragedians and the rest

>> No.15389195 [DELETED] 
File: 334 KB, 941x941, 20200510_203008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coward bitch. You think you will stop me? Why you still delete your posts dyke?

>> No.15389199

what's in that area?

>> No.15389203 [DELETED] 

No matter how many times you ban me I always came back. Also, why you have a expensive mac computer butterdyke? You are supposed to hate capitalism.

>> No.15389210 [DELETED] 

Butterfly aprox location. She lives in that radius. More info.
Country:United States
Latitude:34.1765(34° 10 35.40 N)
Longitude:-118.614(118° 36 50.40 W)
Postal Code:91367
IP Address
Country United States, Woodland Hills
Browser Safari (13.0.5)
Operating System Mac 10.15
Device Apple
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.5 Safari/605.1.15
Host Name 99-129-218-145.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.netISPATT-INTERNET4

>> No.15389247

That's fake butterfly schizo retard

>> No.15389250

Butterballs is insufferable but doxxing is below the belt. Don't "you have to go back" me, this site didn't generally mess with people who weren't stupid enough to disclose personal info right in their posts.

>> No.15389253
File: 130 KB, 600x948, 4c0cc21af76f418a6b80d1beec6a763c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this book would suit you.

>> No.15389257

Shogun James Clavell

>> No.15389259

read the sticky you retard

Recommended Literature

>> No.15389260

thus spoke zarathusta and art of motorcycle maintenance come to mind

>> No.15389310 [DELETED] 

Is real. Is an approx. The other one that she lives in berverly hills is fake. This one is in woodland hills. She is scared, every time I post this she deletes some of her posts.

>> No.15389318

There is no one correct "starting point" for reading. If you are interested in Goethe, read Goethe.

>> No.15389366 [DELETED] 

Everybody check warosu. Search woodland hills.

>> No.15389482

go to bed you autist stalker

>> No.15389487 [DELETED] 

No :)

>> No.15389530

>My autism is more important than YOU
Probably underage

>> No.15390329

>Probably underage
Meanwhile you're getting older, uglier, more bitter, and you have nothing to show for all of it.

>> No.15390494

Goethe is the GOAT, but you have to pay extremely close attention. Which you have probably been doing already.

>> No.15390531

Is Faust readable in translation? Can I grasp the full gravity of his work?
Everyone here says that he reads extremely poorly in English (I know a lot of people >translation meme, but I want to know if it's true or not)

>> No.15390552

can you expand on why you consider Goethe extremely subtle?

>> No.15390558

Well, it's written in verses and mostly in rhymes so all the ingenuity of his language is lost of course. However, the content is profound and also archetypical enough to still be of much worth. Once you read Faust you suddenly see Faust everywhere.

>> No.15390569

>verses and mostly in rhymes
Yeah I suspected this was the case.
>Once you read Faust you suddenly see Faust everywhere.
But this is still extremely interesting.
I know that most German philosophers were deeply respectful of Goethe.
What translation would you recommend?

>> No.15390607

Ah gee whiz OP, I dunno, maybe start with the Greeks?

>> No.15390644

>What translation would you recommend?
I'm afraid I can't comment on that as my mother tongue is German.

>> No.15390686
File: 11 KB, 818x639, 1562083926044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking up Faust as amazing
>But he read it in the native language
English speaks are never gonna make it, eh?

>> No.15391829

I can't imagine German fiction sounding pleasant. The language itself is too crude compared to softness of, let's say, English. I do feel that it perfectly fits their philosophy, though. I dunno, might just be bad experience from elementary school, I always had good grades, but I never knew the language.