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/lit/ - Literature

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15388448 No.15388448[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are some books where the protagonist is a black girl who has a white love interest?
or alternatively, where the protagonist is a white boy with a black love interest.

>> No.15388469


>> No.15388475

Me :3

>> No.15388492

just reed any internet media site that focuses on social justice

>> No.15388511
File: 341 KB, 1095x1195, 1557198715987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no black tomboy GF

>> No.15388523

Just move to Africa you coal burner

>> No.15388531

The Ilhan Omar biography?

>> No.15388594

Or better yet, where the protagonist is a Black man with a white love interest?

>> No.15388599
File: 394 KB, 1080x1338, 04114743140a3b33f601e3c50b4f56b5935c3e10bb97dff979bac49155aebc17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I want legitimate literature . preferably tragic.

she wasn't a tomboy but she was very down-to-earth and kind god I deserve to die alone

don't come into my thread just to be rude and racist. there's a whole other board dedicated to that.

>> No.15388609

unironically one of my ideas that I'm working on

title is "brown sugar"

>> No.15388616


>> No.15388621

The Hate U Give

>> No.15388624
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how original

>> No.15388722

my diary desu

>> No.15388764

why her ormpit oll ashy?

>> No.15388772 [DELETED] 

Because she's a fucking nigger

>> No.15388868

Looking though my Goodreads reviews, this combo is surprisingly hard to find. Saga's a pretty good comic series, but its set in a sci-fi fantasy universe where race isn't really the same.

>> No.15389188
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>> No.15389193

Stephen kings dark tower series has that

>> No.15389202

She was with a Native American.

>> No.15389212


>> No.15389214

kek butterfag outed again as a pseud

>> No.15389222 [DELETED] 

Country:United States
Latitude:34.1765(34° 10 35.40 N)
Longitude:-118.614(118° 36 50.40 W)
Postal Code:91367
IP Address
Country United States, Woodland Hills
Browser Safari (13.0.5)
Operating System Mac 10.15
Device Apple
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.5 Safari/605.1.15
Host Name 99-129-218-145.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.netISPATT-INTERNET4

>> No.15389231 [DELETED] 

based but bluepilled

>> No.15389232 [DELETED] 
File: 334 KB, 941x941, 20200510_203008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a coward calling jannies to delete my posts. Also, why you delete your posts when I answer you? Are you scared bitch?

>> No.15389238 [DELETED] 

That is the real one. Is not bluepilled. Otherwise why such reactions? Butterfly deletes her posts everytime I post this. She responded violently the first time but she deleted. Just lookup woodland Hills in warosu.

>> No.15389254 [DELETED] 

The coward talks of cowardice. Such irony.

>> No.15389266 [DELETED] 

And it’s a comic book, I know.

>> No.15389270
File: 50 KB, 578x721, 339EDEDB-64B7-4CEC-ABC5-071AA12886A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it’s a comic book, I know.

>> No.15389307 [DELETED] 

Ironic. Why you delete your posts retarded dyke? Are you scared? You deserve this. If this was not your info, why are you so scared? You act like act bitch and deserve to be treated as such.

>> No.15389312

cute nigress

>> No.15389319
File: 853 KB, 2259x3336, Tracy Morgan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black girl who has a white love interest
I can't think of a book, but two of the main characters in the The Last OG (on Netflix) are that kind of couple.

>white boy with a black love interest
Native Son

>> No.15389327 [DELETED] 

Remember butterfly. Does not matter how many times we get ban. We shall continue

>> No.15389361 [DELETED] 

Everybody check warosu. Search woodland hills

>> No.15389372

This is against the rules of the site, correct address or not. Stop off topic posting
>We shall continue! We have no life lol (kill me)

>> No.15389379 [DELETED] 

So? you deserve it. Fucking dyke. Why you delete your posts?

>> No.15389383

I think we are going continue working then in kiwifarms. Doxing there is allowed.

>> No.15389387

I do not.
And no one cares. You aren’t going to get a psycho killer after me and no one will find me. Go read a book, you broken soul

>> No.15389391 [DELETED] 

Yes. We are going. Why are you so scare?

>> No.15389397 [DELETED] 

We are going to find you. We got an approximate radius. We know you live in an apparment, rented. Also, you are involved with your local library. You are 46 year old, black hair, caucasican, lesbian.

>> No.15389404

>We are going
We wish

>> No.15389407 [DELETED] 

You have a mediocre job, probably a cashier. Although there are several low-wages jobs that is a good start. You deserve to have your identity exposed.

>> No.15389411 [DELETED] 

Sure, we wish we could kill you and dismember your body.

>> No.15389415

I think it would be funny if 4chan gave your location and just range banned your whole block
Canadian boy

>> No.15389419

The subterraneans by jack kerouac. Very depressing, but all of his shit is.

>> No.15389422

See? No interest in book. Just a psycho with no control in his life trying to scare someone.
Everyone here can see how pathetic you are. Just stop it.

>> No.15389425 [DELETED] 

Just try dyke. I am using several proxies. How do you think I have been posting several times? Come on janny. Where do I live?

>> No.15389429 [DELETED] 

ironic coming from a 46 year old spinster, dyke, ugly, failure in art collage, commie.

>> No.15389432
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>> No.15389434 [DELETED] 

We are going to continue, but not here. Your wish is going to become true.

>> No.15389436 [DELETED] 

Mediocre musical taste. Typical of a boomer of 1974

>> No.15389440

hey mods you want to do your jobs and clean up this tripfag drama? don't you hand out bans for "low quality posts"? How has this tripfag not been perma'd?

>> No.15389441 [DELETED] 

Hey jannie, where I am? Range ban me :)

>> No.15389442
File: 318 KB, 1079x1310, 24167A3F-6567-43A0-85B6-D198486E9DD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you would give YOUR address.
I’ll kick your ass for you


>> No.15389444

the walking dead

>> No.15389448

>tripfag drama?
That’s not what this is, anonymous
This is schizophrenic drama.

>> No.15389450 [DELETED] 

A 46 year old dyke? come on you have menopause and you probably never fought someone in real life.

>> No.15389456 [DELETED] 

Remember butterdyke. One hit and you are out.

>> No.15389462

Your preference for black women is likely just an unhealthy fetishization man. You should ask yourself why.

>> No.15389464 [DELETED] 

Also what is with your retarded musical taste 1974 boomer

>> No.15389474 [DELETED] 

Jannie tranny ban me again :)

>> No.15389478

Says the foot guy

Your band is?
As long as you’re boring us with your phony tough guy shit

>> No.15389491

I'm talking to OP about the actual topic of the thread

>> No.15389495 [DELETED] 


>> No.15389502

You’re picking on him about liking black girls.


>> No.15389508

miscegenation is an Incel cope.

>> No.15389509 [DELETED] 

You mean based :). Now I think is enough for today. Goodnight everybody. We are going to continue working somewhere else.

>> No.15389510
File: 50 KB, 640x800, 1589711975151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's not fetishization at all. it has personal relevancy, and I was recently struck that I couldn't think of any literary examples that pertained to my situation.
but it doesn't look like I'm going to be getting any recs. the thread is a dumpster fire now. oh well.

>> No.15389514


>> No.15389525

No. I'm picking on him for fetishizing black girls. Why does a girl being black make her more attractive? He isn't black, he's white. So the girl that looks the least like him is the one he's attracted to. You don't think something is happening under the surface?

>> No.15389534
File: 736 KB, 1440x1700, 1587301148242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have had a black girlfriend and i am here to tell you that you are utterly wrong

>> No.15389535

What is the personal relevancy?

>> No.15389537
File: 43 KB, 485x390, F07B3818-3C2C-4991-B5EC-06073464F050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can’t think of any related books...

>> No.15389548
File: 104 KB, 768x1024, 1498907952071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does a girl being black make her more attractive?
it just fucking does

>> No.15389552 [DELETED] 

being in love with a black girl (ex co-worker) are you dense?
i'm not going into any more detail than
>could have been with her
>decided against it
>moved away

>> No.15389556

Unreal waist.

>> No.15389631

Why don't the mods do their job and remove this garbage thread already?

>> No.15389664

So basically you don't know why you're this way. People are normally attracted to their own race. Something happened to you that made you different. What? What's less preferable about people like you? What is wrong with you?

>> No.15389674

When tinder made the passport function free i decided to swipe in different african countries. I now have several african female aquaintances who send me nudes and discuss Shakespeare.
I've also discovered that Zambians are really good looking, and the stereotype of nigerians being rude gold diggers is true.
Maybe I'll write a travel journal about my digital journey

>> No.15389686


I mean, if we're bring rational here, it was another anon who started beating on the B-fly without provocation. You're all obsessed

>> No.15389699


Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman

>> No.15389700


>The girl that looks least like him is the one he's attracted to

Huh, it's almost as if we're programmed by nature to diversify the gene pool as much as possible. Retard social darwinian

>> No.15389733

>People are normally attracted to their own race
not actually true

>> No.15389736

>I've also discovered that Zambians are really good looking
i've been to zambia. can confirm

>> No.15389742

Uh...yeah it is. Interracial marriages and children are in the extreme minority. The US would be almost completely mixed if this wasn't the case.

>> No.15389768

that's because there are other factors at play such as social pressure, status, religion etc rather than just "attractiveness".
now that some of those barriers are breaking down, there are more and more mixed marriages.

>> No.15389823

Race influences other factors of life such as behavior, culture, religion, politics, etc. These are consequences of race and people prefer being with those who share these things with them. People are also naturally attracted to those who look like them in addition to this. Babies have been studied to show racial biases. The case in which this different occurs during self-hatred, where the preference is a different race than their own. Because they cannot accept themselves they desire to be a part of something different (manifesting in this case as a mate).

Mixed race marriages are increasing, first of all, because of conditioning. Barriers are breaking down, but this is also not a good thing. Mixed race marriages have higher divorce rates, and mixed race children have been to shown to be more inclined towards mental health issues. Naturally in the case of marriage this is because there is a fundamental difference between the two people, and in the case of children it is the inability to form a coherent identity or join with a social group.

>> No.15389859

>source: your butt

>> No.15390198
