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15386025 No.15386025 [Reply] [Original]

Literature to help me recover from being a degenerate hedonist? Im trying lads im really trying but it all makes no sense to me. Im 6 months clean off cocaine, booze and whores and all i can think about is taking a flight to thailand when corona is over to tear a cute skinny 19 year old ricefield whore apart on stupid amounts of substances or just let a ladyboy on meth suck on my dick all night long. I wish i never fucking tried stimulants. I cant have sex without thinking, damn, imagine if i was high on top of it. Its like when you have your first glass of liquor and you usually dont smoke cigarettes but then after 2 drinks you get insane urges to. Thats me when i now start drinking or having sex, i think how can i maximize the pleasure in all possible ways. I know for a fact that after you nut and the high wears off you feel like death and swear on everything you will never do it again because the pain dwarfs the joy and its simply not worth it but after x amount of time you forget about the pain and the brain deluded you into it again

I read seneca and aurelius about stoicism and thich nhat hanh on zen buddhism and i know 100% that pleasure translates to pain but how do i stop craving it? I thought half a fucking year of living 100% straight edge would fix myself but i was wrong

>> No.15386071

J.P.'s 12 rules of life, DFW's Infinite Jest

>> No.15386072
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Thailand has Penis Statues. You really want to go to a place that has penis statues?

Pull up a chair and let's talk. I'm really fucking bored and I can't find any threads to discuss with.

Haven't read all of it but the bottom part on stoicism and buddhism; yeah, just ditch that already. Honestly, I will have trouble empathizing on the pleasure and pain nonsense but logically, that doesn't make you any more of a hedonist...it just makes you a sadist.

Alright, now what else can we do?

>> No.15386079

Find a purpose, a goal. What do you want to achieve in life?

>> No.15386108

I had 2 purposes, make money and get a fit body. I got both now and im left with nothing else. What is your purpose?

>> No.15386110

You were a failure as a hedonist because you're suffering. In fact, you're an anti-hedonist. Ya blew it.

>> No.15386122

>implying not all hedonists are failures

>> No.15386139
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Cultivate your taste and realize life is about simple pleasures. Learn to appreciate high quality food and the flavor of excellent coffee. Get completely clean on the drugs, pace yourself on the venery. Learn to appreciate sex just once a week as something to look forward to.

Just manage your pleasures better, in general, and find more sophisticated ones. But yeah, start with going cold turkey and appreciating more delicate pleasures.

>> No.15386152

>make money and get a fit body
Why? For what purpose? To impress someone? Yourself? And why's that? You need to go deeper.

>> No.15386159

Go camping and hiking. Books are just going to make you too much inside your head at the moment. You should give yourself time to experience the sublime parts of life.

>> No.15386190

Myself and others but mostly myself, i dont know why. I just did what my will told me to do

>> No.15386201

I'm no psychologist, but you should start asking yourself these questions. You might start to understand yourself, and then realize what it is you want.

>> No.15386224

just fly to thailand and fuck whores until you are tired of it, then you will know that life has phases of hedonism and phases of being tired of hedonism. Thats it

>> No.15386246

sooner or later the fact that you do all of this - the money, the worry, the self-contempt - for a perfect nut will have to dawn on you, and you'll have to stop. it's just a nut. it can be the most intense thing in the world in the moment but it's just a nut

>> No.15386302

De Profundis by Oscar Wilde
Im currently reading it. At the beginning I could not stop feeling wrath of how much a cuck he was, but it gets extremely good and interesting.

>> No.15386352

Thanks anons

>> No.15386391

Books are hard to be appreciated in an addicted life. Dopamine reward circuits control you in a way you can't escape for more than days or weeks. Get a psychiatrist and a try going to therapy (preferably psychoanalysis, but CBT might help as well). Good luck anon

>> No.15386395

a rare time these suggestions legitimately qualify in spite of being a meme lmao

>> No.15386498


>> No.15386505

Practice daily meditation, eat simple plain meals and limit your internet for a week. It's important to take breaks in order to reset your mind when you're too oversaturated

>> No.15386562

stop making this thread you get the same answers every time. grow up and stop being such a slave to material desires. you sound like a child

>> No.15386579

You need to release the inner trauma that is causing you to want those things in order to escape yourself. Look up Transformation Mastery and pranic breathing

>> No.15386588

>stop being such a slave to material desires
What else is there to do? How do you live your life?

>> No.15386729

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