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15385988 No.15385988 [Reply] [Original]

I'm reading Moby-Dick now and I'm planning to read Suttree before tackling Blood Meridian. Is this a sufficient introduction to McCarthy's ideas and style, or should I try to tackle the Border Trilogy as well?

What path did you anons take?

>> No.15386090

just read whatever man
it doesn't fucking matter

"sufficient introduction to McCarthy's ideas and style"
goddamn nonsense

>> No.15386134

Mccarthy is a pop-lit faggot who happens to be kinda good. No introduction needed.

>> No.15386142


stop looking at charts, nerd. just read the book and if you can't handle it put it down

>> No.15387027

I’ve read most of his books, and I started with Blood Meridian. You shouldn’t have any trouble even if you started that before Suttree.

Both are phenomenal, but unfortunately most of his other work doesn’t come close to those two. The closest is the road, and even though I really enjoyed it I do concede to the fact that it’s really dumbed down thematically and stylistically. Go for it if you’re curious. Everything else you can skip

>> No.15388262

BM is a standalone work of greatness. McCarthy is a mediocre at best writer (not unlike Melville actually) who just happened to strike gold. You don't need to read any of his other works to read BM. If you want to truly understand the book you could read some of the actual history surrounding the books events and perhaps a few religious pieces.

>> No.15388311

Eh, it's not like a video game. Suttree has different ideas than Blood Meridian, so you can freely start anywhere, really.

>> No.15388323

Read Blood Meridian after Moby Dick. They’re very similar.

>> No.15388335

I still think Suttree is pretty excellent. It’s at least on par with Blood Meridian and possibly a little better.

Also Melville had Bartleby the Scrivener and The Confidence Man. But overall you’re correct

>> No.15388452

>Everything else you can skip
The Border Trilogy is excellent, even if it's not as apocalyptic as his other stuff. The Crossing might by my second favorite of his just because it has a subtle melancholy that I never got from his others.