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File: 157 KB, 1000x1575, Alexander the Great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15385841 No.15385841 [Reply] [Original]

>plato's great philosopher king never came

>> No.15385858

at least he got to fuck some nice boipuss

>> No.15385862

Did you think he was a prophet or something?

>> No.15385895


because it doesn't exist. these "great men" people talk about always seem to only exist in the past, despite the fact that the world population is orders of magnitude larger today.

xi jinping is your philosopher king. doesn't get any better than that.

>> No.15385982

Lenin was a philosopher king

>> No.15385985


>> No.15385986

Fuck philosopher kings

>> No.15385996

Marcus Aurelius

>> No.15385998

kang if you will

>> No.15386000

Aha made me kek

>> No.15386010


>> No.15386061
File: 125 KB, 1002x1280, aurelian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying implications

>> No.15386094

>Sade's fetishized phallic queen never came

>> No.15386103

Napoleon, Augustus, Aurelian, Charlemagne

>> No.15386124
File: 712 KB, 890x828, Julian yes..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you even
>ah but they were both murdered
Yes, for being types of Dionysus, the Prince of the Cosmos, the Titans of the world again and again forestall the apoapsis of this age and the ascension of Dionysus upon the cosmic throne. But he will be born and commence the Golden Age.

>> No.15387056

the problem with the philosopher king is that they have to be a king prior to being a philosopher. something about being well versed in philosophy makes you useless as a man of action

>> No.15387562


>> No.15387624

>despite the fact that the world population is orders of magnitude larger today
ok and the average IQ is far lower than what it was during alexander's time or the 1800s, population size is irrelevant retard

>> No.15387659

Keeping a self-help journal doesn't make you a philosopher.

>> No.15388978

I'm here. Just waiting for everyone to recognize my genius. Any day now.

>> No.15389104

Daddy is my philosopher king

>> No.15389105

Ayatollah Khomeini

>> No.15389109

give me time desu

>> No.15389122

It literally does.

>> No.15389182

Pseud alert.

>> No.15389189

>ok and the average IQ is far lower than what it was during alexander's time or the 1800s, population size is irrelevant retard
What a retarded notion

>> No.15389220

King Solomon.

Wait that was before Plato.

>> No.15389322

If Plato's Letter VII is authentic, then it appears that he didn't actually think that a city like Kallipolis could have ever sprung out in our world. Rather, it seems to be the perfect paradigm for cities-states: it's what should they strive for, even though their never reach that goal.

That said, I really don't know how much this paradigm pertains to our situation. We don't live in city-states, and most of what Plato has to say about political theory seems to refer to this one specific political structure.

>> No.15389571

Meditiations give clear advice on how to understand metaphysics, ethics, morals, anthropology etc. you're being too edgy for this board.

>> No.15390025

Ummmm...... have you never heard of Donald Trump????

>> No.15390375

they already existed since eternity in india

>> No.15390379

His name was Hitler.

>> No.15390399

Hitler was a man fueled by raw, animalistic passion. People like him have no philosophy, only instinct.

>> No.15390407

friedrich ii hohenstaufen
pope julius ii della rovere
friedruch ii hohenzollern

>> No.15390409

Literally Marcus Aurelius

>> No.15390428

there are neither philosophers nor kings in india. just priests and local tribal rulers subjugated to anyone who came across them

>> No.15390437
File: 149 KB, 403x400, Dionysius_I_of_Syracuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying plato didn't end up paying court to a tyrant like simp

>> No.15390452
File: 1.37 MB, 2430x3140, Young_Marcus_Aurelius_Musei_Capitolini_MC279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally a philosopher
>literally a king

>> No.15390511

teddy roosevelt

>> No.15390567

>Having a love of wisdom doesn't make you a philosopher.
I'm sorry I didn't realise Plato had a PHD from Virginia Tech. You fucking idiot.

>> No.15390716
File: 3.49 MB, 1280x1794, 1586960877105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He was less a philospher and more a practioner of philosophy, although I agree with you.

>> No.15390743

Divinely inspired intuition is more philosophical than the fetishization of rationality.

>> No.15390763

Sure it did, what do you think the Enlightenment is? How are you liking the Age of Reason?

>> No.15390805

>chopping your dick off and taking hormones makes you a female
not liking it very much desu

>> No.15390826

Have meth incel.

>> No.15390833

Good answer

>> No.15392447

You haven't read The Republic. Plato touches upon this topic in the book. He develops a detailed system in which it is shown what it takes for one to become a philosopher king, including his education which certainly doesn't involve the potential future philosophy kings just sitting at home and reading. Do not only yourself but also others a favor by actually not commenting on things you haven't any knowledge of (in this case you went into a Plato thread without even reading The Republic, his most famous work). This goes for anyone who does the same as you, and I hope they take my advice.
I don't even know how you fags can do it. I'd feel really stupid if I haven't read e.g. Descartes yet I went into a thread related to him and dropped my shitty takes on him.

>> No.15392466

IQ is normalized so that a given proportion of the population would be higher than a specific IQ threshold. Population size is extremely relevant here. Do you understand what a gaussian distribution is?

>> No.15392534


What utopian idea has?
Not a single one
The defining feature of perfection is its own nonexistence

>> No.15392693
File: 1.23 MB, 1936x2678, Portrait_of_Ruhollah_Khomeini_By_Mohammad_Sayyad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini came and went, it didnt work out like Plato thought it would.

>> No.15392724

The secret of Islamic theocracy is that it was always Iran's attempt at the neoplatonism it had been disguising as islam since Persia was conquered by filthy arabs. Most are Iranians will tell you this.

>> No.15392760

>king david

>> No.15392768

this but unironically

>> No.15392888

Iran's government follows the Martin Heidegger philosophical concepts.

>> No.15392915

Alexander alone contributed more to humanity than everyone alive today. They do exist, but only literal retards interpret Plato 100% literally.

>> No.15393079

White man conquers places no one asked him to. What did Alexander invent? What did he contribute?
Stop colonizing history my please

>> No.15393127

probably the weakest bait I've seen for quite some time

>> No.15393314

Frederick the Great

>> No.15393608

put on a trip you spamming cunt.

>> No.15393969

Not true really if you are being fair