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15381837 No.15381837 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think there will be a renewed interest in "the arts" in the coming years?
Now that China and the West are becoming more out in the open about their struggle for world domination, they'll be looking for new advantages.
China has made itself dangerous in terms of tech and other industries, making itself a fierce competitor
I have to wonder if the West will begin putting more attention into the arts as a way to culturally fight back against China. Implanting the idea of how can China be better when they're not currently producing good art, music, books, movies, etc

>> No.15381852

Probably not in the way you're thinking of, because a Abstract Expressionism or Paris Review funded by intelligence agencies in the 21st century would obviously undermine the current 'consoom' oligarchy of media giants like Disney in the US. Instead they'll just push more shitty pop music and superhero movies rather than encouraging 'subversive' art.
Of course I'd love to be proved wrong.
And China has never ever been able to market to the West. That's why China has no major consumer brands, South Korea and particularly Japan have made excellent strides in marketing. China never has. No one sees Huawei the same way as a Samsung. No one wants to drive a 'Great Wall' over a Hummer. People don't prefer HiSense to Sony.

>> No.15381920

America has embraced Eastern art as far as Japan and Korea go.

>> No.15381935

>Do you think there will be a renewed interest in "the arts" in the coming years?

I'm going to focus only on this part because the rest of what you typed is unrelated and stupid.

There will be no more interest (that is, funding) in "the arts" because the economy, at a global level, is broke. I'd love to go into the details, involving boring shit like peak oil & finite resources, debt and the monetary system, and how they are all related, but the only pertinence to your question is that "the arts" are a third tier luxury item, and "the arts" exist only by means of a subsidy, either a private patron or an endowment by an collective organization (the church, government, etc.), both of whom commission. Sure, there have always been roving arts and locale folk crap, but in general that stuff stays constrained, experiences little growth or development, and remains simple on account of anyone can do it and will do so, because art is nothing more than a byproduct of mankinds natural impulses and therefore will always exist. "The Arts", however, need funding, both to train and enhance skill and to make it more widespread (otherwise it's just some POS some rich asshole keeps in his garage or it hangs where nobody in some cathedral god knows where. If it gets any funding these days, in my opinion, then (1) you won't see it because it will exist for the rich asshole who commissions it, or (2) it will exist only for homespun propaganda purposes because the global economy is broke. Do you think there will another round of CIA funded shit to combat USSR funded shit? Fuck no! You'll probably see a painted draft poster once the inevitable war is started (in an attempt to boost the economy WWII style, but "the arts" are done for.

tl;dr: Get use to wooden bears carved with chainsaws by locale douches (and all crafts related) as the epitome of high art.

>> No.15383764

>Now that China and the West are becoming more out in the open about their struggle for world domination, they'll be looking for new advantages.
Except that's wrong. China has no real aim for global "domination", only regional ambitions. China when it comes to foreign FDI is behind Canada to put things in economic perspective. America is globally dominate and there's no competition for that position.

>China has made itself dangerous in terms of tech and other industries, making itself a fierce competitor
Name one industry, besides 5G, where China is ahead.

>I have to wonder if the West will begin putting more attention into the arts as a way to culturally fight back against China. Implanting the idea of how can China be better when they're not currently producing good art, music, books, movies, etc
America does invest way more in cultural industries than China and actually successfully can export their products. Japan was going to take over the world back in the 1980s but this is one of the reasons that the whole idea was absurd. Japan is culturally parochial, outside of Japan no one but weeaboos could care or understand Japanese culture and most could only be turned off by it. America is a pluralist mutliracial society. Anyone can become American but not anyone can become Chinese.

>> No.15383777

3k years time to do so, yeah I don't think so

>> No.15383785

What does China have to gain through "world domination"?

>> No.15383833

Same thing as Americas got to "gain", global policing power basically. Besides the export driven development by domestic manufacturing of consumer goods which they have no idea how to transition away from they don't have a functional financial system and are dependent on the American centric system for that. If they were serious they would need to find out what to do with mass unemployment from exporting their industries and kick the dollar habit which they don't seem to want to do.

>> No.15383840

kek I don't think China want's to police the world

>> No.15383874

I'm sure like everyone they'd like to tell everyone what to do or not do but they know they're not capable of that anytime soon. America will be the last global power because no one else can be that ideologically "universalist" (everyone else is to parochial) and anyone who'd try to use force would unleash nuclear war.

>> No.15385186


>> No.15385193

If I'm freed sure, if not you'll all descend into science/atheistic midwittery and politics and acting as your main cultural outputs.

>> No.15386032

>the arts
>in an era of all-dominating consumerism and nihilism

>> No.15386127

korea has contributed absolutely nothing to the arts

>> No.15386145

>Name one industry, besides 5G, where China is ahead.

facial recognition and surveillance technology, basically the substrate of the absolute society of control that the west has always wanted to become

>> No.15387065

Lmao right that why we have inalienable rights encoded into our state legal structures. Also kill yourself.

>> No.15387139

The US is fast approaching becoming a vast and all encompassing surveillance state of it's own too. The US government was smart, and merely off-shored its surveillance ambitions to "private enterprise" like Google, Apple, and Facebook. Wonderful cover and plausible deniability for DC. So the state won't be intruding upon your inalienable rights anytime soon, but the tech giants will be, and they will soon control nearly all the information on the internet, and its access points for a large majority of the population.

>> No.15387287

Israel is actually the leader in those fields

>> No.15388607
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>we have inalienable rights encoded into our state legal structures