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15379334 No.15379334 [Reply] [Original]

Best translation?

>> No.15379361

Jordan Petersons

>> No.15379372

modern ones tend to downplay his political beliefs which is onions meddling more ridiculous than hitlers actual beliefs

so avoid those

>> No.15379432

Mannheim is pretty good

>> No.15379440

That this hasn't been made into an anime adaption w hitler as a transgendered is the biggest drop

>> No.15379461

Stalag. It's online. The ones you'll find in print are tampered. Which is not some conspiracy, they actually change the translation to make Hitler
1. Sound more erratic
2. Match the cartoon vision most American have when seeing him on TV give speeches on documentaries
The fact is, the book has almost nothing to do with madman Hitler coming up with a racial empire. But that's more of what the audience expects, and the editors don't want Hitler the rhetorian to be present. I think the most daunting choices are things like when he talks about his family. At least in the book, Hitler portrayed his decision to be an artist as a point of tension with his dad, but with looks back on it as a jovial family thing, almost with humor. Whereas the tampered translations make it sound like he hated his father.
From that, it's a pretty interesting historical piece. Particularly because it mainly deals with politics, parties, and more concrete issues.

>> No.15379476

Do you think those writing it off as poorly written and boring are just blinded by their anti-Hitler sentiments?

>> No.15380361

Hitler wasn't a philosopher, but did know what he was doing. Much can be said about erratic and questionable decisions he made in the war, but none of those reflect his skill in politics, factionalism, and assuming power.

And he talks about this in Mein Kampf. He makes a distinction between the "theoretician" and the one who puts it into practice. He clearly thought he wasn't the former.
Trying to pass of Hitler as this dumbass is a foolish idea, on the part of the western propagandists and Jewish intellectuals who edit his stuff (that's not hyperbole, either, I'm pretty sure any Mein Kampf edition you find in Barnes and Noble is advertised as being edited by a Jew).
For one, if someone has interest to do actual and genuine scholarship and research and bypasses the filter, they'll find that Hitler was nothing like the caricature, and that content of his speeches was nothing like they expected. Like me, they'll find much about Hitler is made up, and the object of the lie is the public. They'll find the racial Germanic superman world conquest idea to be a fabrication. They'll find Hitler wasn't an idiot. These things will shake trust.
And there's this undercurrent in western thinking to classify all dictators as morons, or ascribe them some personal depravity. And it's foolish, because some of them were geniuses in their own right, and this extends to Stalin. Men like him and Hitler don't go from bank robbers and hobos to the most powerful men in the world by being idiots. It's a fatal underestimation, and you can see even up to Donald Trump today. It's the very same smugness that will cost the western intelligentsia dearly, in the future. Frankly, I hope it does. I couldn't give a shit if they were all executed, be it by radical commies or fascists.

>> No.15380618

>but did know what he was doing.
lmao is that why he let a jew get his army addicted to meth? Neonazis are retarded!

>> No.15380626

anyone have a link to a good translation epub?

>> No.15380877

Thomas Dalton

>> No.15380915

>And there's this undercurrent in western thinking to classify all dictators as morons, or ascribe them some personal depravity.

This isn't western thinking, this is a specific habit that some groups exhibit of effeminately pathologizing one's enemies after they've already been beaten. It's some kind of weird faggoty ritual engaged in particularly by academics and degenerate pseudo-leftists, the kinds who hang out with trannies and do drugs constantly.

>> No.15380929

OK bootlicker

>> No.15381972

(((some groups)))

>> No.15382043
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Id say the Stalg edition also. Though you can get a decent print of it. I own one of these prints and you'll know its the real deal as there are many spelling mistakes in it, as the offical translated version from the time was written by a german who had an above-average English level.

It was on Amazon for a time but i belive ((the powers that be)) dont like this version, so removed it?

My copy is alot more coherent narritivly by the sounds of it, also all the initial chapters about Vienna are heavily edited in other versions it seems, i truly belive this is because some dastardly editor wanted to confuse the reader with how horrid the place was and making you understand the authors viewpoint, which most wold agree with if its an eligible version like mine.

>> No.15382087

One anon insisted that the repetition indicated Hitler's lack of focus on the material. When I informed him that MK was written as a series of speeches regarding overlapping topics, tailored for different audiences he accepted this and stated that he would re-read it in this context. That was one time only. The rest of the time that I state this they just sperg and double down on the insults. Anyways, my vote is for the Ford translation. I have heard people give it grief but without any precise articulation. I have heard that the NSDAP approved version is a very literal translation that is uncomfortable for readers unfamiliar with the culture behind the language. I will probably read that version next.

>> No.15382100

>erratic and questionable decisions he made in the war
Much of this is from the Keitel narrative, much of which is disproven by Rommel's diaries. Many of the bad decisions emanated from Hitler's generals that he let have much more of a free hand than is generally believed.

>> No.15383475

>effeminately pathologizing one's enemies
I don't think it's wrong to question the mental states of figures but I have noticed that faggoty people always authoritatively pathologize those that they dislike.

>> No.15383609

Stalag is the only one I'd trust

>> No.15383631

Brauche keine Übersetzung, ihr dummen Anglo-Juden!

>> No.15383641

Obviously Ralph Manheim.

You can try the other two major ones but this is the best.

>> No.15383652
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Are there any other good counter narrative books?

>> No.15383707

my diary desu

>> No.15384146

Post your timestamped physique.
Stalag or Ford. Anything else is either mechanically translated or mangled by a Jew with the agenda one would expect a Jew translating Mein Kampf to have.

>> No.15384155

Having your army take amphetamines is unironically a great idea

>> No.15384222
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yeah amazing

>> No.15384243

I thought it was rather boring, but I think that's just because I was expecting some Captain Planet eco-villain type monologues when what I ended up getting was all somewhat mundane.

>> No.15384288

stop reading pop-history

>> No.15384299

Anything prewar is a good general guide.

>> No.15384302

>posts pop-history

>> No.15384311

watch the videos atleast

>> No.15384321
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>> No.15384328


lol okay

>> No.15384344

>yes, they were given methamphetamine BUT ONLY SO THEY COULD KEEP DRIVING TANKS OVERNIGHT


>> No.15384525

What would be some instances where Hitler was correct and his generals were wrong?

>> No.15384544

>the army was addicted to meth

>> No.15384577

yeah and it fucked them up

>> No.15385002

It is poorly written and probably even to be preferred in translation some cases because translators can make slight changes and improvements. He uses a lot of cliches, and another key word is superlatives, which he uses everywhere. They go hand in hand with the central notion of a struggle or battle for life/power in every walk of life, seeing as a battle is theoretically always an extreme situation with a winner—loser, but superlatives are tiring in the long run and Hitler should have kept him in his speeches.
It isn't organised well either, just like the history of its conception in all likelihood is messy (— but shrouded in lies and simple lack of information), and the editorial history is definitely VERY messy.
And because you candyasses require constant trigger warnings I'll emphasize that, as literature, it is poorly written, and it should be read out of historical interest. Anyone who'd like to discuss his (romantic and dilettantish) philosophy can fuck off to /his/ or /b/ or /pol/

>> No.15385083

but that the army was addicted to meth is not true

>> No.15385122


Maybe not the most accurate but most fun to read.
I wouldnt trust official approved translations, if you want accuracy learn german and read the original

>> No.15385203

Invasion of France

>> No.15385254
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Thoughts on the official nazi translation?

>> No.15385910

okay Weinstein

>> No.15386261

You can't really criticize his use of superlatives when it's propaganda

>> No.15386560

Excellent post.

>> No.15386643

Ford, it's the one that Hitler approved

>> No.15386667

Where can I get it? Amazon banned the book as soon as the pandemic started.

>> No.15386723

Churchill's War by David Irving.
WWII was certainly not as black and white as it's been cartoonishly portrayed the last 80 years, and that's a real tragedy. Even today, people will meltdown and get violent if you even suggest that the Allies might have been motivated by more selfish means beyond the typical "being the good guys and saving the world forever!" nonsense.

>> No.15387019


>> No.15387412
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did they burn the unsold copies that would be ironic haha

>> No.15388207


>> No.15389261
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>> No.15389264

I haven't read Ralph Manheim's translation, but Ralph Manheim is usually great.

>> No.15389272
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>loved animals
>loved his country
>had cool facial hair
brehs why do people hate him? he seems like a cool dude

>> No.15390575
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>> No.15390594

>cool facial hair

Only in black and white

>> No.15390890

incorrect, they relied on it in their early push through Poland and the Ardennes

>> No.15390951


>> No.15391179

>loved his country
not really. He loved Germans as a people but even that love eventually faded away as he became more and more obsessed with his ideology. At the end of the war he wanted all Germans to die just because national socialism couldn't be saved