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15379283 No.15379283 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Macron ban the re-publication of Céline's pamphlets in France? Wasn't France supposed to be an ultra free country and have free press or whatever?

>> No.15379310

Israel holds a lot of influence.

>> No.15379316

Celine isn't exactly the kind of author they want to promote.

>> No.15379338
File: 552 KB, 565x681, 1587713777042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>country that can jail you for saying mean things

>> No.15379346

what was written in the pamphlets?

>> No.15379402

Jesus, Gerard Depardieu could eat Houllebecq in a single sitting. Say yes to life boys. Don't end up like a frail nervous wreck sustaining yourself on nicotine and anxiety. Eat bœuf bourguignon with an entire bottle of red every single day.

>> No.15379418

They were too much even for the Nazis.

>> No.15379441

He's loved, read, admired and has even started a small acting career on the side. He said yes to life long ago.

>> No.15379444

sauce on pic?

>> No.15379469


>> No.15379478

the latest Houellebekino

>> No.15379485

Trailer with English subs

>> No.15379488
File: 26 KB, 474x474, 172854278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15379593

Is there a way to watch this somewhere ? With english subs off course. I tried searching for it on torrent sites but without any results.

For some reason lesser known contemporary European movies is hard to find online, no one uploads them. I don't even know if they get some digital release.

I watched that movie starting Houellebeq when he walks around mountains trying to kill himself but it was a pain to find it.

>> No.15379750

I haven't been able to find subtitles for it though.

>I watched that movie starting Houellebeq when he walks around mountains trying to kill himself but it was a pain to find it.

>> No.15379761

Near Death Experience.

>> No.15379768

Trailer with English subs here