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15378579 No.15378579 [Reply] [Original]

How come this was easier to read than Iliad?

>> No.15378585

it's a manchild's adventure story.

>> No.15378601

It has a structure that remained common through history, and so you are likely already familiar with it.

>> No.15378602

It is objectively better, I believe. The Iliad deals with mostly classic themes of war, but the Odyssey has some incredibly novel ideas, especially for its time.

P.S. Homer was most likely not one person, but the Iliad and the Odyssey were composed by wandering poets and mouth-to-mouth recitals.

>> No.15378630

big man go gallivanting

>> No.15378759

It wasn't by homer but some scrub

>> No.15378770

I don't think it is, odyssey is relativism at its best. The key to beating the ppl they face changes w some options being hiding or trickery. Iliad instead argues an absolute measure of morality and everything everyone does is inherently idealistic

>> No.15379463
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How come it's so much worse?

>> No.15379863

Some parts of the Illiad are a bit ridiculous, like when they start fighting over phat lewt in middle of battle, and they get killed in return, then the killer get killed while looting the previous guy and so on.

>> No.15380019

Less simile.

>> No.15380052

because guys aren't looting each other's corpses in the middle of battle every 2 pages

>> No.15380077

>a bunch of suitors spend years trying to woo a 40+ year old dried-up roastie

>> No.15380112

for the land and riches

>> No.15380137

Cause it has monsters and shit.

>> No.15380195

The plot is innately more simple. In this, Odysseus is simply travelling towards a goal then achieves a goal. It is such a brilliant yet simple plot that it has defined innumerable stories after it. The Iliad is a bit more complex. Are we meant to sympathise with the Trojans or not? From Homer's perspective, probably not. According to the Romans and most medieval writers, notably Chaucer, we should. This is because it's not really a plot from A to B but more of a demonstration of virtues which form a unity. It didn't really matter (in my opinion) whether Achilles won or lost the final battle; the valour displayed in entering the fight was the key.

>> No.15380287

She was hot af and had a fucking mansion with serfs and treasures.
Seems more of a novel to me than the iliad which imo was more poetic and vague by default.

>> No.15380409

simpin aint easy brother

>> No.15380439

Because there isn't a long passage about muh boats and where they're from. Ironically this probably would've been one of the best parts for the ancient greeks listening. Also funny men still like boat stories.
so they can be king, women can't rule and she was just in place till her husband came home

>> No.15380440

Congratulations, you are not autistic.

>> No.15380487

How is trickery related to relativism?

>> No.15380501

Why does GTA 4 have better graphics than GTA San Andreas?

Because Homer already had a tonne of writing experience after writing the Iliad.

>> No.15380599

it's a moral tale. iliad was their bible

>> No.15380609

>P.S. Homer was most likely not one person
protestant speculation

>> No.15380613

>illiad is inherently idealistic
is it?
desu the iliad seemed more anti-war than anything else. Achilles even goes into this long rant about how bullshit war is when the embassy comes, and it's heavily implied when he met Priam.
The retarded amount of similes to nature also contributes.

>> No.15380714

>Homer was most likely not one person
source or you're a Jew. i bet you think that Greeks weren't blue-eyed blondes

>> No.15380717

And yet San Andreas is 10 times better than IV

>> No.15380726

Also, it was probably not written by the same person.

>> No.15380734

They would have looked very similar if not for the console generation change

>> No.15380736

Fucking everything is like a lion attacking a shepherd’s grazing flock

>> No.15380740

I don't see how anti-war is anti idealistic but I don't see it as taking a position on war. The fundamental aspect of the story was over the gods fighting each other and their favorites or actors acted or spoke nobly. It wasn't political in that sense of anti-war. If anything it's accepting what you've been condemned to do is the message

>> No.15380746

Yeah it uses different grammar and the writing style itself, outside of dialect and rhyme, was substantially different. The only good argument would be that odyssey was more celebrated in a different region until eventually everyone decided both of Homer's works should be celebrated together but we have evidence towards the opposite

>> No.15381924

I cant elaborate on it much but the Iliad is "black and white" in my head while Odyssey is "in color". I think the reader will intuit my meaning here. Both are good, but one is easier to enjoy.

>> No.15382059

Because you don't have Achilles sniveling and whining and there is less jerking off to all muh epic greek heros. The Illiad reads like a middle school fanfic.

>> No.15382068

That's a good analogy

>> No.15383251

The ending when all those simps get massacred in the hall was brilliant.

>> No.15383253

>"Agamemnon, Shepard of the People"

>> No.15383259
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>> No.15383445

That's what war was like anon. Armour, shields, and spears are beyond valuable when you're in a war and any kind of metalwork is already rare.

>> No.15383461


>> No.15383643

Read Gilgamesh.

>> No.15383662

I ordered a complete works of Plato and its on the way.
Do i need to read Homer first to understand it?

>> No.15383683
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No, it's another moral tale like the Illiad, which is another reason that they should be read together. The Odyssey is about hospitality, which seemed really important to the Greeks. Large, important parts of the story are about hosts and guests and how they treat each other. Bad hosts and bad guests get their just deserts in the end, think the suitors, or the cyclops.

>> No.15385717

come on, am i the only one who thinks iliad was more enjoyable

>> No.15385791
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>> No.15385794
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>> No.15385800

Also the Odyssey focused on the intersection between sociable and war-time mentalities (similar to how the Iliad focused on the intersection between honor and brutality within war). and how, at times, Odysseus struggles to reconcile between the two as he's forced to deceive repeatedly, to the point where even Athena tells him to calm the fuck down.

It's been a while since I've read the two, but I liked the Iliad more as a mediation on war. Just personal preference.

>> No.15385805
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>> No.15387386

yes, plato reference homer a lot