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/lit/ - Literature

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15376578 No.15376578 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about how overrated this book is?

How did it win so many awards?

>> No.15376579

womyn and politics

>> No.15376595

We live in a a society.

>> No.15376601


>> No.15376604

I refuse to discuss Rooney or her work until twenty years have passed. If they survive that small trial of time, then they’ll be worth discussing.

>> No.15376625

I really liked it, not sure how it got so rated. Guess people really rooted for the characters and it tapped into a lot of relatable psychologies with broad appeal.

>> No.15376632


>> No.15376638

It didn't? It won the Costa - which is expressly a prize for crowdpleasers. The only other prize google points out is the Waterstones one, of which, lol. Otherwise, it has some longlist placements.

I mean, it didn't even make the shortlist for The Women's Prize.

It's not a major award winner, it is a major beneficiary of other hype engines. The Guardian most of all.

>> No.15376643
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from the thumbnail i thought the pink circle was a face

>> No.15376648

Remember how well Fifty Shades of Grey did? This is that type of book with just enough in between the sex scenes to allow people to pretend it's not.

>> No.15376806
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>tapped into a lot of relatable psychologies with broad appeal
The "psychology" of the characters is the most abused and unrealistic shit in that book, none of the characters feel like they are real people with brains, they all circle around stereotypes from other films and even the plot circles around more stupid stereotypes and annoying instances where you truly go like "hold up, these characters are doing X instead of the more rational thing to do because the plot would lose interest that way and this would be solved".

Lets not even touch the fact that the story literally plays the same formulas of any netflix series for teens and young adults when it comes to sex or talking about sex in a way that people pretend is related to reality but its just more simulacra.

>> No.15376832

shit i meant to reply to >>15376625

>> No.15376847

really surprised an anon hasn’t scoured the web to reveal her secret industry connection or something. it’s guaranteed to be there.

>> No.15376867

I hate the use of meme terms but, put simply, her popularity stems from boomers consciously trying to find a "voice of the millennial generation" that appeases their political and aesthetic biases whilst, from their point of view, still being down with the kids, because she writes about emails and such. What follows next is the hype cycle. If you hail someone as the next big thing often enough, people will start to believe it.

>> No.15376882

From what I can glean, she wrote a essay about being a European debating champion for some mick literary magazine which got the attention of an agent who asked if she was working on anything then she handed her the manuscript to Conversations with Friends.
So apparently the trick is, have your manuscript ready and then whore yourself out writing dreck until someone influential takes notice.

>> No.15376985

The whole section where Connell wants to stay for the summer in Dublin and plans to ask Marianne if he can stay with her. They're dating at this point for ages.

Connell: "I will probably have to move out of my flat for the summer."

Marianne: "That sucks, guess you'll be moving home to Carricklea?"

Connell: "Yeah. Guess you'll want to date other people then?"

Marianne: "Yeah, sure."

Like what the fuck? It's soooooo stupid.

>> No.15377046

I honestly think this is just playing into the minds of boomers and cynical young adults who think young people today are all about having swinger low commitment type relations. Seriously, im a zoomer in my late years of college and have had a fairly active social life and this book does make me feel like im part of some 1% of young people who doesnt want to have a free love hippie type of life.

>> No.15377159

Generations are mostly a myth created by sociologists in aid of publishing quick and easy papers, heralded by journalists in aid of clickbait headlines, and maintained by capital in aid of selling more shit to people. Try not to take it too seriously.

>> No.15377208


There's honestly nothing to discuss about it. It's pure YA-level stuff. Chick lit, but with a superficial smattering of contemporary social commentary. The politics are nominally left-wing, but are really milquetoast metropolitan liberalism. It's exactly what your dead-eyed, effete, pointless media class loves. It's why it resonates so well with them.

The book plays to an audience that prefers to read superficial trash but would be ashamed to admit that they have middlebrow or *gasp* even lowbrow tastes (i.e. your affluent white liberal woman Guardian readership).

>> No.15377433

lit media needs to be perpetually hyping a great novelist. remember a few years ago when rachel kushner was the best american writer of the last half-century?

>> No.15378087

never even heard of it

>> No.15378392

what is the gist of this one? trying to be normal makes you more normal but less like yourself?
is her first book worthwhile reading?

>> No.15378401

why the fuck are there so many covers of this novel? it's like you can get a copy in every colour.

>> No.15378411

>Giving a fuck about awards
Back to discord.

>> No.15378598

You have a talent anon, don’t waste it

>> No.15378606

Something must win awards.

>> No.15378643

kek you will have died of aids in 20 years, faggot

>> No.15378774

when I read that this had a bit of a bidding war among the publishers, my bullshit sense were all a flutter. anything that inspires such confidence in today's publishers cannot be that good...