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File: 19 KB, 430x250, eternalsunshine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1537401 No.1537401 [Reply] [Original]

I am having a bit of an existential crisis /lit/, and I figured if anyone on 4chan would understand my problem it would be you. I stopped being religious when I was a teenager, and at first it didn't bother me because I was kept busy with college and filled my spare time by obsessing over various liberal social causes. I guess the first time I ever thought more deeply about what it meant to live in a world without god was when I read Nietzsche (terrible philosopher, btw), who has his own spiel about the avoid. I started to read more existentialist philosophy, and I find their solutions to the existential angst caused by the discovery that nothing matters in the grand scheme of things to be woefully unconvincing. The same is true of the other philosophers I have read- none have been able to convince me that their pitiful concerns are important in a godless universe filled with chaos and suffering. I have started to withdraw into a deep depression as a result of thinking about all of this. My husband doesn't understand what is wrong with me, and I feel like my life is imploding in on itself. Have you ever experienced anything like this /lit/?

>> No.1537409

ya.. when i was 14 lol

>> No.1537410

take your fucking problems elsewhere.
this is why your shitty board was closed.


>> No.1537413

>all posters i dislike posted on /r9k/

>> No.1537416

A board was closed? When? What board?

>> No.1537419


>> No.1537421
File: 33 KB, 422x279, poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Augustine's Confessions. It'll help you better understand the whole scheme of things.

>> No.1537422

Also, /stormfront/.

>> No.1537425


>> No.1537427

I have read the Confessions, but thank you for the recommendation. Truth be told the only part of it I liked was the section on time he included at the end, which is sadly left out of most English editions.

>> No.1537428


>> No.1537429

Because, like, all the teenagers on /adv/ understand the concept of existential despair. OP can go fuck herself but it would be dumb to post this there.


Like all women you need your man to smack you around (gently) then fuck your snatch doggy style. You'll feel better once your place is reestablished.

>> No.1537431

Dear OP, I think the problem with us(ex-religious) is we experienced order and purpose. We could just relax and contemplate the order of things, we were just a cog in the system. Once this is gone it's inevitable we feel a bit lost. I'm not claiming to know what's the truth, btw.

>> No.1537436
File: 25 KB, 353x314, St. Thomas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about Summa Theologia by Thomas Aquintas?

>> No.1537437

not tripfags, not the influx from new and r9k, but you posters are the cancer killing this board. you could just try to help or ignore the thread if you can't.

I've had an existential crisis before, when I was more nihilistic, but I don't think that's what you're going through. One thing I would suggest is maybe looking into Eastern Philosophy. Best of luck, OP.

>> No.1537440

How about The Anal Cannon?

>> No.1537442

How about you read THE HOLY BIBLE, OP? Have you read THE HOLY BIBLE (1611 Authorized King James Version)?

>> No.1537443

No I really did expeirience this when I was 14. Not even trolling

>> No.1537444

I've read that too. I do find Christian philosophers impressive, but their systems rely on premises which I do not accept, so they cannot possibly be of help to me unless they can convince me to convert. So far that has not happened.
should have left out the husband part. oh well, fuck you.

>> No.1537451

here's our special little guy, lets all praise him for his maturity.
protip: if you have to mention age on the internet in a deragatory way, you are not mature.

>> No.1537452


I understand. Perhaps what you need is to do what Thomas did: Go to a secluded spot filled with beauty and just reflect on what you see, hear, smell and experience. It helped him better understand the world and existence, maybe it'll help you too.

>> No.1537456

This happened to me. I used to feel that "overwhelming sense of metaphysical dread" at seemingly random times (typically under some level of stress). It put me and everything I knew within the context of the universe; I felt as small as small can be. Perhaps a few years ago, I recalled a philosopher whose name I cannot recall. His belief acknowledged that we are beyond minuscule when appraised by the universe, that our existence lacks any inherent meaning or purpose. Instead, it is our responsibility as self-aware human beings to create our own meaning and to define our own being. It sounds like pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, but it helped me to ascertain my place -- wherever I choose it to be. Assert yourself.

>> No.1537458

bullshit right here. you're the cancer for bumping this shit.

oh, and as to your 'help'. Yeah I'm sure some vague reference to eastern philosophy is going to solve all the problems of this self-involved, petulant little princess.


>> No.1537461

The world is unknown and it's easy to interpret that as meaningless. Just get used to it.

>> No.1537471

>petulant little princess


lol OP is a woman so we can mock her for it. as an aside, that guy is right. old /lit/ used to discuss issues liek this all the time. this board was ruined by pretentious hipster faggots.

>> No.1537473
File: 46 KB, 600x531, 1261888198381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I read Nietzsche (terrible philosopher, btw)

>> No.1537475

look @ this dork missing the point

>> No.1537483

surprised that went ignored for so long

>> No.1537488
File: 36 KB, 552x477, 1295227878727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-troll thread that poses serious question
>zero intelligable responses

>> No.1537492

I hope this is a troll or OP is the most boring person in the world

>> No.1537501

>tries to criticize lack of clarity or insight
>misspells intelligible
>has nothing good to say either.

There is no good advice. No philosopher is going to give OP meaning, or revitalize her, or anything of the sort. The world is unknown, there is no way to know, there are only guesses and those guesses are most likely based within already-existing conditions that make the guess sound "good" or "bad" according to your own life, experiences, disposition, etc.
Look, if you're this fucking depressed, just go back to being religious. If you can't go back to being religious, then you're not all that depressed, or at least you're not terrible desperate about the situation, so the best advice is to just get over it. DO things that give you meaning. You can SAY or READ or THINK or COMPLAIN or PHILOSOPHIZE things all fucking day and it will never supply you any meaning but weak and pale facets of life filtered through systems of opinions. Go do.

>> No.1537505

just think of the world as a big fat joke and mock it at every opportunity. make light of things like death, suffering, and stuff. that will cure any existential malaise that ails u

>> No.1537507

This is why I hate women.

>> No.1537509

haha posts like these always make me laugh because you know for a fact they wouldn't be made if OP hadn't implied she was female

>> No.1537510

ITT: tripfags continue to not know what trolls are

>> No.1537513

That's the point.

>> No.1537515

yes. i also hate women because they sometimes inadvertently allude to the fact that they are female. it's really fucking enraging

>> No.1537516

Oh I see what you did there. You used sarcasm over the internet to try and mock me. Neat!

See what I did? I used sarcasm too, it's so cool!

Also, fuck yourself, just like I fuck my girlfriend who doesn't understand all my problems and wont support me emotionally.

See what I did there too? I did what OP did to make it known that I am a man and have sex, so the females will notice me

>> No.1537518

ain't no females noticin' yo' ugly ass. sit yo' ass back down. you from r9k? do you know its possible to notice a member of the opposite sex without instantly wanting to bone them?

>> No.1537520

I sense a lot of mad in the general vicinity of you. Also, that's the joke. Wow, you really don't pick up on any of these things, do you? This is worse than the Gamegurl threads on /v/.

You must be new here if you don't understand why stating in the OP that you are female is going to derail the topic. ITT: Pseudo Intellectuals everywhere.

>> No.1537525

yes i am so mad and butthurt you hurt my feelings so much goddamnit you are so clever
nobody was making a big deal out of it until >>1537507
which i'm assuming is you?

>> No.1537532

Nietzche, bad?

just because he wasn't correct on many counts doesn't mean he wasn't brilliant

what's worse than the stereotype of the neitzche reading first year of university philosopher is the person who would reject it to avoid that image.

>> No.1537545

see, if this were /r9k/, you might maybe have a point, possibly. so what you should probably do, is go back there

>> No.1537552
File: 10 KB, 386x256, 1232547895249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you ever experienced anything like this /lit/?

It's called life bitch. Fucking deal with it.

>> No.1537558
File: 112 KB, 500x466, Bjork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn the responses in this thread were fucking abysmal.

OP, I understand exactly what you mean. I don't have any quick advice for overcoming the problem of course, because there isn't any (as I'm sure you guessed). But you're in the rabbit hole and there's no going back. You just have to go forward. I was hung up on this for quite a while, eventually I stopped looking "out there" and started looking inside of myself and that's when things got REALLY depressing. Once you see yourself in your entirety, you just see a bunch of stupid little routines and daemons. I finally dispersed the homunculus completely. For the last few months it's been hell, I've been tumbling upside down through this meaningless void, barely struggling to keep my life together. But last night I had a nice dream, and I feel alright today. It makes me hopeful that through this tunnel of angst and depression is some form of catharsis, some sort of peaceful state where I've accepted both that I have a small amount of time, and accepted that I'm nothing.

Everyone seems to be talking about hope all the time and normally I'd dismiss them as imbeciles, but maybe they're onto something. Maybe things can never be good for long, but maybe hoping they will be better is the best we can ask for. Also, having something sacred feels really fucking good. It doesn't need to be a God, but having something that you accept as unshakable and something that connects with you in the most intimate way just makes life much more livable. Picture related.

Sorry for the disorganized nature of the post. Don't have the motivation to edit it.

>> No.1537561

well, I think this thread has been an resounding success OP.

>> No.1537565

disregard that.

I just read this piece of shit:>>1537558

just fuck off somewhere non-lit yeah?

>> No.1537568

Little boys get angry at things that frighten them. It's natural. Forgive them.

>> No.1537574

>terrible philosopher
>translation: I couldn't understand him, so he must be bad!

>> No.1537578

>I find their solutions to the existential angst caused by the discovery that nothing matters in the grand scheme of things to be woefully unconvincing

Just wait for the effects of this thread. They should convince you.
Honestly, fuck off.

>> No.1537584

You frighten me.

>> No.1537587

did you get this from Dawsons Creek?

>> No.1537597

Ha, you guys can't even see yourselves at all... if you could you would feel embarrassed. You're just throwing out these stupid little barbs and jokes, trying to cut me down so you don't have to confront what I'm saying. I mean, do you really think you're effecting me?

Trust me, I empathize with you all and understand you much better then you would feel comfortable with. I don't want to attack you or try to make you feel bad, I just want you to think about what I'm saying. It's easy to try and protect your ideas and your ego, but if you relax and think about it there is nothing to protect. Let the scary ideas flood into you, you'll be alright.

>> No.1537607

>implying we are hearing anything new, original, or un-cliched when someone posts about their cliche misinterpretation of Nietzsche and existentialism and how they're having a mid life crisis when it's really a mid-wife-crisis

>> No.1537611

To be honest I think that's only the result of your current situation. You're not happy with your life or something in it, thus trying to think higher to justify your sadness.

>> No.1537613

I know, she's probably wearing a Che t-shirt amirite?

>> No.1537617

>thinking is worthless

>> No.1537619

Why not believe in God just-in-case, OP?

I'm sure He won't mind, and you're life will have purpose, even if He ends up not existing. Know what I'm sayin'?

>> No.1537620



>> No.1537621

can't fault it dude 10/10

>> No.1537625

Well that's part of the difficult thing to explain. There are different kinds of understanding. Understanding that there is no God in an analytical way is easy and doesn't cause any problems. Understanding it on a deeper level, really thinking about the implications (as the OP had started doing), is something else entirely. And when you think about it on this deeper level, it will send you into existential angst unless you build up a bunch of rationalizations and defenses against it. If you don't empathize deeply with the original post, then you are thoughtless.

I don't care about Nietzsche. If you think he has anything relevant to say about this problem then you don't understand the magnitude of it. There are no answers. You can babble on about all the Camels, Lions, and Children you want but you're not going to end up in a different place then you started.

>> No.1537627

>I mean, do you really think you're effecting me?

i'd love to effect you baby. dig?

>> No.1537630

Nearly everything on this board is effected these days.

>> No.1537631

this is not an affective use of my time. sorry guys.

>> No.1537633


Read stuff like Nick Land and Bataille. They take absolute nihilism to its absolute limits and then go even further.

Then you'll realise how pussy you be.

>> No.1537638

>angsting about the meaninglessness of everything yet thinking her emotions matter

>> No.1537640



>browsing 4chan
>expects productive use of time

>> No.1537643

I've tried so many times to penetrate the brain of one of you 4chan people. It has never worked, as far as I've seen. I am starting to believe it's impossible. There is just this wall of delusion and passive-aggressiveness built so high in each one of you, that nothing can penetrate it.

And I can spot you so easy in real life. There is just this miserable coating of bluster and arrogance on everything you do. You have become experts at deflecting any perceived threat to your delicate little ego, but you can't even see what you've become in the process. Well, it is obvious to others I will tell you that. You want to find the source of your isolation? There it is. Right in front of you, right now. Look at it. Without trying to think up some witty little retort, look at it.

>> No.1537647

my johnson?

>> No.1537655

This thread was for the most part unrelated to me until I got to this post.

You are seriously speaking exactly how I've been feeling in the past year or so, only not as depressed as you. I think I'm just a happier person in general. That doesn't mean I don't feel the emptiness.

I slowly lost my faith through my teenage years. It's pretty much completely gone now. I abhor most things that have to do with the Christian religion. I think they're all a bunch of bible-thumping, fag-hating bastards who only cause unnecessarily conflicts in the world. This can basicaly be said about a lot of religions but Christianity is the one that I've experienced firsthand, so that's the one I hate the most.

I just don't want to believe in God anymore, but I believe there's something. Right? Then I doubt that too.

I haven't read a shitload of existential texts (nothing beyond The Stranger), but I still feel that empty void. I'm constantly trying to find purpose. I cling to the small things in life. Sayings, quotes, realizations, parts of stories. Little things that make me happy. The truth is that I always ignore the void. I guess I'm afraid to confront it because I'm happy here in my ignorant bliss.

>some form of catharsis, some sort of peaceful state where I've accepted both that I have a small amount of time, and accepted that I'm nothing.

Basically, I'm a person who has lost my faith in the God I knew. I'm devoid of what gave me a drive to live before. Now I'm bouncing back between bouts depression and contentment, trying to find equilibrium. It probably happens to a lot of people. It probably happens until we die.

Fuck you guys. Fucking my boyfriend doesn't fill the empty void that causes depression in my life. (His penis isn't big enough :( )

Whoops. Now you know I'm a girl (or maybe a gay man). Proceed to tell me how women are stupid or call me a fag. I'll pretend that I didn't do it on purpose and that I care.

>> No.1537668

I've been going through the same thing for the last three years.

You need to realize that you're going to die and there's nothing you can fucking do about it and sure you can dwell on that fact and become a boring sad sack of shit. Or you could embrace it and become a badass. A literal badass that has no worries in the world because in your own way you have conquered death.

But you obviously aren't at that point yet. You're still stuck on the ever approaching dark void that will swallow your existence whole.

You could also become a delusional faggot like the rest of these fools and ignore the fact of death and continue their lives as if they never changed with the revelation of being snuffed out of this reality.

The choice is up to you. Wallow in a flood of over emotional bullshit until death claims you. Be a badass and become your own person that aspires to alter his or her own reality. Or be like everyone else and live as the next and live a life filled with mediocre accomplishments and failures.

>> No.1537737

tl;dr: you're going to die just like everyone else, so stfu and get on with life.

>> No.1537741


>Let the scary ideas flood into you, you'll be alright.

yeah, the point is that you won't be alright at all. I for myself barely dodged the blade. All the little passive-aggressive emos on this board did too. They're simply trying to protect themselfes. Thus don't judge and don't hate.

>> No.1537761


Eventually, after a decade, I felt the presence of God in my life again. About a month later, it was gone again. Embrace nihilism and learn to stop thinking.

Otherwise you'll go crazy as a Beckett character..
>when faced with the worst/laugh 'till you burst.

>> No.1537763

>My husband doesn't understand what is wrong with me, and I feel like my life is imploding in on itself.
whore whore whore whore whore

if i saw you two on the street i would want to stab you.

>> No.1537771

and that was before i noticed the OP pic, god i hate you why someone like you have people.

>> No.1537775

Even if there is no God, at the end of the day you are a Homo Sapien. What I mean by that is that your brain is wired to feel emotions, to perceive senses. Just as a bear has bear properties and does bear things, a human has human properties. A human has emotional states. Ones that feel "good" and "secure" and one's that don't feel so good and secure. Why not live to improve your emotional state (make it more secure/good/rich (by reading, thinking)) and those of others, like your husbands or just humanity at large?

>> No.1537778
File: 569 KB, 1234x762, 100% atheistic badassery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer, as always, lies in a superhero comic.

>> No.1537780
File: 29 KB, 544x416, Homer is sophisticated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw an American realized their religion was a falsehood and went through a pathetic existential crisis near me.

>> No.1537784

>realize objective meaninglessness of life
>realize meaning is solely self-created
>stop giving so much of a fuck about "big questions"
>fuck being depressed, enjoy your time in the sunshine while it lasts :)

>> No.1537787

Just be hedonist OP. Try to have pleasure before you die.

Or be a socialist. Try to save the planet and mankind. It keeps you busy.

>> No.1537795

>Hedonism or socialism

That's life OP. Good ways to fuck your life and that of others too!

>> No.1537801

this is exactly what the op is asking. you've just reworded it into some new-age type theory.
feel like shit, want it to be better.
the question is how. and its a stupid fucking question to be asking on /lit/, let alone the internet at all.
op, this isn't going to come from anybody else, you probably know that by now.
maybe you need to talk to your husband, if he's the closest person in your life. the one who most understands you.

theres no eureka moment to fix this kind of problem

>> No.1537804
File: 18 KB, 500x500, trek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost every mildly intelligent person gets this, me included. man the fuck up and accept life as it is. that's where happiness lies. don't give me anymore of your frilly emotional bullshit, it's just middle class depression that was created because you're so clever and you read some middle class philosophy thought up by middle class 'intellectuals'. do one.

if your really that far down the rabbit's pussiole, become an hero or do an iago and fuck as much shit up as possible to make yourself feel important before swallow a healthy dose of shotgun mouthwash.

i'm sorry that i washed away your narcissistic concepts of existential nihilism.

pic related: my face when i saw some of those posts choke with self-importance.

>> No.1537822

travel around, not sightseeing but engage with the people.

never understood the idea that the metaphysics of the world has any say on purpose and whatnot. must be a relic of religious upbringing

>> No.1537844

You babies are all asking the same question...

What's the purpose of life?

No one knows the answer. Stop whining and start living.

>> No.1537848

We are the music makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;—
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world for ever, it seems.

>> No.1537861
File: 78 KB, 575x442, 1294100093084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are going about this all wrong OP. Don't go to a philosopher to tell you how to think and how to feel. the only person that can do that is yourself! What you need to do is inform yourself about positive atheism. I suggest watching some Carl Sagans Cosmos. He really makes you understand that living in a world without a god is ok. You may feel like your life has no purpose now, but if you think about it it really does. All your goals, your loved ones, even your job are the best reason to keep on keepin on. Just because there isn't a magic man in the sky to tell you what he thinks about what you're doin, doesn't mean you have no reason to live. Just figure out what you got outta the god concept, and do it for yourself. For example when i was a christian i asked god about what i should do in almost every situation. Now that I no longer believe in a god I realize that I made up my own mind and just justified it with what my "conscience" told me to do.

>> No.1537866

has anyone recommended a doctor yet? Maybe some light therapy and some valium would do some good. Maybe smoke a little pot with that valium. If you're the disciplined sort, smoke a little heroin once in a while. Learn to relax and stop thinking about the future.

>> No.1537887

lol that is nothing more than a bastardized version of pascals wager. You realize how pitiful of an argument that is right?

>> No.1537896


It was a decent point.

>> No.1537904

the pale blue dot has nothing to do with your post...

>> No.1537905

As much as I like to consider myself a philosophical connoisseur, I tend to agree with the statement that actions speak louder than words.

Right now I'm reading Examined Lives: From Socrates to Nietzsche. It's basically an critique of how they lived their lives compared to the rhetoric they championed.

Personally, I found The Fountainhead to be very inspiring to me. I had no idea of what it entailed, and I would recommend that if you aren't familiar with it and do want to read it to simply pick up a copy and enjoy the ride.

You mention we live in " a godless universe filled with chaos and suffering". Yes, this is true. But there is plenty of good in this world, there are hard-working well-meaning people out there that will help you along the way. There are goals, ambitions, and challenges for you to undertake and conquer if you have the will to do so. There is an availability of knowledge today that no single individual could ever experience firsthand. We truly live in interesting times.

There are questions we haven't answered--and shouldn't try to shortcut via religion. There is a great unknown as far as death is concerned. But rather than gaze into the abyss, and risk losing your will--realize that you have an opportunity here and that you'd be a fool to squander it.

In essence, the question of why we're here doesn't matter as much as what we do while we're here.

Take action. As you pursue your ambitions, you'll find yourself less anxious. Examining the nature of our existence and the universe is a noble act, but take care to separate examination from obsession.

>> No.1537908

I wasn't trying to make a connection. I was posting a video and then responding to another post as a second action.

>> No.1537918

oh i see now.

Let me clarify why i think your original point is bad, just so you know where I'm coming from. To try to make yourself believe in something you already don't believe in is impossible. It will only lead to strife down the road. Trust me, I've been there and tried, it doesn't work out. You just become more frustrated, because you know you are trying to believe in a lie.

you're idea sounds good on paper, but when applied to life it does not work.

>> No.1537933

I wasn't the original one that posted that, but if he comes along, I'm sure he'll find your post :)

>> No.1537937

Your problem is that you seem to feel the need to rationalize your existence and life versus everything else that exists. Why? Isn't it enough that you're alive, that you can make or break your own life without having to wonder if some mystic sky fairy is going to either force you one way or another, or get pissed if you choose your own path? Why the HELL would you be bothered about the lack of something that controls you rather than you controlling yourself?

Sounds like it's not a problem with a lack of god, but a problem with you not knowing what you want to do with your own life. Stop blaming it on a lack of god.

>> No.1537963

Another weak mind that has lost the security blanket of religion.

Just go back to it and be blissfully retarded.

>> No.1537969

As you get older, that void of nothingness called death becomes more apparent, and scary.
Faith helps to dilute the fear.
I'd like to think there's a god out there...Even with all the evidence stacked against one. I still want to believe that he's like some kind of secret room in a video game.

>> No.1538072

OP here, I'm back.

I understood what could be understood. A lot of his work is nonsense. 30%, say

>> No.1538084

This may sound sexist, but women should not read philosophy. You are fragile, emotional creatures that need the comfort of religion in order to be happy. My girl is slightly religious and when she tells me about religious stuff I kiss her forehead and thank the starts she didn't get messed up by thinking about this stuff. You won't be okay until you pop out a baby OP. Once you are pregnant you will focus on taking care of your babby like a good women and forget these problems.

>> No.1538085
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>smack you around (gently)
>thinks porn is reflective of real life

>> No.1538091


What's to be afraid of in death? It's like being afraid of the rain or the sun. It's an inevitable aspect of being alive.

>> No.1538108

I think one problem that must be faced down is this:

We realize we are going to die soon. Our next thought is that we should somehow make the most of every second we have, and thoughts of doing all sorts of crazy stuff pops into our heads. But we are cowards so we continue doing nothing, and the problem just circulates in this manner.

The solution I feel is to accept that searching out and appreciating a few moments of beauty will constitute a life well lived. You don't need to squeeze every wild desire out of every second of life, you just need to appreciate a good thing when it happens to come along. And grab a few for yourself, if you can.

OP I would love to meet a woman who is wallowing in such existential angst, not because I want to commiserate but because I want to be with someone who really realizes that life is short and good things don't last. Every woman I meet is just flitting about randomly, unable to appreciate the moment of time that they are currently existing in. It's always about what happened before or what's going to happen next.

>> No.1538139


It sounds like you are discontent with your life and seek some form of meaning to make up for it. Well, there really is no meaning beyond things happen only because they *can* happen. When you understand this you realize the universe can only do so much to you. True happiness and contentment with the existence must come from within.