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15373469 No.15373469 [Reply] [Original]

Who's read it?

>> No.15373481

It's mostly schizo-tier but worth a read imo.

>> No.15373506

This has been on my list and in my bookshelf for a while. Seems interesting, but I haven't yet read it.

>> No.15373718

/lit/ doesn't read

>> No.15373724

quit forcing this meme book

>> No.15373738

Your mum's a meme book. Have you read it or not

>> No.15373795

I actually took it off my list a week or two ago after not buying it for years. Did you read it?

>> No.15373805

Will you poast some salient points you can remember, fren?

>> No.15373960

I'm not forcing anything, I just thought it sounded interesting
No it's in my list as well, hence the thread

>> No.15374000

I think there are much more important right-wing thinkers to read before delving into the schizo neologisms of the French New Right, hence I also have not gotten around to reading it.

>> No.15374018

Not OP but could you name a few right-wing thinkers that you deem important? I am new to political literature

>> No.15374111

French New Right derives from the German Revolutionary Conservative movement of the interwar period. Major authors include Junger, schmitt, spengler, von salomon, moeller van den bruck, klages.

>> No.15374199

Only read the part about the EuroSiberian Federation. That was poetry cool

>> No.15374264

Spengler (read his essay 'Prussianism and Socialism'), Schmitt, Yockey, Evola (Ride the Tiger, mainly)

>> No.15374273

yes, i have read it. it was years ago. it was worth the read. he really likes trains

>> No.15374349

OK, so I read this about a year and a half ago, and my honest impression of his formulation is that he wants the green new deal without all the faggot shit. He wants an elite much like the current elite but with slightly less contempt for the masses, and he wants the masses to have trad family life and aesthetic wheat fields instead of drugs, sexual liberation, and hyperreal social engagement through media & internet. Faye's position is basically the position that Alex Jones thinks Bill Gates has on sustainability & population control. It isn't that unrealistic but I don't think middle class spergs like Faye realize that the elites in a system like his formulation will always crush people like the French New Right the same way they do now.

>> No.15374361

Alain de Benoist's less political, more scholarly works are very, very good. On Being A Pagan is essential reading even if you're a Christian.

>> No.15374506

How do neopagans deal with the fact that most of the original pagan texts were destroyed and all of their priests were killed with zero chance of passing on their teachings, which makes it impossible to reconstruct their religions 100%, thus not being authentic?

>> No.15374514

They are Jungian racialists and don't give a shit about any of that

>> No.15374520
File: 128 KB, 1080x810, D3244442-E554-4F27-A1A1-71DAAB9496AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave it a 2/5 on goodreads

>> No.15374540

Can you please elaborate?

>> No.15374639

They aren't aiming to recreate the perfect animal sacrifice rituals. What they do want to do is reformulate from the ground-up a basic pre-Christian ontology that incorporates nondualism, nature and history as cyclical instead of linear and eschatological, etc. They want to do this because they think it is the natural state of their race, contra Christianity in particular which is regarded as foreign and corrupting. Stories about Gods are inward-looking and ultimately expressions of archetypes embedded in each member of the race, and the stories both arise from and reinforce the archetype by making it immanently comprehensible and communicable.

>> No.15375899

I think the anti-muslim paranoia is a bit exaggerated like it usually is (well, looking in retrospect now), but it has some good takes overall.

>> No.15376598


Loads of pagans don't believe in that

>> No.15376893
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Unironically the book that got me redpilled back in 2012
Not even joking

>> No.15376931

I read half of it a couple months ago, I like the idea but it's hopelessly naive.
> Let's concentrate 95% of the power and tech in a very small ruling class

Sure thing buddy

>> No.15376943

>implying that's not gonna happen anyway
I agree that it's a problem with the book, yeah.
The most interesting thing i think is the two-tiered economy, which can reconcile automation while preventing the sense of worthlessness and obsolescence that people will suffer from.

>> No.15376959
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I mean I still enjoyed it and thought the main premise had some merit. Just not much potential to be actually realized in its entirety.

>> No.15376967

It's been a long time since i read it, but i do believe quite a lot of things can actually be implemented, or will be implemented regardless of whether we want to or not. For something written in the 90's, it did feel pretty prescient with regards to things like automation, the conflict between the West and Islam, and the resurgence of racial thinking.
And while it may be naive to think that centralizing a lot of power in a small elite isnt going to give any trouble, it will also save us a lot of trouble that we suffer from in democracies, and this tendency for power to centralize won't be stopped anyway.
People fetishize democracy far too much. The average voting age adult is horribly uninformed, and often cannot be bothered to vote to begin with.

>> No.15376971

not me

>> No.15377132

Why not just go for global communism then?

>> No.15377147

Yeah the wicker man larpers are just hippies and no one cares about them

>> No.15377166

>Faye's position is basically the position that Alex Jones thinks Bill Gates has on sustainability & population control
I have realized this stuff is common among those types of people.
"yeah, the schizo conspiracy theory? It looks based"

>> No.15377176

Faye isn't a conspiracy theorist, he just thinks that population reduction is environmentally inevitable.

>> No.15377240

Does anyone outside of far-right intellectual circle jerks take theorists like Faye even remotely serious?

>> No.15377244

Faye is far right, so you're not really allowed to take him seriously in contemporary academia.

>> No.15377260

I mean that their reaction at hearing Conspiracy Theories usually would be "And how that is bad?" while knowing is fake AF.
I am fascinated at how the New Right basically was just some right wingers seeing the New Left and saying "Hey, we...maybe should try to create Right Wing ideology without being fascists!".

And they got shit for it. Especially by the "New" Left. Asshole hypocrites

>> No.15377279

I suspect global warming will be catalyst for a Faye-like global society. At some point the emergency will be so great that the Global north will move on to Nuclear power totally, and force the global south to stop industrializing.

>> No.15377994

we'll see

>> No.15378006

I've owned this for a while after being recommended it by someone. Still haven't read it though. My backlog has grown far too large for my own good. Too much consooming of books senpai.

>> No.15378017

I hope you know how to do manual work, not necessarily in a factory.

>> No.15378250

Nah, id probably be an industrial planner of sorts