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/lit/ - Literature

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15373073 No.15373073 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the greatest art form - literature, visual art, or music?

>> No.15373079

Video games

>> No.15373083


>> No.15373084


>> No.15373096

Many people have historically agreed that poetry is the greatest art form. Even more people have historically agreed that it doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.15373098

The most unappreciated but up and coming art form

>> No.15373107


Music. But a more important question: what's the WORST art form?

>> No.15373111

Video Games - Cinema - Music - Architecture - Literature - Painting/Photography - Sculpture. This is the objective ranking. Painting and Photography are pretty equal depending on the day one is better than the other.

>> No.15373118

kant disagrees

>> No.15373121

1. architecture
2. music
3. literature
4. sculpture
5. painting

>> No.15373122
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>He reads books
Bro youre just reading another guy's thoughts. You're letting him cuck your own brain you fucking retard. At least read comic books so you can read without reading the words, you fucking loser.

>> No.15373123

Poetry is fucking shit

>> No.15373132

>what's the WORST art form?
Dance or Theatre.

>> No.15373133


>> No.15373134

>he hasn’t read poetry

>> No.15373138

which people you fraud? most of the great ancients and premodern would said it was music. and what elements of poetry-literature support your thesis that it's the single best medium? would you say that it's intrinsically so, or that this is a matter of the current balance?

vidya is shit but like anons say it has a lot of potential.

>> No.15373185

The entire shtick is that some retard follows the formula to find some facebook meme tier meaning in it. It doesn't go any deeper than that. It's more like a theme park than a work of art to me.

>> No.15373213

>video games
I’m sorry, but something that cannot be enjoyed in the same way by every person who experiences it cannot become a great art form. Video game plots are usually very contrived to keep the game moving along despite the huge amount of variables involved as a player progresses through the game. A video game almost always a battle between the developer’s narrative intentions and the player’s free will. You see this all the time with video games forcing you towards a certain plot point no matter what, or sacrificing a superior plot for an inferior one because the player was made a choice that compromised the quality of the video game’s narrative.

>> No.15373220

Most people have historically said music was the worst. Read the defences.
Reductionist and moronic

>> No.15373238

Do you have details on the defenses?

>> No.15373245

I disagree there is only a handful of games that use the medium to deliver a unique experience i liked nier automata and mgs 2 but they're not art they're video games with cutscene any time something significant occurs its when the controller isn't in your hand. Games like silent hill 2 or journey or the first Deus Ex use the medium correctly.

Poetry like painting has been made redundant by altnative mediums. Music is far more technical than poetry is people like Cash, Dylan, Mark E Smith or even Morrissey are poets but use their skills to incorporate more elements in to their written pros.

Paintings, like architecture grant a window into the history of a piece yet does not carry a message but simply invoke a feeling which is a far more primative than literature or film. Film sucussfully incorporates elements of both far better than either do individual, namely Tarkosky who's long still shots not only invoke an immense amount of emotion but each film conveys a deep message.

Literature due to its seniority is probably the best art form and although replaced by television for normies is still amazing.

>> No.15373251

>Most people have historically said music was the worst. Read the defences.
again, which fucking qualified people have said this, besides schop? not just some nobody anons. and who has said that poetry is the greatest? certainly wasnt goethe. youre talking out your ass you fucking pseud.

shit argument. thats something that can apply to any medium. people get widely different and contradicting responses to art, music, and lit, for sure. as evidenced by tons of crit for each.

>> No.15373257

If this isn't bait

>> No.15373270

its just boring. bait takes strong arguments but inverts them beyond tolerance.

>> No.15373282

Shelley? Johnson? Sidney? Homer? Ovid? You are joking right?

>> No.15373285

How is someone telling me Morrisey has made poetry redundant not bait

>> No.15373290

>shit argument. thats something that can apply to any medium. people get widely different and contradicting responses to art, music, and lit, for sure. as evidenced by tons of crit for each.
Shit argument. A person’s emotional or intellectual response to an artwork is not the same as a person modifying the experience of the actual artwork itself, as in the case of video games.

>> No.15373300

>He hasn't read any drama

>> No.15373309

And dont even mention plato to me cause i know you're going to and i don't have the energy to explain how he didn't know what he was on about in that case

>> No.15373323

you dont have the energy intelligence or knowledge to explain anything you fucking fraud of a pseud

>> No.15373329

I think that Opera was a sort of composite art form, trying to get the best of drama AND music. And then cinema took that one step further - you get drama AND music AND painting/photography.

Video games are basically becoming interactive movies, so they're cinema PLUS user interaction. (Sort of like a pantomime is drama plus audience participation.) So they perhaps have the potential to be the best of all, but they definitely aren't there yet, because the stories and characters are all so infantile.

Occasionally, though, you get a really strong cathartic effect from the combination of completing a difficult part of a video game PLUS seeing the story advance in a nice cinematic way. This can be very satisfying. It suggests that a really great video game could be great art. I've experienced occasional flashes of that potential, but no more.

>> No.15373331

I’ve read plenty of drama, and what does that in any way have to do with what I’m arguing?

>> No.15373333

It's a 4chan thread mate. I replied here >>15373270

>> No.15373339

>Poetry like painting has been made redundant by altnative mediums.
>Music is far more technical than poetry is people like Cash, Dylan, Mark E Smith or even Morrissey are poets but use their skills to incorporate more elements in to their written pros.
You should shut your whore mouth, you imbecile. Go back to whatever board you came from.

>> No.15373340

>he hasn't understood any drama

>> No.15373345

better people than you contribute constantly knowing its "just 4chan". youre just a coward.

>> No.15373354

Have you tried VR? That's what convinced me it has a very strong possibility of being the greatest art form. It takes what Cinema tries to do but makes it so much more immersive

>> No.15373364

>I think that Opera was a sort of composite art form, trying to get the best of drama AND music. And then cinema took that one step further - you get drama AND music AND painting/photography.
whats really a shame is that neither opera or film really rose above literature, even when they directly tapped into great literature, instead watering the content down for their pleasure obsessed dipshit audiences. and video games will probably end up the same.

>> No.15373365

You’re a pseud.

>> No.15373369

I replied here sorry.>>15373282
Did you actually just type coward?

>> No.15373375
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All of them.

>> No.15373376

cheap insult and another indication that you're a cheap thinker

>> No.15373379

Oh no im a psued! Whatever will i do?? Kys.

>> No.15373380

no lol im a schizo

>> No.15373386

funny how the greatest of the GSKW proponents didnt bring his art up to even tier 2 shakespeare

>> No.15373387

I reserve the right to give you a bullshit reply because you did the bullshit “>he hasn’t” thing twice first. Fuck you.

>> No.15373395

art doesn't exist, you're starting from false premises

>> No.15373398

the best artform is the friends we made along the way

>> No.15373400

only because you havent. its not his fault youre not familiar with an aspect that already reached critical consensus.

>> No.15373411

I haven't tried VR but I think video games are suffering from the same problem as cinema - they're getting so technically complicated and so expensive it's pretty much impossible for an individual artist to impose his vision. They're all, necessarily, done by committee these days.

>> No.15373410

sorry, not consensus, but a well reasoned orthodoxy. your arguments on the other hand are full of holes.

>> No.15373421


>> No.15373422

the 80s just faxed, they want their opinion back

>> No.15373423

Man you just said videogames are a superior art form and are trying to talk about rights shut the fuck up go play gaylo reach or something

>> No.15373424

why do you act like the tech involved isnt getting cheaper by the decade

>> No.15373427

You call me intellectually lazy and then decline to point out what these supposed “holes” in my argument are. Okay then. Please direct me to the orthodoxy on why video games are high art. From what I have read that debate is very far from settled.

>> No.15373433

of the rankings itt so far this is the least bad, but it doesnt have supporting arguments, and might as well be dust in the wind

>> No.15373437

You think there is free will in videogames your brain is doodoo

>> No.15373438

i wasnt talking about vg as high art retard. god, you can barely even read to boot.

>> No.15373444


The technology might be getting cheaper but the cost is still going up. I'm really old. I can remember back to the early days of PC games. I wrote some. Back then, you could get one guy in his bedroom and he could write a smash hit. These days there are massive production teams working for years. I don't know how much a GTA costs but it's insane. Same with film. Hollywood used to turn out far more films than it does now. In theory the technology is getting cheaper, but that's outweighed by the sophistication that audiences demand. (Also, in both cases, it's really about having the skilled people working on your project, whether it be actors / coders / whatever, and they are never ever cheap.)

>> No.15373453

Not him but it's not about the cost of tech. It doesn't get easier to create a movie or video game you still need tens if not hundreds of people to make anything beyond basic stuff.

>> No.15373455

Why divide the arts in such a way? Why by something as arbitrary as its medium? We can draw many a line between the three board categories you've listed. What about linear or non-linear works? what about narrative led or abstract works? Before asking such a question you should consider what constitutes an appropriate or interesting set of categories. The real question is why do we need to consider a hierarchy of form when each is as diverse as the other. What about hybrids? What about works which defy categories of the types you've listed all together?

>> No.15373459
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>Back then, you could get one guy in his bedroom and he could write a smash hit.
Still happens sometimes

>> No.15373462

People have been dividing the arts for centuries, but thanks for your teenage input you've really shown us all up there.

>> No.15373463

OP here. Good point.

>> No.15373465

you could argue something like tetris is science and math as art but gay pseud shit like nier isn't art

>> No.15373485

Ask any serious artist and they'll tell you they don't see the divisions.

>> No.15373492

this isnt wrong but its the boring answer, and the various media are 99% distinct from each other, to the point where its self evident, and doesnt require debate. additionally, they each have established distinct and developed canons and bodies of work. theres some medium crossing, but nothing that makes a real dent.

>> No.15373501

Here are a few serious artist's who saw the divisions and wrote extensively about it. I can get you more if you'd like? Tell me an artist who didn't see the divisions.

>> No.15373510

Poetry is the greatest art form. Some might say music, but poetry is versified music and therefore superior. Literature broadly speaking is a meaningless term.

>> No.15373515
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space-based art, time-based art, language-based art
ad libitum

>> No.15373518

Painting isn't that great an art form. I don't understand its prestige. Even in person.

>> No.15373520

why does poetry being versified make it superior in your opinion?

>> No.15373522

Your answer is right. The reason's you've given for it are mind bafflingly wrong.

>> No.15373527

it looks pretty

>> No.15373541


>> No.15373556

2D animation
3D animation

>> No.15373569

Just compare Homer (in Greek) to Bach. The world's greatest poet vs. the world's greatest composer. It's pretty clear how much richer poetry is to music. And I'm obsessed with Bach.

>> No.15373570

>the various media are 99% distinct from each other
In medium sure, but what I'm saying is that there are more interesting and less obvious ways to categorise the arts. Aesthetics has made significant developments since Kant. The question based on the stated categories will necessarily make for a reductive answer since each is so multifaceted and diverse. Maybe we are looking at art from different aesthetic primacies. What is art? What make for a great work of art?

Anthropologists are the only people who have anything interesting to say about art. Poets and writers least of all.

>> No.15373571

Does it really?

The pretty genres like landscape, portrait or still life (or abstract if you consider that pretty) have no real meaning to them and the ones with meaning like history are done in the most artificial and stilted manner of iconography and pictorial narrative.

>> No.15373573

drawing > painting

>> No.15373579

1. Theater, opera, cinema, and other hybrid forms
2. Poetry
3. Prose narrative
4. Music/two-dimensional artwork (tie)
5. Three-dimensional artwork (can easily be undermined by the angle of viewing)
6. Architecture (more of an applied art than a fine art, although it has elements of both)

>> No.15373582

>compare x to y - it's pretty clear which is superior
this isnt an argument

>> No.15373594

I wasn't making an argument, retard. It was an observation self-evident to anyone who isn't a retard like you.

>> No.15373595

This is correct, but drawings can be paintings.

>> No.15373599

Theatre is dead. It's been eclipsed by film, which can accomplish both filmed theatre and cinema.

>> No.15373601

it isn't at all obvious actually, maybe you can enlighten us

>> No.15373603

Poetry is not versified music? Thats just wrong like theres no reason why you could think this. So much poetry isn't even in verse. You have so grossly misunderstood both literature and music in three sentences.

>> No.15373607

Why does it have to have meaning why can't it just be aesthetically pleasing?

>> No.15373611

I draw and I think it's important but colour is the most important element of visual art and the thing that turns it from mere representation to art.

>> No.15373612

Like tell me how Bach's approach to harmony in his chorales is somehow transferrable to poetry in a way where it has anywhere near the same effect?

>> No.15373618

>So much poetry isn't even in verse.
No, I don't think I'm going to. I think you should learn Greek and read Homer then listen to Bach's greatest works. You'll see poetry is the richer endeavor. But frankly, I don't think poetry and music are very different in the end.

>> No.15373644

>I don't think poetry and music are very different in the end

>> No.15373648

If that's your criteria for art then I don't think it deserves much prestige, which goes back to my first question. Why is painting held in high regard if it's not capable of serious and meaningful discourse

>> No.15373658

If Bach ever saw this he would be turning in his grave fast enough to power an organ. Imagine boasting about learning greek when nobody has bought up their own skills with it. And then you blatantly show that even if you have this skill you completely lack the means to use it beyond basic comprehension. What a waste of good education.

>> No.15373667

Do you say the same about St Peters Basilica?

>> No.15373670

People who don't know Greek can't appreciate Homer in any sense, sorry. And I love Bach, I listen to his music daily. I'm sure even he would defer to Homer on this question though.

>> No.15373673

what do we mean by 'greatest'? surly it is more pertinent to answer this before we can begin discuss what forms of art are greater?

>> No.15373695

Your argument is based on the premise that the best works of art create serious and meaningful discourse. This needs as much justification as the notion that works must simply be aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.15373696

I know greek you retard. I think homer is better too. You have given retarded reasons despite our reaching of the same conclusion, and the reasons you have given show that despite knowing greek and listening to Bach you are retarded.

>> No.15373701


>> No.15373705

>I know greek you retard.
Doubt. You barely even know English.

>> No.15373706

im eating so sentences suck

not self evi. bad comparison. homer=limited concerns (bloom and lesser critics know this), bach=closer to unlimited, his music is sublime, while even homers idea of gods is limited to the anthropic.

name a philosopher who sets interesting ways to approach, not just boring hair splitg

>> No.15373713

What are you eating?

>> No.15373721

Yeah I'm curious too

>> No.15373727

Nice comeback. You keep on focusing on the greek thing? It must be nice to think you can hide behind that when your complete and utter lack of artistic knowledge is exposed

>> No.15373731

Honestly right now I just want to know what anon >>15373706 is eating. Please get off my dick.

>> No.15373737

neither of you speak greek, you dont even know bach or homer that well.

stupid videos on youtube are widely aesthetically appealing but no one will seriously defend them here. also taste is a lot harder for people to reach a consensus on. your criteria is stupid. the meaning-based argument is much stronger.

>> No.15373752

Actually you're wrong, but okay.

>> No.15373759

Do you see what i mean now?

>> No.15373763

no, and you don't know greek

>> No.15373765

Maybe a handful of analytic philosophers. Nelson Goodman comes to mind. But really my argument is anecdotal, drawn from conversations with practicing artists and by having a diverse creative practice myself. I know this isn't an answer but I suppose it comes down to the division between theory and actual embodied practice. "Aesthetics is to artists what ornithology is to birds" (yawn but it's very much true).

>> No.15373770

Shut it, faggots. You're ruining my day with your petty arguments. Can any of you even do 10 consecutive pushups without dropping from exhaustion?

>> No.15373777

Why has this thread concluded that homer is the only poet and that art's value is in its intentions.

>> No.15373782

make the argument then or at least reference one simp

>> No.15373787

Bruh moment

>> No.15373792

Homer is the only poet, all other great poets were reincarnations of him. He is the eternal poet and the voice of God himself. There have been manifestations of lesser aspects of Homer as well, and sheer imitations. People should pray to either be reborn as Homer or to be possessed by him if they hope to be great poets.

>> No.15373796

Virgil dunked on him. Homer was a child compared to that wordsmith.

>> No.15373798

It annoys me that people like you might go your whole lives without realising how dumb your ideas are.

>> No.15373799

can we please address this. without a well defined set of premises we cannot answer this question. it's like many scampering chickens without their heads in a bakery.

>> No.15373800

there is no highest, but typically i would say for most music > literature > art

>> No.15373801

Metaphysically speaking, they're the same person.

>> No.15373809

Pac Man go wokka wokka wokka

>> No.15373815

so auditory > cerebral > visual?

>> No.15373818


>> No.15373819


>> No.15373823

no more reductionist than >>15373800

>> No.15373829

I told you not to post here, mom.

>> No.15373842

Haute Couture or maybe some of the fashion shows of Alexander McQueen or John Galliano

>> No.15373847

No, yours is more reductionist. If i read sheet music that is cerebral. If i see a play that is visual/auditory. It also ignores meta comments all art makes which is (usually always, but ill admit is not limited to) cerebral.

>> No.15373890
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Thank about it. Fashion fully and unboundedly engages with aesthetics, culture, history and concept. The fashion show; performance on stage by humanity's most beautiful youths, meticulously crafted works of art, all modelled around the human body and its dynamic movement. Furthermore it is fused with utility and the arts of commerce and marketing. Quite the spectacle.

>> No.15373994

unironically, pac-man has had a greater influence contemporary culture than Bach or Homer

>> No.15374015
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>> No.15374050

I'm not sure wether this is an attempt to refute my post. Let's not think that the existence of JKR does not undermine the aesthetic potential of literature more broadly. I would say that high fashion has had only a few dozen moments of touching its full potential as an art form.

>> No.15374092

I didn't say anything about 'best works'. I don't really care what's the best or not desu. I said prestigious. If we're adults and we are taking something as frivolous as art seriously (which is a child's activity), then the art must be serious enough to handle the scrutiny. Unless your view of art is that it's for infantilizing us with 'aesthetic pleasure'

>> No.15374101


I’m not an Anglo or english native speaker, but I really think that Shakespeare is far superior as a poet to Homer. The originality, quality and variety of his imagery is astounding. His descriptions of tempests, for example, are more original and rich in imagination than those of Homer. I love Homer too, though, more even than Dante.

>> No.15374163

You are making the mistake of thinking video games should be treated like films. This is what ruins tons of modern video games. They are not films and should not try to be films. Great games utilize the player's free will, rather than try to restrain it. Narrative can be shown through game mechanics, and its only limited thinking to believe it can only be shown through tons of dialogue boxes.

>> No.15374290
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Tons of paintings have meaning beyond pictorial narrative. Many painters consider the colors used, composition, figures, etc. to craft a meaning or give an impression beyond just the aesthetic of the visuals. And anyway, this discussion over whether meaning or aesthetics is more important to art is silly as the highest art brings meaning to its beauty and beautifies its meaning. Nobody would read Homer for the meaning of his works if his writing and stories were not also beautiful.

>> No.15374310

Vidya has so far been the most pathetic of all art-forms. You have to get a sizeable crowd that would actually appreciate great creations first.

>> No.15374331

How has nobody mentioned this in all the thread? Its the only correct answer thus far.

>> No.15374343

Music, and Beethoven's 3rd symphony is the greatest work of art ever created.

>> No.15374369
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While we're on the subject, what do you guys think of graphic novels and the like as a medium? What is holding them back, aside from obvious things like
>capeshit, infantile subject matter and such
I'm asking since I just finished Watchmen. Theoretically, the medium is simply a drama script with sequential pictures. How could this medium be elevated to its fullest potential, as other have been?

>> No.15374386

same as with drama film and vidya
hasnt been pushed to its potential for reasons unknown

>> No.15374442

It's almost entirely visual and based on capturing particular moments, like a painter, so the graphic novelist better be a damned good artist. Graphic novels are completely different from Sunday funnies/comics/whatever. The manga-kas who detail the shit out of everything have the right approach. You should be able to pause on a panel and get lost in it for 15 minutes.

>> No.15375034

But poetry is literature

>> No.15375346

>architecture on top
No, just fucking no. You are probably an architect student, but this isn’t even art

>> No.15375354

Architecture, sculpting, theatre, dance

>> No.15375357

wrong, it's superior to it.

>> No.15375377

Story-telling, no contest. Nothing is more important to humanity. Music comes in a very close second. Visual art is kinda doing its own thing.

>> No.15375401
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Oh, shut the fuck up

>> No.15375414

Applaud this man. 2D animators are god-wizards.

>> No.15375429

no i'm a medicine student. i chose architecture because it has the structure and the geometry of music, the immediate impact of visual arts, the variety of literature, the plasticity of sculpture, and a necessity unknown to other arts, whose nature us that of the ornament, even when they are not meant to be ornamental.

>> No.15375446

Bros, will the world ever see another Don Bluth? His work is god-tier.

>> No.15375532

Music isn't an art form and literature/visual art are essentially (literally) the same so you have your answer.

>> No.15375542

Immersion isn't art

>> No.15375547

Do you know what 'arbitrary' means?

>> No.15375713

No but it heightens the experience of an artform. Video quality isn't art but watching a movie in 144p is different than watching it in 8k.

>> No.15376127

im seeing a lot of pseud rankings and propositions but im not seeing as many well reasoned supporting arguments

>> No.15376449

If you say so

>> No.15376520

Poetry is literature you moron, it's the best type of literature.

>> No.15376553

Music, because it is the most detached from any aspect necessary to survival, and thus is the closest to creating something out of nothing.

>> No.15377261

I absolutely know what 'arbitrary' means. From the wider (anthropological) perspective of the long history of human making, the proposed categories totally fail to organise the diversity and holistic nature of aesthetics. It fails in the sense that it is western-centric and classicist. It fails in the sense that it is the least interesting way to organise aesthetics and artificially separates it before you have a chance to look at the underlying themes and forms. It is an example of what Bohm calls 'fragmentation'. I really can't understand why any of you take these categories seriously as a starting point for creating a value hierarchy in aesthetics.

As some have pointed out - what is meant by 'greatest' anyway?

>> No.15377266
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>> No.15378053


>> No.15378057
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lads if I am better at drawing than writing should I just give up writing?

>> No.15378084

No, Goethe started off as a drawer/painter and became a writer, choosing to devote his time to it instead.

>> No.15378177
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>Video games

>> No.15378352

Why not incorporate writing into your drawing? What about glyphs?

>> No.15378362

Hentai manga, hentai anime, or nukige?

>> No.15378428

You could become the next Roald Dahl or Lemony Snicket. Write a book and include your illustrations that relate to the book.

>> No.15378443

A 16 year old made this thread

>> No.15378487

dance > music > poetry > literature >>>>>>>>>>>>> visual arts

>> No.15379270

but what kind of dance

>> No.15379483

Exclusively homoerotic pole dancing. The rest is shit.

>> No.15379526

Oh, look, an old window!
big deal...

>> No.15379533
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The art of life, mon cher! To live, that is the rarest thing of all!

>> No.15380649


Uhh.. you mean medium?

>> No.15380652

Music > Video Games (potentially) > Cinema > >>>>> Literature > Other visual arts >>>>>>> Applied arts

>> No.15380653

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.15380681

Ballet is only what is meant by dance

>> No.15380692

if you really liked art you wouldnt be asking

>> No.15380719

>Video Games (potentially)


>> No.15380741

No, I meant forms. If I had meant medium I would have written medium.

>> No.15380823

architecture, you idiot

>> No.15380897

dance 100%. Who watches dancers? Even if you are really good at it, who cares?