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15370734 No.15370734 [Reply] [Original]


Timestamp: 18:00

Bros...this latin teacher said that the average attention span for 18-22 y/o today lasts for 8 seconds. How do I deprogram my cultural ADD to read better.

>> No.15370748

>fat frumpy white woman with a short haircut and liberal education say thing
She could say that the sky is blue and I'd disagree on principle.

>> No.15370768
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it's okay to be a faggot in 2020. I just want to fix my destroyed attention span

>> No.15370778
File: 44 KB, 655x527, 9903F19E-3898-48BF-9079-459A2C1516DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On average how many times do you coom a day?

>> No.15370791
File: 359 KB, 628x673, 1509658509596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post frogs
>wonders why he is retard

>> No.15370798

Limit your internet exposure.

>> No.15370807
File: 42 KB, 657x635, DA3678AF-DA1D-449F-ABEC-C4AAD5296D1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animefag judging frogposters

>> No.15370814
File: 59 KB, 265x441, 1509619236534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime website you little short attention inbreed retard

>> No.15370815

I admit I spill my seed on a nightly basis but sometimes I can go for a week before succumbing to my beastly desires.
Thank you
fuck off weeb

>> No.15370913
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>> No.15370940

Take the blindpill.

>> No.15370945
File: 30 KB, 500x440, tumblr_46d054daa01146a35d322af541991dfd_9a5da68b_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw 8 seconds above average

>> No.15370984
File: 480 KB, 824x1200, rip-yama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am right there with you brother.
our society profits on fragmenting our attention every single moment of the day. if you want to fix this it is going to take a lot of work, and it will help if you have something you are extremely dedicated to so you have a coherent goal for said work. The work of Shamatha meditation is specifically meant to cultivate a deeper sense of concentration within oneself. Think of it like this: when your arm breaks you don't have to tell your arm to heal; the body heals itself. In the same way your mind is completely pulled apart because of rapid attention society. By sitting in meditation you give your body and mind the chance to clean itself and restore a more proper balance. I warn you tho, the work can be very difficult. Before you make any progress you're going to have to learn to sit and be totally okay with the torment of thoughts completely beyond your control-- this is all a part of the journey. I recommend finding some resources on Shamatha. I found a book that is serving as one source called 'The Attention Revolution' (pardon the cringey title!). I would recommend this.
you should be happy with yourself. most people (and i really mean most people) have a zero attention span because of things like TV, porn, video games etc but they are too involved with these things to realize their own dissatisfaction. by coming to terms with your deficiency you have already began the journey really. Closing remarks: though I'm speaking a lot about 'making progress' you'll find that you'll make the most progress your meditation when you forget what this concept means and learn that beyond anything else it is about sitting and breathing and nothing more than that.

>> No.15371009

Thank you anon, I greatly appreciate the effortpost.
Candlebro opened my eyes to how messy my mind was.

>> No.15371087
File: 67 KB, 360x200, Yukkuri_MarisaReimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I closed the video after watching 8 seconds. It was boring lol

>> No.15371205

>Candlebro opened my eyes to how messy my mind was.
who is candlebro

>> No.15371365

glad to help. also how is your diet/exercise? sugar is a drug, just like porn. drink enough water? do some research on diet and concentration. extraordinarily, drinking kiefer has improved my attention. but i do kratom semi-frequently (quitting after the esmester) and i find that that ruins my stomach, which hurts my attention. ergo, doing kiefer, which repairs the stomach lining, puts my attention on overdrive by contrast i think.