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/lit/ - Literature

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15370336 No.15370336[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Russian language has no equivalents to words “be” and “being”
>Has an extremely simple tense system
>Has no article

No wonder there have been no great thinkers/philosophers from this country.

>> No.15370341

Everything you said is false, Russian is many times more complex than English, has more tenses and noun tenses than most languages. Slavic languages in general are way more complex than that anglo cuck shit you british israelites have.

>> No.15370367

>aspects and particles cover what the verb tenses don't
>doesn't matter with cases and prepositions
3/10, got me to reply

>> No.15370371

Berdyaev and Shestov dab on your anglo philosopher

>> No.15370372

>Russian language has no equivalents to words “be” and “being”
Ecть, быть, бытиe, you're welcome
>Has an extremely simple tense system
As does every language without autistic workaround systems based on cumbersome syntax
>Has no article
This is good

>> No.15370382
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>doesn't know latin

>> No.15370394

>this language is different from this other language
>therefore */pol/ brainfart*
A thread died for this

>> No.15370502

there are basically two tenses in English
past tense, and present tense.

>Has no article
you mean definite article. yet, this gives more opportunities for language --in terms of interpretation.

>> No.15370531

They have formal and informal "you" forms, though. Unlike Angl*ids.

>> No.15370538

French as well, they usually use l'etre to mean being even tho there's a conjugation for being in the original tense the ancient greeks used it in french

>> No.15370541

Thou/You enters the room

>> No.15370553

Try saying that in 2020.

>> No.15370564

Yeah, we dropped that long ago because it's pointless.

>> No.15370578

Not more pointless than any other feature in a language.

>> No.15370733

spoken like a true *nglo.
We should all speak in binary

>> No.15370752

Don't forget the more complex ones like являтьcя

>> No.15370780
File: 710 KB, 900x1782, mene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how this thread uncovers how many russian shills frequent /lit/ to force their shitty YA-tier literature here

Pic is related.

>> No.15370782


>> No.15370788

irish has no possessive verb and no word for yes

>> No.15370820

>russian literature bad
Underage faggot is underage.

>> No.15370827
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>russian shills
Most russian hate Russia and have no interest in promoting it's culture, least of it on some backwater fascist/christcuk image board for losers.

>> No.15370844

Is this what it's like when you are monolingual?
They only forgo the "to be" in present tense
One irregular verb doesn't make a language complex, English is ridiculously simple with it's whopping 0 cases

>> No.15370884

Here I go to /lit/, hoping that this day it will be a bit more free of the eternal ps**d. And the first thread I see is shitting on the Russian language. Not even legitimate complaints, it's a completely retarded take.
Go THOONK about what a complete failure you are, even at baiting. Or read about the usage of abstract words in the african languages; bantu, zulu, suahili or whatever that shit is called. Connect to your roots, so to say.
Quintessential lefty meme. 0.5/10 almost made me read.

>> No.15370897

You mean you are underage (circa 16-19 and female) for liking Russian literature

cringe, die

>> No.15370911


>Most russian hate Russia
That is a legitimately insane claim. Here's your reminder that imageboards are frequented by an extremely vocal minority of Russians that are in no way representative of their country. That's like a non-American going to /pol/ and deciding that all Americans are national-socialists.

>> No.15370924

That's also the age when most Anglolets read Shakespeare, allegedly the best Angloid writer by consensus. Then I guess the best Angloid writer is YA-tier garbage.

>> No.15370997

Im talking about muh alternative muh "I LOVE LITERATURE XDDDD" female high school/freshman college students

>> No.15371015

>most russians
Nah, just the brainwashed liberals that masturbate on USA.

>> No.15371024

You said Russian literature was YA-tier and then said it was YA-tier because it was read by 16-19 year old females. Well, so is Shakespeare.

>> No.15371037

The left can't meme

>> No.15371072
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>> No.15371100

No alternative I LOVE LITERATURE! freshman girl ever claims to like Shakespeare. They all claim to love Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy though

>> No.15371107

commies are left wing

>> No.15371134

And the traditional I LOVE LITERATURE broads love to read Shakespeare. So you see my point right? A literature can't be defined by a portion of its readership.

>> No.15371327
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>> No.15371353

this kind of /int/ shitpost is worse than politics
applies to these retards too>>15370341

>> No.15371394

>Russian language has no equivalents to words “be” and “being”
False. Быть, ecть, бытиe, ecтecтвo, there are four of them.
>Has an extremely simple tense system
Subjective, five tenses with two overarching aspects. If tenses were extremely simple, foreigners wouldn't be absolutely buttmad from aspect pairs.
>Has no article
Free word order, nigger. Definite nouns come first, indefinite and/or new and/or important info goes last, literally any word combination is allowed with extreme nuances conveyed.

It is indeed kinda simpler when compared to monsters like Ancient Greek or Sanskrit. But then the Anglo pidgin is in superlightweighter league.

>> No.15371426

>English is ridiculously simple
This, I do appreciate some literature in English, but it is more like admiring of what some people can do with these extremely simple and primitive means. Slavic literature (in original mind you) is on a different level altogether.

>> No.15371449

English has two cases, nominative and genitive

>> No.15371469

>Here's your reminder that imageboards are frequented by an extremely vocal minority of Russians that are in no way representative of their country.
Most Russians who speak english are faggots t. slavaboo

>> No.15371477

One and a half, as genitive can be substituted for 'of X' and so is optional. From a Russian's point of view, that equals zero cases.

>> No.15371483

you mean homos or bad people? In any case, this is true.

t. Slav

>> No.15371488

Ah, there he comes, the motherfucker, the XXI century weeb.

>> No.15371491

you can't really substitute it wherever you like, you have to use the genitive in many instances or it sounds very weird

>> No.15371502

There is also no word in russian for "privacy"

>> No.15371516

well, it's the Americans who invented the world cuckolding..

>> No.15371525

Used to be the same with the dative, into the trash it went 500 years ago. Ebonics already erased genitive, so niggers show the way.

>> No.15371557
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The French have been obsessing over cucking since before the US was a country

>> No.15371559



English usage first appears about 1250 in the medieval debate poem The Owl and the Nightingale. It was characterized as an overtly blunt term in John Lydgate's "Fall of Princes", c. 1440. Shakespeare's writing often referred to cuckolds, with several of his characters suspecting they had become one.

The female equivalent cuckquean first appears in English literature in 1562, adding a female suffix to the cuck.

>> No.15371562

If you talk about 'data privacy', lel, it was never a problem in Russia until them JudeoBolsheviks that is. I don't think there's a word still, only obtuse multiword constructions.
However, it indeed took me a minute to process, I was typing out words related to 'private life', 'private property' or 'private solitude' at first.

>> No.15371574

Proud tradition.

>> No.15371600
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>> No.15371700

Glorified Negroes BTFO

>> No.15371779

Even if your Sapir-Whorfcel argument had merit, it would still be wrong simply because russian intelligensia in both tsarist and communist regimes was nearly always bilingual or above that. Since Peter the Great russian culture was basically imported european culture, mostly german and french, russian governments were ruled by foreign princes and princesses, hell Peter himself wasn't ethnically russian. The nobility was not interested in disseminating foreign works of fiction or philosophy to the serf masses, so the only access one could have to learning from say Hegel was by studying the original language. It's safe to say that every great russian thinker/writer wasn't a monolingual troglodyte like OP. Lenin for example knew ancient greek.

>> No.15371809

"Being" doesn't even make sense semantically. How can something Be-Ing? If it "be" then it cannot "be-ing". Anglos are stuck in eternal movement, being = becoming.

Anglocide when

>> No.15371818

Thou art a retard.

>> No.15371824

You are so dumb it's kind of painful

>> No.15371870

t. monolingual anglo

>> No.15371902

Gerunds are nouns. You can't being, but you can be being.

>> No.15371916

It can also do be like that.

>> No.15371980

I like that.

>> No.15372019

dumb redditor

>> No.15372067

>t. (((Anglo)))

>> No.15372137

No it don't. You can't "be able to do be", cause that "do" be an emphatic auxiliary, and he don't jibe with no potential mood.

>> No.15372148

>No it don't
No, it doesn't*.

>> No.15372156
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>No wonder there have been no great thinkers/philosophers from this country.
>*blocks your path*

>> No.15372173

I ain't fuck with no Yakubian conjugations.

>> No.15372216

So you're a negro? That explains your lower parlance, then.

>> No.15372367


>> No.15372377
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>> No.15372417
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>No wonder there have been no great thinkers/philosophers from this country.

>> No.15372422
File: 81 KB, 1200x719, 57d2108c6efd565d5bd6b27e4c7e747a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this confuses and angers Anglos

>> No.15372470

Not the same meaning

This means "confidential"

>> No.15372478

>complex language = complex thinking
why do people assume this? if anything, the language just inhibits communication

>> No.15372488

>literally a cognate
>not the same meaning

>> No.15372521

This. If this theory held any water we could produce Einsteins and Shakespears like a factory line just by designing a super abstruse conlang and teaching it to infants.
In reality languages are getting simpler over time (in part due to globalization of culture) while human thinking becomes more complex.

>> No.15372545

>make a bait thread with obvious lies
>get called out on said lies
>blame "shills"
Cut your neck.

>> No.15372578

It's not. You cannot use the word to say "I would like to have some privacy."

>> No.15372585

source: dude trust me

>> No.15372632

Mнe бы хoтeлocь имeть нeмнoгo пpивaтнocти.

>> No.15372645

No one says that...
Privacy is more of a "setting" when you use word "пpивaтнocть"

>> No.15372657

What is your point? All words, cognate or not, do not translate to 1:1 meaning. Take any word, I dunno, "apple". It doesn't apply in the same way in russian as it does in english and vice versa due to idiomatic or symbolic use. You can't say "apple of my eye" in russian simply because this specific expression doesn't exist in it.

>> No.15372662

>Privacy is more of a "setting" when you use word "пpивaтнocть"
Is this not the case in English?

>> No.15372671

>Not the same meaning
Because "privacy" is a vague term having many meanings and the translation depends on the context.

>This means "confidential"
It means "confidentiality". You can't even tell nouns from adjectives.
>"I would like to have some privacy."
Я хoтeл бы пoбыть в oдинoчecтвe.
Or Я хoтeл бы, чтoбы мeня нe бecпoкoили.

>> No.15373304


>> No.15373312
File: 710 KB, 898x1776, mene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread reveals how many russian shills are here. Just notice how many seething russian cucks explaining nuances about the Russian language that no one even gives a FUCK about


pic is related

>> No.15373454

I wish russophones and anglophones wouldn’t fight.

>> No.15373467

Kek implying women understand the grand inquisitor beyond Catholics = bad

>> No.15373630

shows you don't encounter many girls. that type absolutely exists but they don't read Dostoevsky. mostly they like pomo/contemporary fiction, mid 20th century poetry, and Anglo stuff.

>> No.15373643

>the handful of girls I encountered are all girls everywhere

>> No.15373654
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Is there a linguistic explanation for why Anglophone philosophers are such rabid bugmen?

>> No.15373687
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>Pidorashkas be like "Russian is the best"
>Beady eyed Anglos be like "English is the best"
>Meanwhile Bharatiya Sanskrit Chads be like

>> No.15374032

Sanskrit doesn't even have the word for "loo"

>> No.15374398

When u kill nigs
Bottom text

>> No.15374409
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>> No.15375180

>great thinkers/philosophers
is a "professional revolutionary" i.e. mercenary and a thug.

>> No.15375272

>how many russian shills are here
Where the fuck is written that only Muricans can use the internet.
Anyways, at the beginning these computer things were expensive enough that only Russian nomenclature could afford them so talking to them was really strange, but nowadays I do wonder if this constant USSR shilling is organic..

>> No.15376394

Fuck, it's truly sad to be a monolingual English speaker

>> No.15376420

OП - хyй

>> No.15376442
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>Number of words in Korean dictionary: 1,100,373
>Number of words in English dictionary: 505,000
>Number of words in Japanese dictionary: 500,000
>Number of words in French dictionary: 135,000
You know who else are monolingual? Koreans and Japanese. Turns out when you speak a proper language, you only need one. When will languagelets ever learn.

>> No.15376452


>> No.15376459
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>russians claim to be part asian because of mongol influence
>but germans don't claim to be part asian despite hun influence

>> No.15376599

Yeah dude Finns and Swedes never ever speak English, the thought doesn't even cross their minds.

>> No.15376641

Then why haven't you dropped articles, all obligatory verb conjugations and tenses, all irregularities, obligatory number, synonyms? They are all pointless

>> No.15376736

Germans do not share border with China and Central Asia