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15370221 No.15370221 [Reply] [Original]

You might not like it, but this is what peak philosophy looks like.

>> No.15371094
File: 261 KB, 2011x875, chrysippus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THIS is peak philosophy

>> No.15371135

Ataraxia derived purely from pleasurable sense experience? I don't think so pal

>> No.15371163

Depends on the concept of God. This quote is a 21st century atheist reading of Epicurus btw, not his actual words, so as such, they have the Christian God in mind.

>> No.15371179

Didn't Epicurus teach that ataraxia is just the absense of suffering?

>> No.15371195

Yes, but to him the absence of displeasurable sensation is necessarily replaced by that of the pleasurable. He's not a "hedonist" in the contemporary sense of the term, but he's still wrong

>> No.15371263

I dont get it.

>> No.15371324

I think it's boomer humor. Like the donkey is going to have a full meal like a human