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File: 87 KB, 319x500, quran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15369876 No.15369876 [Reply] [Original]

worth a read?

>> No.15369899

read it and find out

>> No.15369917

Only if you have a decent glossed version. Without an Islamic upbringing you won't have a clue what 2/3rds of it is about unless it's got footnotes and chapter summaries.
I like Abdullah Yusuf Ali's version.

>> No.15369973

lol I have the Penguin version in my home I doubt that is a sufficient version. I took a middle east studies class so I have a cursory knowledge of islam, but I will definitely need the footnotes and summaries

>> No.15369978

yeah, start from nisa 34.

>> No.15370025

Only in Arabic

>> No.15370106

It's fucking trash.
It has the word density of children's book.
A book for literal retards.

Don't waste your time with that watered down bible/torah wannabe.

>> No.15370110


Wait.....can you read carpets? I mean...shit....have I just been walking on them my whole life, and nobody told me you can read them too?

>> No.15370400

Read the Sam Gerrans version. You can get a PDF of it for free, by just getting on his email list. He has a youtube channel.

Sidenote: Sam Gerrans has a bit of wacky ideas, but he's extremely knowledgeable and he's qualified to create an accurate translation.

>> No.15370408


Its 600 pages of threatening you with hell if you dont worship allah and obey mohammed.

>> No.15370410

Abdullah Yusuf Ali's version sucks. I hate when it contains a bunch of stuff in parenthesis.

>> No.15370419

It's about the length of the New Testament, so it's pretty short. And it's clearly not just that. It's extremely poetic and gives esoteric guidance in ways no other book gives. Read it again.

>> No.15370431

only if you're a closet homosexual and have an inferiority complex in regards whites and palejews

>> No.15370441

Yeah there's a stupid story where jesus asks allah for a table so allah sends him an incorruptible table. Amazing.

>> No.15370546
File: 421 KB, 637x474, 767687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actual coherent religious narrative
>Single firsthand prophetic message that doesn't contradict itself every other page.
>Requirements to be a muslim as set out in the Quran are actually doable, without having to be ascetic autist or handwaving away half of scripture
>Quran revealed in a straight forward yet beautifully poetic style so it could be remembered and recited by a mostly illiterate population

Plus the New Testament is literally written in 6th grade level Greek, it isn't exactly high literature itself