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15369512 No.15369512 [Reply] [Original]

Based trad mommy

>> No.15369518

You can't have a traditional family unit unless both parents do not work.

>> No.15369519

I think you mean weeaboo mommy

>> No.15369521
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>posting baby crotch on twitter for attention

>> No.15369529


>displaying your parenting decisions to the world on social media


>> No.15369543

where does money come from??

>> No.15369555

Not everyone's grandparents can work to provide for their children and grandchildren

>> No.15369560

>English language

>> No.15369569

the estate, obviously

>> No.15369603

>60+ years ago
So first-wave feminism and postwar Marxism are trad now?

>> No.15369619

anything before smartphones is prehistory
anything before internet is incomprehensible
and there's no such thing as before tv and radio
newspaper? what is this word

>> No.15369624

i think she is basing her identity on "pronatalism" because at some point she must have got offended by antinatalist edgelords. what a dumb bitch desu.

>> No.15369631

I'm afraid you have actually captured the implicit reasoning of those "trad" goonies. I comes from a place of cultural illiteracy. Traditional society started withering away 200 years ago.

>> No.15369638

I always get the feeling that these "trad" women are actually cruel and cold, something just feels really fake and evil about them like they lack souls

>> No.15369649

If I know dog fuckers I'm pretty sure she meant it as a cutesey kitsch gesture

>> No.15369656

Have you seen children's books lately? The 'art' looks like it was done in MS paint

>> No.15369660

Sounds like projection honestly.
This is exactly what lib women post on twitter when they complain about other women doing yoga or posing in a family picture.
It just sounds like pure jealousy coated in wishful thinking.

>> No.15369665

It's not that it's just that there's something uncanny about these trad thots, there's almost no warmth they remind me of succubi, as if they're wearing the corpse of a loving mother

>> No.15369666

I hate the fake trad larp and all the christians who fall for it. Traditionalism is doomed to be replaced. I don't know why people think reading stories to their 5 kids while wearing a sun dress is going to do anything about that.

>> No.15369667

>Traditional society started withering away 200 years ago.

More like 700 years ago.

>> No.15369675
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Imagine not being read Froggy as a child. I'd rather off myself.

>> No.15369677
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blackpill is recognizing that trad gals have the highest body count of all

>> No.15369678

based frogposter

>> No.15369679

No, most of Europe in the 1600s was still traditional despite the Renaissance and the high-stake power plays.

>> No.15369690
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>Current year
>Buying book that doesn't instrumentalize the child

>> No.15369700

i meant it half as a joke but also half for real. i'm 25 and while i have some anecdotes about being introduced to cell and then smart phones i can't quite say i really remember a different way of living. i speak to people 35+ and the feeling is the same just a few more anecdotes. i don't think you can really understand a previous era. it's like in those period dramas you see on TV everyone dresses up in costumes but the characters are kind of "anthropomorphized" into modern people because it makes no sense otherwise. it's like watching a talking animal show.

>> No.15369705

>worshiping a jew
Unless we're talking about Lithuania, Europe stopped being traditional at least 1000 years ago

>> No.15369708

yeah I wonder about this

>> No.15369728

Yeah the problem with worshipping sky daddy is that he is a Jew, scandinavian sky daddy Thor is based

>> No.15369737

>b is for black
>c is for

>> No.15369739
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>Japanese children's book illustration of the concept of ancestors.

Is...is this OK??

>> No.15369746

I'm more into Odin myself

>> No.15369761

Back to your cuckshed now naziturd

>> No.15369848


>> No.15369886


>> No.15369895

insecure faggots, all of you

>> No.15369901

all me

>> No.15369920


>> No.15369930

Go back to your containment board

>> No.15369944

go back to yours first

>> No.15369954

Might as well have just typed
Brain damaged waste of oxygen. kys

>> No.15369959

I feel the same way about mommy blog mothers. They aren't mothers for their children, they want to be part of a subculture. The kids are accessories for Mommy's "perfect wife" image.

>> No.15369965

What is the deal with these Red Scare x Pottery Barn thot mutants? I am out of the loop.

>> No.15369972

I will go back
but I'm taking you with me

>> No.15369996

shut up

>> No.15370001

The world stopped being traditional 4.54 billion years ago

>> No.15370004

who got the high score this time bros? 2 for me

>> No.15370041

The world stopped being when I graduated high school last year

>> No.15370082


An interesting cultural realignment is occurring like so many tectonic plates suddenly shifting.

>> No.15370198

these are all me

>> No.15370201

>noticing a baby crotch

>> No.15370208

wtf based

>> No.15370212


>> No.15370220

>hahahaahaha it's funny cause LIKE IT'S NIOT ACTUALLY ME HAHHAHAHAH
go back to old.reddit arr books niggafaggot

>> No.15370227

Yoga is a conservative thing now?

>> No.15370237


>> No.15370242


Read Patanjali

>> No.15370244

gimme some based and redpilled children's books goys

>> No.15370248

>Traditionalism is doomed to be replaced

this strikes me as a very dumb and meaningless sentence.

>> No.15370262

based cringe
cringe based
based cringe
cringe based

>> No.15370270

>1 cringe, 1 based
i walk the middle path

>> No.15370273

I like this a lot

>> No.15370286
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Depriving their child of the greatest children's author of all time.

>> No.15370300

based cringe: 2x
cringe: 2x
based: 1x

>> No.15370302

"Pronatalism" is the essence of womanhood, you silly person. No woman who comes face-to-face with her looming infertility can maintain any other position.

>> No.15370309

both me btw

>> No.15370514
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>jap shit
no thanks. vile race

>> No.15370526

me on the bottom left

>> No.15370547
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>> No.15370560

You have no idea how long local cults survived even under Christianity. There were still animistic communities in France well into the 19th century.
Also Christian tradition is still tradition. Cope with it however you will see fit.

>> No.15370566

>not singing original songs you your children

>> No.15370580

Middle right is fucked

>> No.15370587
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, DAEA6F92-5380-49FF-9D91-D561DA76F726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah the problem with worshipping sky daddy is that he is a Jew, scandinavian sky daddy Thor is based

>> No.15370604

>hurrr people still wassail
>therefore we totally didn't abandon our ways to worship a jew
whatever helps you ignore the fact you worship a jew i guess

>> No.15370626

Way to make children a political stance you massive attention seeking whore.

>> No.15370652

I don't worship anyone and I explicitly said Europe hasn't been traditional for 200 years. Still if you had even a very limited knowledge of European you'd understand that a good deal of rural Europe (which made most of Europe back in the day) was very imperfectly Christianized for a very long time.
I understand why you're upset about an issue that doesn't affect you and that you can't solve in any significant way, but can you try to not let your feeling about this cloud your judgement? We don't need any more embarrassing LARPers on this board.

>> No.15370671

>heh, pleb, actually free spirits roamed the woods and talked about being one with god and kissing jesus on the tip of his dick
>as you can see, the native traditions survived perfectly fine in the country side

>> No.15370704

I'm not talking about "free spirit roaming the woods" but about entire communities. Even post-christianization pagan culture was still surviving, in fact in some areas christianity was only accepted because it metabolized older traditions.
Also since you care so much about those native traditions, why aren't also upset about the romanization of Europe which is older than its christianization? The Franks and Celts who first embraced christinaity were culturally romanized generations before being religiously converted.
And if you want to go that route you might as well deny the existence of Europe and consider only a patchwork of barely related paganistic traditions is the only thing that was "authentic".

Again, your LARP is fooling no one.

>> No.15370720

>no Love You Forever
Stupid weeaboo bitch.

>> No.15370755

>I'm not talking about *real heretic culture that survived for centuries*, but about *made up communities I can't reference plz don't call me out*

>Also since you care so much about those native traditions
never claimed this, native whites are garbage

>why aren't also upset about the romanization of Europe which is older than its christianization?
gaul was a genocide (and thats a good thing)

>And if you want to go that route you might as well deny the existence of Europe and consider only a patchwork of barely related paganistic traditions is the only thing that was "authentic".
this is actually true

>Again, your LARP is fooling no one.
neither is yours jungian christcuck

>> No.15370767
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>> No.15370775

it was a better time

>> No.15370781

The good old days

>> No.15370821

Bizarrely, it's starting to be. Young liberal feminists are crying about how white women are stealing sacred Indian culture by practicing yoga.

>> No.15370832

>Traditional society started withering away 200 years ago.
I say it withered away 2000 years ago!

>> No.15370856

Actually, traditional society started withering away 3500 years ago when Zoroaster came up with monotheism.

>> No.15371097
File: 179 KB, 595x386, Screenshot_83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trad mommy
>posts reddit memes on twitter

>> No.15371114

Agriculture ruined everything

>> No.15371129

>being allowed to speak
ha, no

>> No.15371153

So long as the children being informed of this aren't white.

>> No.15371193


I think it's cute. Women are like sponges.