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15369503 No.15369503 [Reply] [Original]

Am I being environmentally unfriendly by buying physical books? Should I opt for ebooks only?

>> No.15369511

do whatever the fuck

>> No.15369535

I don’t want to hurt the environment though

>> No.15369546


They don't make book paper from Amazon forest timber. They make it from cheap fast growing tree farm timber.

>> No.15369553

plant a tree every time you buy a book then

>> No.15369559

Buy used books. That's the best option

>> No.15369576

And how do you think the plastics and precious metals in an e-reader are brought together? What kind of power and infrastructure do you think it takes to maintain the on line book stores and servers?

>> No.15369628

mainstream green retards are deleting entire forests to power their bullshit bio-fuel scam, you personally have no effect at all on trees no matter what you do.

>> No.15369812

Why is hemp not used? Ebooks are fucking stupid. Why would anybody want to read on something like that when another person could change the words at conceivably any time? It makes no sense

>> No.15370226
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>when another person could change the words at conceivably any time
This is a common argument against ebooks and one that I fail to understand. Can somebody explain to me how this happens when everyone keeps a digital copy of an ebook in their devices? And if it was the case, why that hell would you need your ebooks synced with Amazon/Kobo/WhateverBook?

>> No.15370228

Paper is a hell of a lot more sustainable than batteries

>> No.15370230

lol the absolute state of muttistan

>> No.15370235

there's no ethical consumption under capitalism op

>> No.15370259

>which means I can buy as many trinkets made by third world slave labor as I want and not feel bad about it!
America truly deserves a nuclear holocaust

>> No.15370274

10 of you buying books will have less environmental effects than 1 stacy with her makeup and birth control candy.

>> No.15370284

The paper in your books probably comes from evergreens in central Sweden or someplace like it, not old growth being cleared away for farmland.

>> No.15370295

Pretty sure books trap carbon in the pages. You're probably fine ;)

>> No.15370397

Hemp isn't used because it looks like weed. I did some work on a farm starting hemp production in a state where weed is illegal, but hemp just became legal, and the regulatory bullshit is ridiculous. Completely retarded considering the area is perfect for it and it's a great cash crop that could bring industry back to the parts of the state that need it most.
Paper is made from trees grown on farms, don't worry about it.

>> No.15370414

The more paper you use, the more trees they plant. Younger trees grow faster than older trees so extract more carbon from the atmosphere. Physical books are the most environmentally friendly way.

>> No.15370491

Your mere existence hurts the environment ambiently

>> No.15370533

It's ok, the wealthy have always been the patrons of artists. Feel free to enjoy to work of authors we've subsidized. It's the least we can do for the underclasses.

>> No.15370877

ebooks involve rare earth metals and carbon emissions just to exist, a physical book is way less environmentally destructive and can be safely recycled

>> No.15370960


You should avoid eating meat then. The meat industry is by far the most agressive one when it comes to the enviroment.

People who raise cattle in South America are some of the most obnoxious and disgusting people in the planet.

>> No.15370962
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If it is kept online then the platform can just remove the book from your library because, funnily enough, you don't actually own the product and its in their hands. An Apple user I can't specifically cite to hand had a movie he had purchased on the Apple store removed from his library because they lost liscencing. I'd just go as far as to say this is theft, just with more steps and an allebye included. That, and if that device of yours needs a fresh update or synch then you're buggered.

>> No.15371117

I pirate books so they won't be taken unless i lose my hardware or backups.

>> No.15371138

the resource extraction and environmental destruction that is involved with the creation of electronic devices and the server infrastructure that allows for easy access to ebooks is comparable if not worse than creation of paper

>> No.15371759

>Made from fast growing southern eucalyptus plantation trees and northern thin conifer trees pulp mixes
>Stores carbon

No, it's a good thing. Much better than buying a damn ipad and use that thing for a couple of years.