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File: 98 KB, 720x960, monks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15365108 No.15365108 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche called Christianity a womanish religion, which he contrasted with the vigor of Islam. There can be no doubt that Christianity, when most authentic, feminizes men. Liberalism is the ultimate and logical extension of Christianity, as he points out. And as Land observes, capital, its more established through liberalism, is feminizing the world. But this feminization is not true feminism (which after all is as important as masculinity), it's artificial feminism, a sissification. Christianity softed humanity for this ultimate fate. It is presaged by even supposedly beautiful cultural, such as classical music, which actually cleaves body from spirit (not that I am endorsing degenerate music either), turning the spirit unto itself in cerebral revelries (Napoleon hated classical music, for him it was only martial music that was good). Now Mishima said spirit and body seemed to always be at odds in everything except death. This is true paradoxically for only by disdaining safety (please see pic posted below) and sentimental neediness of life, does one find true life and harmony of body and spirit. Thus jihad, and its musical analogy, the nasheed, cultivates a unity of body and spirit, fortifying manhood and strengthening rather than enervating will.

This nasheed for example calls young men saying do you shun death and wish for immortality, then come and through blood we will purify our souls


We can see the unity is upheld by others


>> No.15365112
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>> No.15365150

>There can be no doubt that Christianity, when most authentic, feminizes men
Tell that to the conquistadors and crusaders

>> No.15365181

I don't consider their Christianity particularly authentic, do you? Being a soldier was heavily stigmatized for the first few hundred years of Christianity, among the Byzantines those who fought wars were denied community for a year or sk

>> No.15365182
File: 494 KB, 748x488, 1587261903467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kek out loud whenever I see this guy

>> No.15365184

He's going to say that they're not authentic (I don't disagree).

Anyways, Islam is a failed religion, why would you suggest that as an alternative to Liberalism? Islam is completely subjugated by Liberalism. For fuck's sake, Mecca and Medina are owned by a Liberal monarch.

>> No.15365197

Well yes obviously the rulers are all puppet regimes established by colonialists. However why do you consider them the measure of Islam when paramilitaries are a better metric? Islamic Emerirate of Afghanistan is set to be the first state established by them

>> No.15365210

>All the Abrahamic shabbos goyim fags worshipping and dying for Jehovah the Jewish tribal God
you niggers can't get more cucked than this, Just read the Torah, You'll see that you were never part of Jehovah's plan nor does he care about you.

>> No.15365213

I don't think he's saying there is a 1:1 correlation but that Christianity acts toward the feminisation of men.

>> No.15365234
File: 63 KB, 680x507, 1584911094362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate heals, you should try it sometime
Strive for peace with acts of war
The beauty of death we all adore
I have no faith distracting me
I know why your prayers will never be answered
God hates us all, God hates us all
God hates us all, God hates us all

>> No.15365241

>Guys who faced the Roman Empire at it's peak with God in their hearts
>Guys who raided farmers while screeching gods name.
Neither is feminised but only one is toxic masculinity .

>> No.15365242

Lmao, he says this while Abrahamism is evidently the most Imperial religion there is as is seen by history.

>> No.15365259

This. Most polemicists can only argue against Christianity by painting it with broad strokes which enevitably doesn’t hold up since there is usually a counterexample historically due to its massive and multifaceted nature.

>> No.15365281

yes, Jehovah needs a lot of slaves for his chosen kikes. does that make the slaves good?

>> No.15365293

>go blow up somewhere to kill tons of civilians to please your theocratic leader

yeah I'm sure neetch loves this religion

>> No.15365326
File: 387 KB, 743x834, afghan_maternity_ward_attack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15365336

post some more pump up music

>> No.15365340
File: 41 KB, 620x826, Why-Cant-I-Hold-All-These-Limes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monks are onions now? Goddammit, now I have to update my meme portfolio.

>> No.15365341

OP tried making this thread a couple days ago and did some very cringe semantic coping when confronted with the fact that Nietzsche says Muhammad adopted the same errors of Paul and Christianity.

>> No.15365370


>Liberalism is the ultimate and logical extension of Christianity

Really? How? Most Christians aren't liberals, and liberals tend to be atheists. Am I missing some point?

>> No.15365390

Muslims killing Muslim women and Muslim babies...so THIS is the power of manly Islam.

>> No.15365436

He doesn’t know. He makes a logical jump simply due to chronology. Even though if you look into it, the start of libralism was with the rejection of Aristotelian principles by the intelligencia like Hobbes. Before and after his ilk most Christian teachings were within the Aristotelian paradigm. It’s a common error among those who can’t think in terms of nuance and have to reduce everything to direct causation.

>> No.15365444
File: 278 KB, 1440x1440, monk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365455

Defeated the USSR and America and this (condemned by the Taliban) is all you got?

>> No.15365489


>> No.15365779

If you base your political, religious, metaphysical views off of a false dichotomy like masculine/feminine, you're bound to end up with some really retarded positions. For example, niggers in Africa are pretty masculine; is Africa therefore the epitome of civilization? Do you want to live in Cameroon or Ghana? Big doubt.

And if you think Islam is going to resist liberalism, you're insane. The Islamic world is liberalizing faster than people want to admit. And just like European reactionaries were defenseless against these trends, so will the Islamic world. You should go to a major North African city, you'll find the same degeneracy as in Europe. North Africans in France already have a shit reputation for being even more degenerate than the French. The Middle East isn't even really a stronghold against degeneracy.

Another funny thing: you can shit on the West all you want, but their gay, feminized countries have BTFO'd the Middle East so many times it's not even funny, leveling whole cities, killing women/children, toppling governments, installing puppet governments, creating militias to do their will, etc. Yeah, the same countries with gay pride parades literally dab on Muslim countries constantly. So say what you want, your worldview is just cope. You have to be more nuanced than "masculine = good" and "feminine = bad" because in reality that doesn't mean shit. There are way too many factors that come into play since paradoxically the feminine countries are much stronger than the masculine ones right now, and they're overwhelming them and destroying them.

>> No.15365797

monks have always been mostly fags

>> No.15365816
File: 238 KB, 1908x1146, 1411964206931_wps_18_ONLINE_EMBARGO_00_01_BST_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy would dab on all of you in a wrestling match. Post physiques or shut up.

>> No.15365960

looks like a fag to me

>> No.15366036
File: 23 KB, 752x452, Salafist_groups_number.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam doesn't define masculinity quite like Americans do just like it doesn't define feminity the way the west does, for example in the west it means exhibitionism whereas in Islam it means extreme modesty. Masculinity involves adab (manners) and complete control of your anger except when your gheerah is provoked.

>> No.15366185

I don't give a damn what shitskins think being masculine means xD
He's broke like 19 powerlifting records.

>> No.15366210
File: 121 KB, 1024x635, heil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't give a damn what shitskins think being masculine means xD

>> No.15366273

Define feminine and masculine

>> No.15366280
File: 173 KB, 865x1280, 1797990bf96e340ed9534583d1aece76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't give a damn what shitskins think being masculine means xD

>> No.15366289

Learn about the history of philosophy/Christian theology before you read Nietzsche and parrot dumb ideas like this.

>> No.15366297

>still stuck on the abrahamics


>> No.15366337

>Model who did things for men to get ahead

>> No.15366439

I disagree with your position on music. Separating body and spirit is a masculine act. It’s a categorizing of organic phenomena. It’s feminine opposite would be to leave body and spirit entwined in their natural ambiguous state. The best classical music balances body and spirit, but this not an expression of masculinity as you describe Nasheed to be, it is a harmonious relationship of body (femininity) and spirit (masculinity).

>> No.15366456

Nietzsche is the ultimate sophist, hiding dull propositions behind literary flourish, his admirers hiding behind the guise of "prophet."

>> No.15366708

both the USSR and US held back lel, they could've easily destroyed the Taliban if they REALLY wanted to.

>> No.15366753

You should stop reading complex stuff and go back to basic reading comprehension. You make a mess of every information you read.

>> No.15367820

Not sure how spiritual immanency is masculine


>> No.15367853

You literally have no understanding of the religion you criticize, atheist retard. Christianity is masculine and doesn’t even have a concept of the feminine, which is why most Western men are scared of looking gay and weak all the time (yourself included). Eastern religions actually explain the need for femininity in men and masculinity in women.

>> No.15368058

Men are afraid of holding hands and kissing and have to over compensate because of the rise of Enlightenment psychology and the idea lf diagnosis of homosexuality by symptoms

>> No.15368075
File: 37 KB, 460x620, Wagner old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.15368095

Interesting.. further reading on this?

>> No.15368207

[bombastic pathos intensifies]

Yeah, great soundtrack for movies and vidya

>> No.15368282

Agreed. However, there is a form of masculine Catholicism found in traditionalist circles.

>> No.15368407
File: 1 KB, 31x23, DrxJhj1MwX8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unrelated but i feel some pity for this man :( look at his expression. not even this pepe conveys such a feel.

>> No.15368486

I used to buy into the whole
>WESTERN men don't hold hands and kiss unlike enlightened camel herders because they're just INSECURE
until I went over there and saw them constantly fucking each other in the ass with the exact same attitude.

>> No.15368539
File: 571 KB, 2212x1203, La-Pucelle-1907-Frank-Craig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joan of Arc was not stuck at the cross-roads, either by rejecting all the paths like Tolstoy, or by accepting them all like Nietzsche. She chose a path, and went down it like a thunderbolt. Yet Joan, when I came to think of her, had in her all that was true either in Tolstoy or Nietzsche, all that was even tolerable in either of them. I thought of all that is noble in Tolstoy, the pleasure in plain things, especially in plain pity, the actualities of the earth, the reverence for the poor, the dignity of the bowed back. Joan of Arc had all that and with this great addition, that she endured poverty as well as admiring it; whereas Tolstoy is only a typical aristocrat trying to find out its secret. And then I thought of all that was brave and proud and pathetic in poor Nietzsche, and his mutiny against the emptiness and timidity of our time. I thought of his cry for the ecstatic equilibrium of danger, his hunger for the rush of great horses, his cry to arms. Well, Joan of Arc had all that, and again with this difference, that she did not praise fighting, but fought. We KNOW that she was not afraid of an army, while Nietzsche, for all we know, was afraid of a cow. Tolstoy only praised the peasant; she was the peasant. Nietzsche only praised the warrior; she was the warrior. She beat them both at their own antagonistic ideals; she was more gentle than the one, more violent than the other. Yet she was a perfectly practical person who did something, while they are wild speculators who do nothing. It was impossible that the thought should not cross my mind that she and her faith had perhaps some secret of moral unity and utility that has been lost. And with that thought came a larger one, and the colossal figure of her Master had also crossed the theatre of my thoughts. (From Orthodoxy, Chapter 3)

>> No.15368558


>> No.15368567

Bit silly and in some ways immature but isn't wrong.

>> No.15368676

Is there any evidence that men hate going to church or are we just taking that on as an assumption

>> No.15369030

Richard Weaver also considered Romanticism obnoxious

>> No.15369093
File: 32 KB, 768x432, alexis-de-tocqueville-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I studied the Quran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. As far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism.

>> No.15370492


>> No.15370619
File: 315 KB, 720x529, Miracle-of-Jesus-Centurions-Servant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being a soldier was heavily stigmatized for the first few hundred years of Christianity
Read the Bible.

>> No.15371328

Prostitution too