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/lit/ - Literature

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15364583 No.15364583 [Reply] [Original]

Do not fall for this middle school sci fi shit
>muh world building

>> No.15364610

i gave up on dune like 20 pages in it was so poorly written. sure it was also boring, but the prose was just terrible. i'll read it before the movie comes out though, so i can shit on the movie even harder.

>> No.15364625
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HIGHly based

>> No.15364632

cope faggot

>> No.15364633

And the award for most based and redpilled and least faggoty Post of the day goes to...OP!

>> No.15364648

you look like bots

>> No.15364708
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We will cleanse /lit/ one thread a day of this filth.
Soon Dune will be considered no better than Harry Potter. It will be relegated to the pits of pathetic soi novels touted by nostalgic and brain dead morons to be """"""""""literature"""""""".
This feminazi wanna be dull waste has plagued this board for far too long. It is time to reveal this infantile work for what it really is!

>> No.15364771

Is it true its just Islam in space?

>> No.15364776
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>> No.15364781

this thread wreaks of discord zoomers, but i agree, dune is pop trash.

>> No.15364796

reeks*, dumbass

>> No.15364799

it is so cringe when he calls their "efforts" jihad.
It is like reading reddit.
Please don't buy or read it even when offered money.

>> No.15364808

Cool it on the antidunetism.

>> No.15365070

That book fucking sucked, I'm glad the retards who like this drivel are finally getting called out

>> No.15365159

Wolfe did it better

>> No.15365169

making threads about it is a great way to get people to stop talking about it

>> No.15365243

It is fine if people talk about it, as long as they talk about how shit it is and no poor soul gets baited into wasting time with this trash anymore.

>> No.15365260

god bless
thank you for your service

>> No.15365277

based but truthfully fuck scifi in general

>> No.15365469

What series would you say is better? I finished up to Chapterhouse and really enjoyed it personally. I have A Canticle for Leibowitz and Foundation in my shelf to do next too.

>> No.15365804

>The galactic emperor is killed with a knife by a quirky loli turned teleports-behind-you ninja. >That's after a huge time ellipsis where the emperor somehow makes enough disastrous moves to 'justify' having the equivalent of the entire NATO military btfo by the IRA.
>Ends with a katana duel with a secondary villain brought up at the last minute because the hack writer had already killed the other ones
Anyone taking up the challenge of defending this?

Not really. The only similarity is that the fremen live in a desert and are warring bandits.
There are a few words introduced in the setting that are Arabic sounding, but that's just to introduce something alien. In the 1960s islam was still something vague and mysterious to a west coast amerimutt.

>> No.15365823

Thank you for your efforts, I hope no one else gets meme'd into reading this piece of trash.

>> No.15365826

I remember reading a little bit of Dune in high school or jr high. I got to the part where he put his hand in the pain box and thought, this is fucking stupid.

>> No.15365838

Foundation is better than Dune but still barely qualifies as literature.
Canticle for Leibowitz is excellent but not a series.
I guess the best candidate would be Wolfe's Sun series.

Based, that's like four pages in.

>> No.15365842

i haven't read it in a while but i remember there being plenty of decent themes in there. Dependence on spice and sumuta and water as metaphors for the gulf war, addiction and soft living was a big one. The obvious Hero
s Journey that culminates in Dune Messiah. Even the third one was decent as the story of legacy and transhuman being

>> No.15366087

Is it viral marketing or is /lit/ just filled with a bunch of retard hipsters who hurry to read a fiction book before a movie of it comes out?

>> No.15366113

Reminder that Dune didn't even win the 1966 Hugo. It tied with Zelazny's This Immortal (a legitimate scifi classic).

>> No.15366124

Shit eating Dune fans have been around for quite a while, the movie, which will most likely also be terrible, has brought it back into conversation in a bigger way
Hence why we need to safeguard the /lit/ userbase from engage with this crap

>> No.15366129

The dumbest people have been flooding in here lately

>> No.15366253

If you're not trying to find essential truths in the fiction you read but just trying to have a decently well-built story that isn't particularly obvious I don't think it's a waste of time. Definitely not a paragon of intellectualism but a lot of sci-fi simply seeks to introduce worlds bigger than the stories that inhabit them. I think Dune manages to do that, even if the Atriedes literally become the most important family on the planet. Forgive me if I'm shilling trash

>> No.15366369

I loved the first chapter and thought the rest would be as good. The setting, scenery and world that's in the back of your mind before going further seems to have such potential. But other than Paul himself and his weird sister it just kinda fell flat for me.

>> No.15366483

its highschoolers who's school got cancelled./lit/ got hit very hard

>> No.15367534

I haven't read Dune but OP is a retard.

>> No.15367587

This is Leto's Peace in action

>> No.15367716

I just bought the entire ebook series. Plan on reading the whole thing.

Seethe more, faggot.

>> No.15367723

Hyperion was so much better as a scifi book, and Dan Simmons is a better writer

>> No.15367732

how many days are we going to keep this up? fuck Dune! and fuck please reading too. READ THEORY YALL

>> No.15367774

Jesus Christ, this thread is a complete fucking mess. What's with all the faggotry? Not that Dune is some life changing work, but seriously, what the fuck did poor Frank do to you all to make you so retarded? There isn't even genuine criticism happening, it's just 'based fuck dune too boring cope cringe seethe' kind of shit. One of you hasn't even figured out how to greentext properly. What the hell is going on?

>> No.15368163

Just a bunch of pitiful retards, desperate for attention, collectively shitting their diapers.

>> No.15368183

I'm seriously consider dropping this book; I'm 50 pages in after the second part, where they're in the desert. It's just so fucking boring. I could even force my way through the bland, uninspired prose, but everything is just so boring.

>> No.15368187

One group of fremen (desert warriors) destroy a saradaukar ship by ramming a piloted ornithopter killing both pilots. What do you think?

>> No.15368349

Not sure if serious...

>> No.15368392

Hyperion is clearly better written than Dune. I don't know about the later stuff.

>> No.15368420

I don't like dune and I still think you're a whiny cunt.

>> No.15368438
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Except Arthur C. Clarke, Richard Matheson and Jules Verne.

>> No.15368976

I can't think of anything more boring than a desert. And THAT's what he and everyone inspired by Dune choose to focus on. Just why

Only read the first book. Do the rest of them also take place on the same desert planet?

>> No.15369001

They make it a not desert eventually

>> No.15369016

Dune is already a movie, and it was quite fun to watch

>> No.15369022
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>>The galactic emperor is killed with a knife by a quirky loli turned teleports-behind-you ninja. >That's after a huge time ellipsis where the emperor somehow makes enough disastrous moves to 'justify' having the equivalent of the entire NATO military btfo by the IRA.

wait a minute, are you describing the final season of Game of Thrones series!?

>> No.15369137

>as metaphors for the gulf war
are you fucking retarded?
Look up when the gulf war(s) happened and when this trash sci fi novel came out.
I will bear such insults if it means saving you from wasting time and money reading this trash.
>I'm seriously consider dropping this book;
Do it. There is nothing to be gained, trust us. Rush and refund it if you still can.

>> No.15369142


Great premise and story...but one of the worst written books ever.

>> No.15369344

Fr*ck Dune

>> No.15369355

>all these plebians getting filtered by based Dune
If you would actually have sex for once, you'd learn to appreciate it.

>> No.15369356

You should check out the Hyperion Cantos. The first two books are very good and are a self-contained arc. The next two are...iffy.

>> No.15369457
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Why are you angry, anon? Did anyone hurt your little feelings?

>> No.15369571

Is there like a span of 10 pages in the entire book where somebody doesn't get killed by a knife in some weird ritualistic, "I really have juvenile inferiority issues with my dad," type way?

>> No.15369904

> seething about popular literature holding onto popularity through the generations

Why do you care so much?

>> No.15369915
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Dune is pure redditcore

>> No.15370002
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this is unironically still better than the daily nurse hate thread on pol

>> No.15370096

Based based

>> No.15370602

now that's a shitpost I can get behind.

>muh world building
goes on to ctrl+c, ctrl+v Arabs down to the language in an easy, orientalist way.

>> No.15371821

Im not a fan of dune because normies never read any other sci-fi dune is all they ever talk about. but im sure its a decent book. I prefer asimov and his robot and foundation series

>> No.15372287

very gay bait

>> No.15372698

Just read canticle. It's the highest peak scifi will arrive at.

>> No.15372724

I read dune and I thought it was ok. Is there some other sci fi that you think is actually good?

>> No.15372787
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Personally, I think that Dune is the most important piece of fictional literature produced in the 20th century, except for Tolkien's bibliography. Herbert ties together Archaic Fantasy and Sci-Fi with considerable mastery. His diction is distinctly direct and masculine, and for this reason many literary minds dislike his work. All things considered, I think that the ending of the book is an even better example of Eu-catastrophe than the ending of Tolkien's Return of the King. Despite my praise for Herbert's writing, there is one critique that I have:

Considering the essential nature of the Spice and the Giant worms on Arrakis, why were the Fremen trying to terra-form the planet into a green paradise? If they would have succeeded in their goals, the habitat of the worms would be destroyed, and the precious spice along with it.

Again it is a minor plothole, and when I wrote my own film adaptation for Dune and Dune Messiah, I accounted for this mistake by making some minor changes to the character of Liet Keynes, and his mission as a planetologist. As we enter the space age, I think that many of Herbert's Ecological ideas embedded into Dune will likely develop into a serious scientific field that loosely mimics his notion of "Planetology".

All this being said, I imagine that I will feel much like Jodorowsky if should lower myself to watch the upcoming Dune adaptation.

>> No.15372820

I present to you the kind of sperg who likes Dune.

>> No.15372826

I think it all the more perfect that Herbert published Dune with an auto-manual publishing house that had never published a single work of fictional literature. I would gander that following the hippie movement of the 1960's, Herbert would have struggled with a liberal publishing house, and Dune seems to sit on the border of conventional historiography, philosophy, and fiction. A more suitable publishing house could not have been chosen. This is considerable considering they likely had very few connections to the literary world, Herbert was touching on something in the unconcious of his time, likely using the rejected masculine archetype of Paul Atreides, that spoke to unspoken masculine instincts amidst the corporate liberal culture of the 1960's. That Herbert used many themes and ideas from Islamic culture was also exceedingly significant, publishing a book like this today would be a difficult task, as the Islamic world rarely reads fiction, and the rest of the world has grown suspicious of the religious credentials of Islam.

>> No.15372935
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>> No.15373112

>As we enter the space age
lmao, what? Space is a capitalist scam

>> No.15374039


>> No.15374707
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Serious colonization will not begin for another couple hundred years at least. That being said there is an ongoing push for stellar supremacy by world governments. This will inevitably lead to some manner of interstellar colony as the technology for these projects gradually improves.

>> No.15374730

>Serious colonization will not begin for another couple hundred years at least.
There won't be a human race in a couple hundred years. Space awaits the next intelligent species. We failed.

>> No.15374737
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>There won't be a human race in a couple hundred years. Space awaits the next intelligent species. We failed.

>> No.15374762

Let me guess, you fucking love science.

>> No.15374776
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>Let me guess, you fucking love science.

>> No.15374849

We haven't failed yet. Don't be a pessimistic retard.

>> No.15374955

what sucked about it? I never read it because the begining was too confusing

>> No.15374984

I love asimov but all of his novels are overrated. the first foundation book is great because its written as a series of short storys which is what he is best at by far. but foundation and empire was kind of a let down.
nice trips. I will probably read it online for free one day and form my opinion on it but since I havent yet im in no position to complain. that said it probably has an annoying fanbase of people who dont read any other sci-fi but think its the greatest thing ever because hype.

>> No.15374999

this is a quote from the guy who wrote the incal isnt it?

>> No.15375038

>loli toes

>> No.15375176
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Should i finish Dune. I dropped it 120 pages or so because i just didn't find the protagonist very likable. Him being lorded as the messiah isn't the problem but everyone sucking him off like genius pointing how what "astute observations" he makes and how his pseudo mind reading is so much better than his mom's. Lines like these I found a little irksome. And these are just the ones I can remember on the spot
>Jessica nodded at the astuteness of the question.
>The Duke permitted himself a moment of grim satisfaction, looking at his son
and thinking how penetrating, how truly educated that observation had been.
>He's faking uncertainty! Jessica thought. With his deeper truthsense, Paul caught the underlying motive, had to use every ounce of his training to mask his excitement.
Maybe I'm just a bitter loser but something about Paul one-upping his parents at things they've spent their lives doing despite only being 15 is just eye roll inducing. It's not him being educated, or the messiah, or a tactical genius, or a psychic charisma machine, or tech fighting master, or being handsome, or having a heart of gold and silver tongue, or having nerves of steel, but it's being all of these things and it being jammed down our throats. It's hard to like or sympathize with this guy who's main character trait is being a walking god. It's made worse by each chapter starting with a excerpt of a future biography telling us how goddamn amazing Paul is by a princess, and how he BTFO'd his dad by being so much better than him. I'm only a fifth through the book but it became hard to sit through. I liked his dad and literally every other character more than Paul because they felt realistically flawed and still admirably competent. So hearing Paul think his dad's strategic moves are bad or wrong is annoying when he doesn't have a good reason to be so much better than his father at politics that he can instantly see a move as a misstep. Or that his mother, who has been trained in the truthsense her whole life and is the person who trained Paul in it, is btfo'd by Paul because at 15 he's so much better than her at it he can tell exactly what someone is thinking where she can't. If Dune were written in first person you could think it was Paul's arrogance and sense of grandiosity that cause such observations and you can actually enjoy getting a more subtle look into his psyche and see how is flawed in that way. It wouldn't be a stretch to think a 15 y/o noble who has his own private cock washer and is called Jesus the sequel would get a big head. But instead it's in third person and we have to sit through the narrator point out that Paul is indeed William James Sidis on steroids and that everyone is secretly creaming their jeans when they see him.

>> No.15375685

Is there a more pronounced Mary Sue in fiction than Paul Atreides? I'm 500 pages in and I am finding the consistent private praise he receives to be extremely tiring. It literally happens once every few pages.

>> No.15375722

Wanna know how I can tell you've only seen the Lynch movie?

>> No.15375748

The whole point is that he's praised as a supergenius but still fucks it all up. One of the big themes of the book is being skeptical of messiah's and hero worship. That's basically the point of all the other books.

>> No.15375763

There is a second book, you know. And a third one. Herbert wanted to publish them all as one tome, but it'd be humongous, so it was split. There is a payoff in the second book to all of Paul's Marty-Sue-ness.
Really now, what's up with zoomer reading retention nowadays, I read all the three book in a row in a week or so, while peddling chink knock-offs on a Third World country street market. In translation. It's just a book, read it or leave it, it ain't no Palestinian practical rocketry.

>> No.15376613

Seeing all these fragile Dune lovers get exposed is so satisfying.
They literally do not have a single proper counter argument to defend their middle school trash.

>> No.15376630

>getting so butthurt over some sci-fi fantasy book
You incels never cease to amaze me.

>> No.15376756

>gets brainwashed into liking a mediocre book for a movie through viral marketing

>> No.15377562

don’t buy the book. Do yourself a favor
>also dont watch the kike movie either

>> No.15377581

braaaaaaaaaaaap and he shat himself

>> No.15378355

I haven't seen the movie.
Everything I describe is in the book. I still see no defense of the anime loli ninja.

>> No.15378427

>leaving off Heinlein and piper
>including the Brit pedo

>> No.15378433

I thought the book was mediocre, but I really liked David Lynch’s Dune.

>> No.15378447
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and HG Wells. he's pretty good

>> No.15378714

I like dune. It's camp, crude and poorly written/boring in parts. It's also a awesome epic inspired by Sci-Fi, Jung and Shakespeare (Herbert loved Shakespeare and you can clearly see the influence.) If your problem is plot holes then your a retard. If your problem is the writing then fair enough but my favourite Sci-Fi, Star Maker is a difficult read/poorly written but the ideas make up for it. Dune is the same and its ideas are incredible. Herbert based it off his psychedelic experience's which is another reason I love it(I dose LSD monthly.) If your problem is that the writer/readers are stupid then your a culture capital hoarding freak. Herbert is clearly smart, not a genius but intelligent. Sure it's not gravity's rainbow but not every book you read needs to be a classic of the cannon. Your not smarter because you only read Tolstoy while listening to John Cage.

Anyone thinking of reading Dune definitely should. It's an incredible experience and a lot of fun.

As a note I have noticed that my friends who take psycs are more interested in dune than those who have not and the writing is definitely not for everyone but if your just shiting on Herbert's intelligence then your just insecure while desperately hoarding culture capital to feel smart.

>> No.15378997

This, the sheltered university faggots that are afraid of drugs, and for whatever reason mentally incapable of recognizing the influence of psychedelic drugs on the mentality of antiquity, will never be capable of understanding Herbert's work. It's such a damn shame that this is exactly the same demographic that is going to be starring in, and directing the new movie. Pisses me off to no end. Jodo should have directed the other movie and they should have left it the fuck alone. The sober neo-liberalism of the 21st century produces nothing but trash.

>> No.15379224
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b8 opinion vomited by retards into every thread about dune
this, how many fucking times does it need to be explained?

>> No.15379242

The only thing that bothered me with Dune is that it's not very morally grey. So you know who the bad guys are.
>The hero is an intelligent young unjusticed boy
>The villain is a disgusting, morbidly obese pedo

>> No.15379373

The ending of the book is indefensible.
>By the way the villain is our Grandfather! - Ninja loli to Paul
>"Get out of my mind!" - Reverend Mother to the loli ninja
>"Here I stand! But... I... will... never... do... her... bidding!" - Paul to the Reverend Mother

>> No.15379403

The book slowly builds to Paul assuming the role of Messiah and leading a revolution of sand people against the more-or-less uninspired villainous Harkonnens. Unfortunately, right about when Paul assumes this role, there is a 2-year timeskip and then the rest of the book feels rushed and ridiculous. I kept going to get to the ending but was disappointed. If you feel like dropping it you probably should, and maybe watch the new movie instead since it will actually have imagery and scale and spectacle and probably be a passable, enjoyable sci fi flick.

>> No.15380483

its so shit and the loli is beyond cringe

>> No.15380615

>Guy who seizes control of some natives and starts a holy crusade that kills billions across the universe
>Guy who runs the place and is a horrid and detestable person overall
Gee, such typical black and white storytelling.