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File: 1.87 MB, 1797x2381, Pope_Francis_Korea_Haemi_Castle_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15362896 No.15362896 [Reply] [Original]

"But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator. In the first place amongst these there are the Muslims, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind."

-Lumen Gentium

Dare I say, based and redpilled?

>> No.15363156

Catholics are fucking retards
>miss a SINGLE mass
>go to hell for all eternity
They actually believe this

>> No.15363183

The Dalai Lama is the only pope that matters to me

>> No.15363296

irrelevant. he also gave the communion to a group of protestant finnish trourists in st. peter, he indeed agrees with luther on many capital doctrinary points ie sola fide*. this is an outright heretical mestizo, not a pope.
try harder.

* this is btw the most retarded invention of the lutheran worship. how is faith any different from any other possible act, either physical or mental? how is believing to believe in God a better evidence of one's christianity than the way you live?

>> No.15363358
File: 108 KB, 512x423, 1587338139226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't answer him, he had a valid point about Catholicism that's undeniably fucked up. You literally worship a demiurge creature that puts you in a state of slavery and harvests your loosh. Fuck you and your false God, fuck your pedophile church and all gay trad larpers fuck you all

>> No.15363398

why in the world should i answer to slanders? they qualify protestants for what they are.

>> No.15363411

Go listen to Tool or something, talking about the demiurge and sperging out like this. Embarrassing, my man.

>> No.15363422

You don't have a soul, you're an effeminate imitation of a real man who needs to cuck himself existentially every day he wakes up by groveling to a sky demon

>> No.15363460

I'm not even going to address your immediate points right now, you're speaking in wild hyperbole and we'd just be talking past each other. How does this sound instead: give me a better alternative. What is a better way to live, which doesn't involve "sky demons" and effeminate imitations?

>> No.15363465

>he also gave the communion to a group of protestant finnish trourists in st. peter
Source? I doubt he gave the eucharist to some random people.

>> No.15363471


>Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

>> No.15363486

Stop larping, that would be a start. You can probably help out your community, and fight for freedom instead of slavery which like a scared little girl you have an emotional attachment too

>> No.15363512

Empty words, all empty words. How do you differentiate a larp from genuine belief? What does fighting for freedom look like? What kind of freedom? What does emotion have to do with any of this? I'll give you one more chance to speak in something other than edgy catchphrases. Suggest a clear alternative.

>> No.15363517
File: 14 KB, 231x218, wizard50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have 5 seconds to tell me where to find /fringe/ now.

>> No.15363560


this is a clear act of heresy, dissacration and blasphemy. bergoglio has no right to be called a christian anymore, let alone sitting on the papal throne.

>> No.15363598

Learn to read, mate, or provide an actual source.
>Bishop Salmi said Pope Francis was not present at the Mass, but said the Pope had repeatedly indicated he would like to develop unity between different denominations.
The absolute state of larping trads lmao

>> No.15363627

it was his decision, you absolute retard.


> Most Holy Father, permit us also to express our wonderment and sorrow at two events occurring in the heart of the Church, which likewise suggest the favour in which the German heresiarch is held under Your pontificate. On January 15th, 2016, a group of Finnish Lutherans were granted Holy Communion in the course of a celebration of Holy Mass that took place at St Peter’s basilica. On 13th October, 2016, Your Holiness presided over a meeting of Catholics and Lutherans in the Vatican, addressing them from a stage on which a statue of Martin Luther was erected

now excuse me i have to go to the bathroom and vomit

>> No.15363635

holy based

>> No.15363651

not being a maggot in a long-dead corpse, for one. there will be no Christian revival. the Christian event has expired. the rest is up to the real God now. fuck your pedophile church

>> No.15363668

You really can't help yourself, can you? Enlighten me, who is the real God.

>> No.15363686

I love this because it proves Bengel was right. He predicted it back in 1740.
>Though Socinianism and popery at present appear muturally aloof, they will in the process of time form a mighty confluence, that will burst all bounds and bring everything to a crisis. We may expect it in the following way. -- The residue of heavenly influence on the professing church, as a body, will have utterly evaporated, its holy things having been already more and more prostituted to the spirit of this world. The Holy Spirit being thus withdrawn from the camp at large, the world will deem its own victory and triumph secured. Now, therefore, a spirit of liberal Latitudinarianism will prevail everywhere, -- a notion where everyone may be right in his own way of thinking, and consequently that all is well with the Jew, the Turk, and the pagan. Ideas of this kind will wonderfully prepare men for the embracing of the false prophet.

>> No.15363833

So, let me get this straight.

Pope Francis rewrites the rules so that CATHOLIC divorcees can receive Communion.
Fast forward to 2016, the Pope and some Lutherans wanted to unite more and had some diplomatic talks. The same kind of stuff Popes have been doing since at least John Paul II.
Per your first link, the Lutherans went to mass in St Peter's. They were not the only people present during the ceremony (according to those same Lutherans).
During the Communion, the Lutherans tried to refuse the Eucharist with some gesture, but some random priests administered it anyway (you know the presiding priest is not the only one administering it, right? More so in a large church with a huge congregation).
Pope Francis was not present during any part of the ceremony.
Then some months later, there are more talks about

This is the kind of shitty source you're trying to pass to me as truth? Even a second time? Like some MAGA retard with Fox News brainrot?
You seriously expect me to take your word for it? Alright, LARPy boy. I think I understand what's going on. Go your way.

>> No.15363933

>hold the faith of Abraham
As in faith in the Triune God? Last I checked the muzzies denied the deity of Christ, whom Abraham spoke with.

>> No.15364270
