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File: 91 KB, 850x400, quote-i-want-atheism-to-be-true-and-am-made-uneasy-by-the-fact-that-some-of-the-most-intelligent-thomas-nagel-52-39-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15362290 No.15362290 [Reply] [Original]

serious question: who exactly are these "intelligent and well-informed people" he's talking about?

>> No.15362539

He personally probably thought about, among other people, Alvin Plantinga.

>> No.15362755

thomists and (neo)platonists

>> No.15362765
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Jordan Peterson

>> No.15362770

I know he mentions Stephen Meyer and isn't totally dismissive of him, which is more than the edgelord undergads on /sci/ would allow.

I'm just wondering who all these bigbrained theists are given the fact that about 80% of academia is atheistic or agnostic

>> No.15362771

Dernold Blumpf

>> No.15362778

That's not true, a large amount of academia is still religious, it's just that relative to the average non academic population it's very small.
On the first day of my PhD in theoretical physics my advisor said I should read the bible. Religious people are way more common in academia than people often think.

>> No.15362794


What? I'm an atheist and this is retarded as fuck. The universe doesn't give a shit about what you want. What?

>> No.15362801

Retarded? Retarded how?

>> No.15362804


>80% of academia is atheistic or agnostic

Lol. In Sweden maybe. What are you talking about?

>> No.15362885


>I don't want the universe to be like X

What kind of 4-year old worldview is that? I don't want something so it simply shouldn't be.
I don't want to die, I don't want to be sick, I don't want to eat vegetables.
I just want to fuck hookers, drink rum and eat bacon all day without suffering any consequences. Oh, no one gives a shit? Well I simply can't accept it.

>> No.15362927

Brainlets detected. Expressing a preference about X does not entail a belief about its alterability.

>> No.15363076

This, but in another area. My advisor indirectly suggested that I convert to Catholicism. He usually has conversion narratives on his desk when I enter his office.

>> No.15363105


Except he literally says that he doesn't believe in God the sentence before you absolute mongoloid.

If I told you that I think the belief that trans fats cause heart disease are a myth, then proceed to tell you that I also hope they are a myth because I like eating bacon every day, you would think I'm a coping retard.

>> No.15363118

Please don't treat gormless agnostics with skulls full of unexamined normative trash like they have an actual philosophy. Whatever percentage they + about 90% of putative atheists call themselves they're bone-through-the-nose religious.

>> No.15363265

Isn't this basically how midwits try to discover what is true? By checking what smart people believe?

>> No.15363309

I feel like either no god or imperfect god is likely
No need to sperg about it

>> No.15363325

Reality and one's desires toward reality are two entire different subjects, jackass.

>> No.15363331

Albert Camus.

>> No.15363399


It is simple your group think, social pressure bullshit makes those people hide.

Of course you don't see them.

>> No.15363424

god militant atheists are annoying, they can't do anything in math or science so they larp as geniuses even though they are as brainlet as the people they hate (spreading dogma like they actually know the truth)

>> No.15363466

Gods don't exist, retard. Get over it.

>> No.15363476


>> No.15363509

Don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that there are no bearded all-powerful men in the sky who deeply care about your masturbatory habits.

>> No.15363524

That might be a popular folkstale anyway, as masturbation is not within The Holy Bible.

But God is real, so I would certainly repent sinner, if you have committed any wrongs. :3

>> No.15363529

Of course your made up fabrication is not real.

>> No.15363548

It's another round of analytic philosophers say the darndest things

>> No.15363555

A rocket scientist or any scientist for that matter wouldn't know, how would he ever have the tools to explore such a question? We don't and so it's impossible to answer the question, and you can't pretend to know the answer even though through your EXTREME LOGIC 100 it seems it MUST be true. Not everything that exists is rational.

>> No.15363559

>But God is real
That's where you're mistaken. There's zero evidence of supernatural entities of any kind.

>> No.15363565

Let it go, moron. There are no angels and fairies.

>> No.15363578

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"

>> No.15363593

Our very existence is the evidence of a creator.

It takes more effort for you to not believe than it does to simply believe.

You are simply in denial of you think we are just bacteria on a rock.

>> No.15363594

I don't believe in them, simple minded atheist. I'm just saying you are not as logical as your pathetic movement claims to be.

>> No.15363596

Patently false.

>> No.15363609

Not being a total retard is now a "movement"? Wow, impressive.

>> No.15363619
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>> No.15363637

Keep doing what you are doing.

I know you guys think that by doing this you are creating more atheists but what you are actually doing is pushing people towards God.

>> No.15363645

I am with Nagel on that one.

Seriously, eternal life is my single biggest fear. Imagine there not being an end! Even a happy eternal life would still be too much. It's good as it is, with people dying eventually and being substituted by new generations. It's good, and I am used to it. I'd hate to live for ever.

>> No.15363648

And which god would that be?

>> No.15363675

I used to think this way as well but for some reason it has become harder for me to imagine the cessation of my consciousness. I guess that is kind of an contradiction but it mind boggles me.

>> No.15363732

do any of you bros fear that the real religion was lost along the away to the erosion of history and we are all doomed to not follow it?

>> No.15363742
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>> No.15363772

you can literally say this about anything that hasn't been proven true. I could say that about gnomes if I wanted

>> No.15363783

evangelical atheists are the most bitter people I have ever encountered.

>> No.15363830
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My diary desu.

>> No.15363851
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>There are no angels
There are though.

>> No.15364313
File: 362 KB, 913x1763, 1577061114952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.


Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheists


Daily reminder most philosophers are atheists


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

>> No.15364435

Wow! Mind if I email Dr. Nagel these links?

>> No.15364605
File: 19 KB, 321x339, 1087389196-quotes_what_about_god_01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure go ahead. be sure t send him this one as well

>Survey of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS):
>"Our survey found near universal rejection of the transcendent by NAS natural scientists. Disbelief in God and immortality among NAS biological scientists was 65.2% and 69.0%, respectively, and among NAS physical scientists it was 79.0% and 76.3%. Most of the rest were agnostics on both issues, with few believers. We found the highest percentage of belief among NAS mathematicians (14.3% in God, 15.0% in immortality). Biological scientists had the lowest rate of belief (5.5% in God, 7.1% in immortality), with physicists and astronomers slightly higher (7.5% in God, 7.5% in immortality)."

>> No.15364657
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This is all bs and conformity doesn't mean it's correct. The ones who started these fields were religious. Those scientists and philosophers aren't doing shit

>> No.15364673


>> No.15364675

Plus I'm smarter than you and I'm religious. I'm sure I can have you believing in a creator of the universe, idc which religion made

>> No.15364691

atheists dominate the mass shooter top charts

>> No.15364778

Onanism is, though.

>> No.15364814

Your concept of God is infantile. If you'd like to read about it you could probably ask for book recommendations here.

>> No.15365356

that just means they more competent with guns

>> No.15365534

I haven't been in this conversation, but why are you quoting Xenophanes here? As far as I know, Xenophanes said there is a God, an all powerful, all knowing, omniscient being who didn't need to move because there was no need, sort of like the "unmoved mover". He specifically said there is a God and that everything comes from him, and believed that the Gods of Greek legend were wrong in that they were based off of people and sinful/imperfect like people, whereas a true God wouldn't be. Do you know what the things your posting actually mean?