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/lit/ - Literature

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15361984 No.15361984 [Reply] [Original]

>Your meme ideology explained briefly
>Prominent authors or books

Let's see how much of a meme /lit truly is.

>> No.15361992

>Engineering student
>Dugin, Mosley, Moldbug, Land, Marx.

>> No.15361995

23/ F
Unskilled labor
Plato/Socrates, Plotinus, Gregory Sadler

>> No.15362001

For me it would be:
NEET/college dropout
>Your meme ideology explained briefly
Materialist Marxist Gnosticism. Capital as a concept is the demiurge of reality. Concrete and existing people are just the vehicles of the will of capital and its abstract goal of auto-valorisation. Class struggle is not a possibility and Capital has won the fight a long time ago.
>Prominent authors or books
Marx, Hegel, Sohn-Rethel, Robert Kurz, Anselm Jappe, etc.

>> No.15362004

>Post-left Anarchism, plainly put it's classical anarchism on Nietzschean-Stirnerite steroids. the idea is to preserve the political philosophy of classical anarchism and cleanse it of all residual metaphysical assumptions about the nature of human beings, teleology of human societies etc.
>Stirner, Nietzsche, Bob Black, Hakim Bey, Saul Newman, Benjamin Tucker, to some extent Proudhon and Bakunin

>> No.15362236

>compatible with anarchism

>> No.15362341

read Saul Newman's "Max Stirner" and "I Am Not a Man, I Am Dynamite!: Nietzsche and the Anarchist Tradition"

>> No.15362367

>he unironically thinks anyone will read his favorite anarchykid book
the absolute state...

>> No.15362481

>he unironically thinks anyone will read
I unironically do not, it only took this board 2 weeks to convince me that barely any anon here has ever read a book in his life

>> No.15362546

>I don't have one
>There are none

>> No.15363406

M 23
Factory worker/student
Market Socialist
Oscar Wilde, Mikhail Bakunin, Albert Camus, Hunter S. Thompson, Marquis de Sade

>> No.15363491
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>Student/National Guard
>Blood Meridian, Doktor Glas, Johnathan Swift

>> No.15363608


>> No.15363688

Law Student
The 4chan™ /lit/™ top 100 books of 2018 chart™

>> No.15363698

Investor/Business Angel/yaddayadda
Kafka, Wilde, Brezina

>> No.15363729
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student, debt-hole
neo-mysticism / transhumanist
borges, asimov, hegel, heinlein

>> No.15363746

How did you tie Kafka to libertarianism?

>> No.15363771

>phd student
>absurd stoicism - one must imagine sisyphus aware that the boulder has no power over him
>"our guy" debord, bald retard, chadpenhouer, ellul

>> No.15363808

>alcoholic taoism and ayy stuff when in withdrawal
>Spinoza, Baltasar Gracian, Grimmelshausen, Bossuet, Opitz

>> No.15363853

27 / M
Aesthetic humanism
Schiller, Gogol, Pasternak, Gombrovich, Woolf . . .

>> No.15363870
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>history student/local government intern
>Moderate Prussian Hegelianism. Maintaining a balance of individualism and collectivism, industry under the state, but still decent amount of hierarchy.
>phenomenalogy of spirit, philosophy of history, Adam Smith, that German economist you guys like.

>> No.15363909

19 Male
Math student
>philosophy short expo
Radical Anti-representationalism, anti-philosophy. all cognition, words, and symbolic systems of relations in general are terrible and do NOTHING AT ALL but obfuscate the radically immanence. Also, I really hate anglo-empiricism. Capitalism is another system of representation. The social order is in a sense isomorphic to the kantian project, in the same way cognition is to language. I don't have a problem tho, don't care much for politics. Happy to just live in the moment. Talking to people, no longer is a matter about articulating a point as if following a formal methodology. More about making sounds to nudge people to agree to my position.
>prominent books
Glass bead game, V, IJ, theogony, vonnegut is a nice read. Even though its literally the opposite of my philosophy, I like german idealism and post-modern thinkers like deleuze, as well as lit memes like land, fun reads. Land is actually very based, his writings in fanged noumena like Hypervirus are very based and enlightened.

>> No.15363929
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>pic related
>Simone Weil, Knut Hamsun, William Morris

>> No.15363951

>There are none

>> No.15363958
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>Data Analyst
>Libertario-Fascism (Fascistically enforced libertarianism)
>Tolstoy Dostoevsky

>> No.15363973

>Lots of Modernist and Realist fiction, Balzac, Chekhov, Flaubert, Faulkner, Stendhal

>> No.15363980

>Marx, Engels, Lenin, Cockshott, Camus

>> No.15364023

my non-ideology is not supported by any prominent authors or thinkers, other than the mass of them averaging out to a fat non-vector

>> No.15364097
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>Heidegger, Dugin, Guenon, Evola, Marx, Augustine, Buddha, Debord

>> No.15364223

23 male
Engineering student
I have no ideology, I'm theravada buddhist though
For non fiction, anything written by Burmese monks, and the original followers of the Buddha. For fiction, Homer.